

Din sökning på "*" gav 533002 sökträffar

Notes on a Queer Feminist Ethnography

My paper has a two-folded aim. First it aims at proposing ethnography as a useful method within queer studies discussing the implications and usefulness of “queer ethnography”. Secondly it aims at exploring feminist ethnography with special focus on the study of gender and sexuality expressed in/through/as the practice of drag kinging in Sweden. I would like to suggest that a queer feminist ethno

The role of polysaccharide modifications during Drosophila development

Glucosides attached to proteins and lipids have been shown to modulate the activity of signal transduction pathways regulating growth and patterning processes during animal development. In particular, O-linked glycans such as glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) have been implicated in modulation of growth factor signaling pathways. GAGs are unbranched polysaccharide chains composed of repeating disaccharide

Force Control

Robotic force control refers to the control and programmable specification of the interaction forces between a robot end effector and the work object, where either the end effector or the work object is attached to the robot manipulator. A rudimentary approach is to consider the joint torques and controlled variables, and then to compute those torques such that a presumably rigid manipulator effec

Vetenskapsteori i medicin och klinik

Vad är vetenskapsteori? Vad är skillnaden mellan bra och dålig forskning? Hur skeptisk bör man förhålla sig till vetenskapen? Behövs kunskapsutbyte över disciplingränserna? Det är en del av de frågor som tas upp i denna bok. I boken redovisas även de skilda angreppssätt som vanligen används i samband med klinisk forskning, epidemiologi och fallstudier. Den etiska prövningen av projekt presenteras

Liv och över nog. Den tidiga pingströrelsens spiritualitet.

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling studeras den tidiga pingströrelsens spiritualitet. Huvudmaterialet har hämtats från rörelsens veckotidning Evangelii Härold. Den period som studeras är 1913?1921. Spiritualitet definieras här som det levda religiösa livet. Detta studeras genom att de så kallade identitetsbärande elementen identifieras, samspelet mellan dessa element analyseras samt geIn this thesis the spirituality in the early Swedish Pentecostal Movement is studied. The main material is the Movement's weekly magazine Evangelii Härold (EH). The period is 1913?1921. Spirituality is defined here as the lived religious life. It is studied by identifying what may be called its identity-carrying elements, analysing the interplay between these elements, and situating this identity-

Technology, Talent and Tolerance - The Geography of the Creative Class in Sweden

The report is a statistical analysis of how the creative class approach and specifically how technology, talent, tolerance and the creative class are linked to regional growth in Sweden. When examining the location of the creative class, technology, talent and tolerance, Uppsala, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö-Lund appear as the most competitive Swedish regions. By use of multivariate regression

Production, Purification and Characterization of Antimicrobial Biomolecules from Potential Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria

Development and optimization of the production of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and their attendant 'natural' inhibitors as biopreservatives to control undesirable bacteria currently remains a primary focus of several laboratories involved in research concerning food safety and quality. Strategies utilized to study incorporation of biopreservatives into food include either direct use of LAB-strains o

Exploration of the Domain of Application of the Renaissance 2.0 Approach

The current form-giving activity in industrial design is, by and large, characterised by explorations that depend on an individual’s capability to mentally manipulate a solution space from which to select and express the intended result. Designers often rely on artistic experimentation, aesthetic inspiration, or product specifications. Such approaches often lead to satisfactory results, but could

Allting flyter - lärare mellan förvandling, anpassning och reform

Ett mycket vanligt påstående i skolforskningslitteraturen är att skolan är en synnerligen trög institution som motstår förändring. Om man däremot beger sig till en skola och talar med personalen där beskriver de mycket sällan skolan i termer av stabilitet, utan snarare att skolan är i förändring. Syftet med föreliggande text är att problematisera och försöka förstå dels dubbelheten vad gäller före

99mTc-DMSA renal scintigraphy in the diagnosis and follow-up of acute pyelonephritis in children.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Förbättrad bedömning av njurskador hos barn med urinvägsinfektioner Urinvägsinfektioner är vanliga och förekommer hos 1 - 4 % av alla barn. Urinvägsinfektion kan ge upphov till njurinflammation och ibland kvarstående njurskada (ärr) efter läkning. Det finns risk för fortskridande njurskada om det finns kvarstående njurskada efter en urinvägsinfektion, om barnet får uppThe aim of the present thesis was to define and evaluate a strategy for identification of children who are at risk of developing progressive renal lesions after acute pyelonephritis. Tc-DMSA renal scintigraphy is widely accepted as the most sensitive method for detecting parenchymal lesions and diagnosing acute pyelonephritis. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation standards were elaborated to i