

Din sökning på "*" gav 532856 sökträffar

Instudering av musikal - En intervjustudie med fyra professionella musikalartister

I föreliggande studie har fyra professionella musikalartister intervjuats, som alla har medverkat i en svensk uppsättning av musikalen Spring awakening. Studien berör hur de arbetar med den personliga instuderingsprocessen fram till att de sceniska repetitionerna börjar. Det är en kvalitativ intervjustudie som syftar till att öka medvetenheten kring den förberedande instuderingsprocessen inom genrTitle: The Study of Musical Theatre – An interview study with four professional musical theatre performers The present study involves interviews with four professional musical theatre performers, which all have participated and performed in a Swedish production of the musical Spring awakening. The study concerns their work process involving the personal rehearsal process up until the scene rehears

What effort does it take to deploy an open source ERP?

ERP systems are rapidly becoming a de facto standard in business activity. While large and medium-sized companies have the luxury to afford proprietary ERP solutions, small companies are struggling with resource poverty which forces them to consider other solutions. One solution available could be open source ERP products especially since these are without a license cost. However, there is little

Analysis of the “China WEEE Directive”: Characteristics, breakthroughs and challenges of the new WEEE legislation in China

This thesis provides a systematic analysis of Regulations for the Administration of the Recovery and disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic products (RAW, often referred to as “China WEEE Directive”) that came into force in China on 1 January 2011 and finds out how well RAW and its (likely) implementation will address the weaknesses and concerns raised from past policies and practices for man

Sustainably Sourced Luxuries: a Road for the Mining and Metals Industry: Differentiating Metal Commodities through Sustainability

Metals play a key role as a cornerstone of our modern society; they are part of the most basic elements of our daily life and have been part of our lifestyles for millennia. Current trends of metal production point out that developing countries in order to attain a developed-countries consumption level will require 3-9 times the present metal stock per capita, yet their mining practices are far fr

Automatic segmentation of SPECT/CT-images using a deformable surface model based on Fourier descriptors with application in radionuclide therapy

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to develop a technique for automatic segmentation based on Fourier descriptors for separating smooth objects from the background in SPECT-images. The aim of the segmentation method was to be able to automatically outline kidneys in SPECT-images of patients undergoing radionuclide therapy with 177Lu-DOTATATE. The potential advantage of combining SPECT- an

Effects of slabbing and slice thickness on image reading time and micro calcification detection in breast tomosynthesis

Breast tomosynthesis (BT) is a new X-ray modality that reconstructs the breast volume in many slices instead of, as in mammography, showing a single 2D projection of the breast. The slice thickness is typically 1 mm for clinically used BT-units. In screening the review of breast images with BT takes two to four times longer than the review of mammography images. In an effort to reduce the review t

Drops of Peace: The role of water management in peacebuilding

This thesis aims to develop a theory on the role of water in an intrastate peacebuilding process, which is an area of research that has not yet been explored. The notion presented and which drives the following argumentation is that water with its practical, essential, local and cooperative characteristics could be an important factor in a peacebuilding context. The theoretical discussions take as

Krig och demokrati

That democracy brings peace has been long known. That war may, in certain cases, bring democracy has not. However, the essay begins by exploring the history of humanitarian and liberal interventions, as well as the history of ideas behind them. I have found that the first cases appeared in the 19th-century, though they were rare until the second half of the 20th. I have also discussed legal and et

Den mångtydiga hållbarheten, En diskursanalytisk studie av innebörderna i begreppet social hållbarhet i Malmö

A sustainable development was defined by the Brundtlandscommission for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development as "... a development that meets present needs without compromising future generations to meet their own needs". The definition includes a broad consideration of economic, environmental and social aspects. The definition thus creates a good example of the

Det manliga och det kvinnliga ledarskapet – en sanning eller myt? En studie om ledarskap i Lunds kommun

Leadership can be expressed within the school system, managing the business and at home. Something that is essential and important in leadership research is the perception of male and female leaders/ managers. This essay addresses the question whether there are distinct differences between male and female leaders/ managers. This study is based on theories of leadership properties and leader styles

