

Din sökning på "*" gav 532839 sökträffar

Industrialized Halldesign

Effective and rapid solutions are something that all companies in the construction industry increasingly strive for. Therefore, there is talk of industrialized building, which aims at an efficient process from the design phase, to the product completion. One reason why effective and quick solutions are sought is because of competition between firms within the industry. A construction company with

The inferencing behaviour of Swedish EFL university students: A quantitative analysis of lexical inferencing in relation to vocabulary depth

The empirical study reported in this essay concerns Swedish university level learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) and their lexical inferencing skills, that is, their ability to guess the meaning of unknown words in a running text using different types of knowledge and textual cues (Haastrup, 1991). More precisely, the present investigation explores the relationship between students’ in

Banking on It: A Material Culture Analysis of Contemporary Private Banking Practices

Private retail banking is a central aspect of contemporary life in Sweden. By engaging in banking actions and activities, individuals are able to access money, make payments and commercial transactions, and aim to organize and control private finances. Through the introduction of banking onto digital platforms, handheld devices and plastic cards, banking has become more flexible, mobile and indivi

Mellan missbruk och Svenssonliv – En kvalitativ studie om före detta missbrukares upplevelser av dåtid och nutid.

Between drug abuse and a more ordinary life – A qualitative study about former drug addicts experiences of past and present (translated title) The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of a group of people after leaving a life of drug abuse behind to live a more ordinary life and to interpret these experiences in the light of interactional theory. The theoretic framework used was b

Reduction of Undesired Range Shifting in an Agricultural Continuously Variable Transmission

The subject of this thesis was to investigate the possibility of a supplemental control algorithm to suppress gear alternation in the ZF ECCOM gearbox series. The acquired solutions were implemented on a dSpace MicroAutoBox II and connected to a Claas Xerion 5000 to evaluate their effect. The different approaches have gone through three steps of validation, first a Simulink model simulation, secon

Intuitive Robot Programming by Demonstration

An intuitive programming method for industrial robots is proposed and investigated. The main goal is to reduce the time required to program an industrial robot without the use of expensive reverse engineering equipment. Using a pen shaped tool and an optical tracking system, the user indicates the desired robot trajectory, whereafter a 3D scanner is used to gain knowledge of the work piece. The in

”Ibland är inte målet att bli självförsörjande- utan det kanske är att man ska må bättre.” En kvalitativ studie om aktivering av flyktingar med migrationsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa

Author: Ulrika Eklund Title: "Sometimes the goal is not to become self-sufficient, it is rather about feeling better." A qualitative study on the activation of refugees, related to migration and mental illness. Supervisor: Torbjörn Hjort The purpose of this study was to examine how the city of Malmö are working with people with PTSD and mental illness related to migration who receives

Needs and Response: Chinese Urban Family Caregivers' Needs and Social Support

Caregiving is emerging as a global issue, as countries around the world are facing aging populations, including China. The intent of this study is: (1) to explore what needs Chinese urban family caregivers express, and in what way they may differ depending on certain background variables; (2) to explore what support, both formal and informal, is available for them; and (3) what changes to existing

The German energy(half)turnaround : an analysis of soft-power mechanisms that shape the German energy transformation

At present climate change, diminishing fossil fuel resources as well as an ever-increasing hunger for energy count among the biggest unresolved sustainability challenges of the 21st century. Germany claims to be one of the first industrialized countries that are addressing this triple challenge by transforming their traditional electricity supply to renewables. Nevertheless, scientific experts are

Utvärdering av partnering i byggsektorn

Samverkansformen partnering har blivit allt vanligare inom den svenska bygg- och anläggningsbranschen. Partnering har utvecklats i syfte att förbättra relationer och integrera de olika kompetenser som finns i ett projekt för att effektivisera byggprocessen. Grundtanken med konceptet är att kund och leverantörer gemensamt jobbar för samma mål och därmed skapas en win-win situation. Kärnan i samarbe

Straffvärdet för narkotikabrott -Är vi på väg mot en nyktrare bedömning?

