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Energianvändning i småhus, Bo92. D. 1, Beräkningar : Den nya trästaden
I denna rapport redovisas teoretiska beräkningar av energibehov till uppvärmning, tappvarmvatten och hushållselektricitet, energitransporter genom småhusens grunder och energiflöden genom köldbryggor. Beräkningarna omfattar 26 småhus på Bo 92 i Örebro med olika typer av grundläggning, värmeisolering, fönster, värme- och ventilationssystem. Beräkningarna har utförts med datorprogrammen ENORM, CRAWL
Tracheobronchial aspirate fluid neutrophil lipocalin, elastase- and neutrophil protease-4-alpha1-antitrypsin complexes, protease inhibitors and free proteolytic activity in respiratory distress syndrome.
Uttorkning av byggfukt i betong : torktider och fuktmätning (informationsskrift i serien Fuktsäkerhet i byggnader)
Denna skrift handlar om hur lång tid betongkonstruktioner måste torka efter uppförandet för att man inte ska få skador i angränsande konstruktioner och ytskikt - till exempel bubbling av mattor, mögel, röta, ökade emissioner.
Contractility of human leg lymphatics during exercise before and after indomethacin
Subcutaneous lymphatics in the lower leg were catheterized in the retrograde direction in 6 healthy male subjects. The catheter was connected to a pressure transducer, and pressure was measured during three stages of exercise including standing, tip-toeing, and running in place. Before the third stage, indomethacin (50mg) was given i.v. Rhythmic pressure waves were registered in each subject. Duri
Redetermination of the hyperfine structure of the 6p^(2)P_(3/2) level in Cs 133 by the zero field optical double resonance method
By combining recent level crossing data with the results from a modified atomic beam experiment by Buck, Rabi, and Senitzky in 1956, a Landégj factor deviating about 0.6% from the LS-value -1.3341 is obtained for the 6p2P3/2 level of Cs133. As this large deviation is difficult to explain, a remeasurement of the hyperfine structure of this level was performed by the zero field optical double resona
Föräldraperspektiv på femåriga barns utveckling och beteende belyst med barnens användning av övergångsobjekt, napp och tumme
The charge capacity of the chemical bond
A bond capacitance is introduced via the LoProp formalism, and the calculated bond capacitances reflects the properties of the corresponding chemical bond remarkably well. It is clearly possible to characterize the properties of the chemical bond with the help of the calculated bond capacitances.
Hög mortalitet vid hemorragisk stroke - nya behandlingsprinciper prövas
Recursive Estimation of the Continuous-Time Process Parameters
Kärnkraftsnotan kan bli billigare: Intervju med Stefan Yard
Intervju med professorn i företagsekonomi, Stefan Yard, om avskrivningen av kärnkraftverken och ekonomin i att lägga ner Barsebäcksverken.
Det sociala spelet om Romano Platso
This thesis has been taking a starting point from a micro-level that focuses social structures, ethnic segregation and processes of development as phenomena from different levels of perspectives. The research focuses on housing-conditions in the urban room and take a starting-point in 1992 when an increased number of immigrant households, depending on social welfare, moved into Herrgården (Manor-H
Ageing as a result of the psychophysiological interaction during the life-span? A theoretical model
The variations in functional capacity, life quality and health increase as people grow older. Most likely, this is the result of a lifelong process in which both "wear-and-tear" and constructive development play a major role. Life experiences all the way from daily hazards to burdensome life events, to long-term exposure, to stress and strain might wear out the body. Life experiences of self-fulfi
Modelling the effect of function and disease activity on costs and quality of life in rheumatoid arthritis
Objective. When treatments with the potential to change the natural history of a disease are introduced, their longer-term effect on costs and quality of life (utility) has to be estimated using economic models. However, to remain useful tools, models must be updated when new information becomes available. Our earlier models in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have been based on functional status, but it
Resistance to fluoroquinolones in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae
The fluoroquinolone sensitivity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae was studied by determinations of Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MICs) of norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin in consecutive clinical isolates. In P. aeruginosa, resistance or reduced susceptibility (MIC > or = 8 mg/l for norfloxacin and > or = 2 mg/l for ciprofloxacin) was found in 17% (9/54) of the isolates. Reduced
Accurate dosimetry in I-131 radionuclide therapy using patient-specific, 3-dimensional methods for SPECT reconstruction and absorbed dose calculation
I-131 radionuclide therapy studies have not shown a strong relationship between tumor absorbed dose and response, possibly due to inaccuracies in activity quantification and dose estimation. The goal of this work was to establish the accuracy of I-131 activity quantification and absorbed dose estimation when patient-specific, 3-dimensional (3D) methods are used for SPECT reconstruction and for abs
Unga arbetslösas ansikten : Identitet och subjektivitet i det svenska och danska samhället
Popular AbstractStudier om undomars arbetsmotivation och inställning till arbete fokuserar ofta på skolundomar, vilket kan ge idealiserade bilder eftersom dessa ungdomar ännu inte försökt ta sig in på arbetsmarknaden. Verica Stojanovics avhandling fokuserar emellertid på ”äldre” (20-29 åriga) svenska och danska ungdomar som varit arbetslösa i några månader eller mer och hunnit känna av hur det är My aim is to show how unemployed youth, in Sweden and Denmark, during the years 1992-1996, were coping with their situation as unemployed, by focusing on their motivation for work, their conception of work, and their alternative action. Swedish youth have for a number of decades lived with a labour market policy which has had full employment as a goal and included active measures. Danish youth hav
Combining sequence-specific probes and DNA binding dyes in real-time PCR for specific nucleic acid quantification and melting curve analysis
Currently, in real-time PCR, one often has to choose between using a sequence-specific probe and a nonspecific double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) binding dye for the detection of amplified DNA products. The sequence-specific probe has tire advantage that it only detects the targeted product, while the nonspecific dye has the advantage that melting curve analysis can be performed after completed amplifcat
Mechanisms of inhibition of lipolysis by insulin, vanadate and peroxovanadate in rat adipocytes
Vanadate and peroxovanadate (pV), potent inhibitors of tyrosine phosphatases, mimic several of the metabolic actions of insulin. Here we compare the mechanisms for the anti-lipolytic action of insulin, vanadate and pV in rat adipocytes. Vanadate (5 mM) and pV (0.01 mM) inhibited lipolysis induced by 0.01-1 microM isoprenaline, vanadate being more and pV less efficient than insulin (1 nM). A loss o
Differential effect of hypothermia on the vascular tone and reactivity of the human coronary artery and graft vessels
Hypothermia may contribute to vascular spasm during bypass surgery. The effect of cooling on the reactivity of the human coronary artery (CA), saphenous vein (SV) and internal mammary artery (IMA) was studied in vitro. In CA and IMA cooling diminished the resting tension and the contraction to potassium, noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine. In contrast, in SV the contraction to noradrenaline and