Tvåkammartiden : Sveriges riksdag 1867-1970
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This thesis is divided in two parts which are strongly connected. Part one deal with disruptions occurring in connection with machine down-time, quality losses and increased cycle time. The analysis is based on 10 studies, in which down-time losses in Swedish industry have been registered. In part two, the Japanese lean production concept is analysed with the aid of literature studies and studies
In this paper, we present a status report on how implementation of nanoimprint lithography has advanced our research. Contact guidance nerve growth experiments have so far primarily been done on micrometer-structured surfaces. We have made a stamp with 17 areas of different, submicron, line width and spacing covering a total 2.6 mm
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In communication systems, all service control nodes, such as for example Web sites or mobile switching centers, can be modeled as a server system with one or more servers processing the incoming requests. To avoid overload at the service node some type of admission control mechanism is usually implemented to guarantee good performance also during high traffic loads. In this paper we investigate, f
Om historieskrivning om andra världskriget i Östersjöområdet efter kalla krigets slut.
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Popular Abstract in Swedish Interaktiva miljöer erbjuder en märkbar utvecklingmöjlighet när det gäller bl.a. anpassningsmöjlighet samt uppmuntran till handling och interaktion. Fysisk träning och terapi för barn med funktionshinder är ofta varaktig, tröttsam och långtråkig genom att vara repetitiv - och detta är ofta fallet för både barnet och terapeuten. Idag finns emellertid mycket begränsade kdaptive responsive environments that encourage interaction for children with severe disabilities offer a distinct potential for play and learning in rehabilitation. Physical training and therapy for these children is often enduring, tedious, and boring through repetition - and this is often the case for both the child and the facilitator/therapist. Despite this, little is yet known about how the u