To understand the negotiations leading to the Good Friday agreement 1998

This article uses negotiations theory to analyze the Good Friday agreement negotiations in 1998. Negotiations theory is often divided into either rational choice or cognitive perspectives whereas negotiations in fact constitutes of both. The article uses framework models, inspired by the work of Kjell Hausken who includes both rational and cognitive factors to analyze the negotiations leading to t

De aktiebolagsrättsliga kapitalskyddsreglernas tillämplighet när aktiebolag är komplementär i kommanditbolag

I ett kommanditbolag krävs att minst en av bolagsmännen, komplementären, har ett obegränsat ansvar för bolagets förpliktelser. Av bland annat skatteskäl och för att undvika den risk det innebär att vara komplementär används ibland ett aktiebolag som komplementär i bolaget. Att ett aktiebolag kan vara komplementär råder det inget tvivel om, men vilka effekter en sådan konstruktion medför är mer oklIn a limited partnership (Sw. kommanditbolag) at least one partner must be a general partner with unlimited liability. Because of tax reasons and to minimize the risk associated with being a general partner, a limited liability company (Sw. aktiebolag) is sometimes used as a general partner. Limited liability companies are required to comply with the capital protection rules provided in the Swedis

Att leva som andra - En kvalitativ studie av anställda inom handikappomsorgens tolkningar av och arbete mot målsättningen att leva som andra.

People with disabilities have made an historic journey towards increased self-determination and rights but there is a long way to go. The purpose of this study was to examine how the employees at group-homes for developmentally disabled people interpret the legislated goal to live like others in Lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (SFS 1993:387). The study consists of five quali

Lean i statliga myndigheter – en fallstudie

SAMMANFATTNING TITEL: Lean i statliga myndigheter - en fallstudie DISTRIBUERING AV UPPSATS: 5 januari 2012 ÄMNE/KURS: FEKH95- Examensarbete kandidatnivå, HT-2011 FÖRFATTARE: Anna Sandberg, Johanna Geijer och Jonathan Roxeheim HANDLEDARE: Gert Paulsson och Mikael Hellström NYCKELORD: Lean, Toyota Production System (TPS), förändringsprocesser, statliga myndigheter. SYFTE: Uppsatsens syfte är a

Könsrollernas framställning i reklam - En fokusgruppsstudie om ungdomars perspektiv på män och kvinnors framställning i reklam

Today's society demands us, as women and men, to have high expectations to live up to. Those demands reflect the high standard of stereotypical ideals especially for teenagers to be accepted in society. However, it can be seen that societal expectations for both teenage boys and girls are already pre-determined. The purpose of this paper was to identify and demonstrate the problems of teenage

Akustisk trapping i system med glaskapillär - Systemoptimering och sambandet mellan resonans och trappingkraft

An engineer always strive to help in the continuous exploration of the unknown. By doing so we go further out in space and further down in scale. This is the case with microfluidics which in the last years have gotten a lot of attention. This thesis will examine and better try to understand and optimize a fluidic system that uses ultrasonic trapping. Its application may be everything from enrichin

”Sverige är ett delat land” En analys av identitetskonstruktioner i Folkpartiet liberalernas utanförskapsdiskurs

Through discourse analysis I investigate how the Swedish liberal party, Folkpartiet, constructs two opposing identities in their discourse of alienation (in Swedish utanförskap). I draw from Torben Bech Dyrbergs theory on how identities are constructed through the logics of difference and equivalence (1997). Laclau and Mouffe are the main inspirations for analyzing the organization of the discours

Hotets påverkan på statens alliansbeteende

Alignment behavior of states provides an interesting and observable approach to International Politics. This theory testing thesis examines the ways external and internal threats give impact on the alignment behavior of states. Traditional alignment theory, such as Steven Walts Balance-of-Threat, predicts that states balance against their primary external threat by aligning a secondary threat. Ste

Migrationsverket fastnar i Bamses honung - en uppsats om Migrationsverkets samarbete med Egmont kärnan

In the spring of 2011 a Bamse magazine was launched addressing the asylum-seeking children in Sweden. It was the Migration Board and Egmont Kärnan AB, which through a partnership used Bamse to explain the asylum process for asylum-seeking children. The project was called directional information to asylum-seeking children. A few weeks after the publication of the Bamse magazine media noted the maga