

Din sökning på "*" gav 534691 sökträffar

Spel i undervisning och forskning : Att lära ut till och samtidigt lära av studenter

Ett nytt moment har införts på de två nya civilingenjörsprogrammen i brandteknik och riskhantering vid LTH: ett spelmoment där studenterna ställs inför ett simulerat riskhanteringsscenario där de med begränsade resurser och osäkra framtidsutsikter är satta att hantera översvämningsrisker i en humanitär kontext. De får öva på att fatta beslut för att försöka undvika kris och hushålla med värdefulla

Järnvägens underhåll på Södra stambanan då och nu - (Alvesta - Nässjö)

Rapporten fokuserar på underhållsarbetet på sträckan Alvesta – Nässjö som ingår i Södra stambanan. I rapporten jämförs två stora verksamheter, nämligen det gamla Banverket samt dagens Trafikverket och det beskrivs även hur dessa två myndigheter arbetade med underhåll under sina respektive tider. Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka respektive myndighets arbets- och planeringsprocess, lyfta fram The focus of the report is on the maintenance work on the Alvesta - Nassjo section which is a part of the Southern Main Line. The report compares two major companies, namely the old Swedish Rail Administration and today's Swedish Rail Administration and it also describes how these two administrations worked with maintenance during their respective times. The purpose of the report is to invest

Kan en förälder med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning vara ’good enough’?

Parents with intellectual disabilities were recently highly stigmatized in Swedish society. In present times we have formulated human rights specially for this group of people, but still are parents with an intellectual disability a well-known target group in social work. This study aimed to investigate how different professional groups view parents with intellectual disabilities and how professio

Design and Control of Long-Pulse High-Power Klystron Modulators

The European Spallation Source (ESS) is an under-construction material science research facility in Lund, Sweden, and will upon completion host the most powerful superconducting linear accelerator (linac) in the world. The ESS linac is powered by klystron modulators required to deliver long high-power pulses (pulse amplitude 115 kV/100 A, pulse length 3.5 ms, pulse repetition rate 14 Hz) of very h

PARKLIFE - a sound event

In this presentation the theatre maker Erik Pold will discuss the effect of simultaneity and group-dynamics created in the sound event Parklife. The event took place physically in two Copenhagen parks in august 2023, where audiences meet at designated locations, bringing their smartphones and headphones. The overall concept could be described as a form of audiowalk that primarily consisted of inst


Trädgårdsgatan is a warm and heartfelt depiction of a divided Helsingborg and Sweden in transition. The play depicts three generations of women and their arduous efforts to deal with every-day life with work, marriage and children in the 1970s, 2000s and 2020s. Almost 50 years separate them, but they are united in their longing for a simpler and better life.At the centre of the story is Birgitta,

‘Hunger for Certainty’: Misrecognition, Masculinity and Agentic Action in India’s and Russia’s Desires for Neocolonial Subjecthood

This article takes as its point of departure the postcolonial understanding of the nation as a subject constructed through the colonial encounter. It argues that at the core of both colonial and postcolonial subject formations lies a desire for reconstructing a homogeneous nation that fulfils a ‘hunger for certainty’. The use of the term ‘hunger for certainty’ testifies to the emotional as well as

Association Between Severe Nonadherence to Hydroxychloroquine and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Flares, Damage, and Mortality in 660 Patients From the SLICC Inception Cohort

Objective: The goals of this study were to assess the associations of severe nonadherence to hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), objectively assessed by HCQ serum levels, and risks of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) flares, damage, and mortality rates over five years of follow-up. Methods: The Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC) Inception Cohort is an international multicenter init

Sexually concordant selection on floral traits despite greater opportunity for selection through male fitness

Pollinators are important drivers of floral trait evolution, yet plant populations are not always perfectly adapted to their pollinators. Such apparent maladaptation may result from conflicting selection through male and female sexual functions in hermaphrodites. We studied sex-specific mating patterns and phenotypic selection on floral traits in Aconitum gymnandrum. After genotyping 1786 offsprin

Comparison of nestling diet between first and second broods of great tits Parus major in urban and forest habitats

Comparison of nestling diet between first and second broods of great tits Parus major in urban and forest habitats. To understand why early broods tend to be more successful than late broods we investigated the nestling diet and reproductive success of great tit pairs that had both a first and a second brood in the same breeding season. We found that in forest habitats great tit parents delivered

Visualizing the Mechanism Switching in High-Temperature Au-Catalyzed InAs Nanowire Growth

We use environmental transmission electron microscopy to observe in situ the switch from an axial vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth mechanism in Au-catalyzed InAs nanowires toward a radial vapor-solid (VS) one, dominated by layers nucleating at the triple-phase line. At elevated temperatures, in addition to high V/III ratios, the affinity for In in the Au catalyst will be greater than that of In in

New Urbanism : Med småstaden som förebild för förorten

Kapitalet innehåller en kort introduktion till den amerikanska stadsbyggnadsrörelsen New Urbanism och dess småstadsideal, samt en diskussion kring frågan om det går att bygga städer i förorten. Med utgångspunkt i amerikanska och brittiska exempel diskuteras vad en nybyggd småstad skulle kunna vara och hur möjligheterna att lyckas med att bygga nya städer ser ut. Slutsatsen blir att det är möjligt,

The Institutional Fragmentation of Global Environmental Governance

One of the core institutional phenomena and challenges in today’s international relations is a growing degree of fragmentation. Ongoing regulation and legalization processes have led to material and functional overlaps between international institutions. As a consequence, “problems of fragmentation arising from the segmentation of governance systems along sectoral lines” have become unavoidable.In

Synthesis of highbush blueberry pollination research reveals region-specific differences in the contributions of honeybees and wild bees

Highbush blueberry production has expanded worldwide in recent decades. To safeguard future yields, it is essential to understand if insect pollination is limiting current blueberry production and which insects contribute to pollination in different production regions. We present a systematic review including a set of meta-analyses on insect-mediated pollination in highbush blueberry. We summarize

Investigation of Cerebral Mitochondrial Injury in a Porcine Survivor Model of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Introduction: Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless and odorless gas that is a leading cause of environmental poisoning in the USA with substantial mortality and morbidity. The mechanism of CO poisoning is complex and includes hypoxia, inflammation, and leukocyte sequestration in brain microvessel segments leading to increased reactive oxygen species. Another important pathway is the effects of CO o

Tailoring C─N Containing Compounds into Carbon Nanomaterials with Tunable Morphologies for Electrocatalytic Applications

Carbon materials with unique sp2-hybridization are extensively researched for catalytic applications due to their excellent conductivity and tunable physicochemical properties. However, the development of economic approaches to tailoring carbon materials into desired morphologies remains a challenge. Herein, a convenient “bottom-up” strategy by pyrolysis of graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) (or ot

Decentralized Federated Learning for Epileptic Seizures Detection in Low-Power Wearable Systems

In healthcare, data privacy of patients regulations prohibits data from being moved outside the hospital, preventing international medical datasets from being centralized for AI training. Federated learning (FL) is a data privacy-focused method that trains a global model by aggregating local models from hospitals. Existing FL techniques adopt a central server-based network topology, where the serv