I det svenska straffsystemet åtnjuter alla brottsliga gärningar ett straffvärde. Så även narkotikabrott. För snart ett år sedan, i juni 2011, avkunnade HD en dom som tydligt syftade till att ändra praxis avseende hur straffvärdet ska fastställas i narkotikamål. De två tilltalade som åtalet huvudsakligen avsåg dömdes av HovR till 14 års fängelse vardera. HD sänkte straffen till fyra års fängelse. EAccording to Swedish penal law all criminal offenses deserves a penal val-ue. So while drug offenses. Nearly a year ago, in June 2011, the Supreme Court gave a judgment that was clearly aimed at changing practices in the assessment of the penal value of drug offenses. The two defendants in the indictment were each mainly sentenced by the Court of Appeals for 14 years in prison. The Supreme Court r

En förändrad kvinnosyn. Från brottsbalkens införande till kvinnofridsreformen.

Det här arbetets syfte är att ur ett feministiskt perspektiv analysera vad utvecklingen av den straffrättsliga regleringen rörande mäns våld mot kvinnor kan säga om hur samhällets kvinnosyn har förändrats. Tidsperioden som studeras spänner från Brottsbalkens införande på mitten av 1960-talet till Kvinnofridsreformen på 1990-talet. I huvudsak använder jag mig av diskursanalytisk metod. Under arbet

Om ordföljden i överordnade påståendesatser - en kvantitativ studie av andraspråksinlärares förmåga till inversion

Denna uppsats är en kvantitativ studie om 60 vuxna andraspråksinlärares förmåga till inversion i överordnade påståendesatser. Syftet med undersökningen är att se hur den språkliga kontexten samt utbildningstiden i svenska som andraspråk påverkar förmågan till inversion. Eliciteringsmetoden utgörs av ett grammatikalitetsbedömningstest som konstrueras med olika fundamentsinnehåll, finita verb och su

Varför väljer vissa kommuner att avveckla BSC?

Title: Why do some municipalities stop using the balanced scorecard? - A case study in three Swedish municipalities. Seminar date: 2014-06-05 Course: FEKH69 Authors: Denice Klytsareff, Pär-Ola Olsson, Hanna Tengeborg Advisor: Mikael Hellström Key words: Balanced scorecard, not for profit, municipality, management control, organizational change. Purpose: To describe and analyze why some Swe

Shaping a (responsible) European citizen? : Analysing European identity and citizenship in the EU discourse on higher education

It is commonly acknowledged that the European Union (EU) created the notion of a European identity, in order to foster a sense of belonging and identification with the European project among its citizens. The basic assumption to this is that one way to promote a European identity is through higher education and, in particular, student mobility. This thesis sets out to explore how a European identi


Problem: HIV/AIDS is one of the most challenging health and development issues of modern times. This study takes place in Ghana, which is one of the countries that have made progress in the HIV/AIDS work during the last years. Information of HIV infection and prevention has increased in Ghana within the past few years, but behaviour change is yet a big issue to face and condom use remains low, esp

Strategic repositioning in the construction industry – An examination of main challenges

This thesis aims stress out the key challenge organisation might face, if the changes in the environment reveal the need for a strategic repositioning. In particular this thesis examines the perceived organizational challenges that might occur, if an organizations tries to reposition itself by spinning out a new venture that aims to create a new combi-nation of products and markets. To illustrate

APD-plan/placeringsritning - en viktig förutsättning för ett väl fungerande projekt

Byggproduktion som bedrivs idag kräver smarta logistiklösningar. Ett flertal undersökningar visar att en stor del av den tid som yrkesarbetarna disponerar på ett projekt går åt till att leta efter byggnadsmaterial, verktyg och ritningar, ta emot leveranser samt åtgärda fel. Men med effektiva logistiklösningar inne på byggarbetsplatsen kan dessa poster minimeras, vilket medför kortare byggtider och

Det glömda hotet

Under det kalla kriget var folk plågsamt medvetna om att undergången låg en knapptryckning bort. Idag är vår bild av kärnvapen en annan. Möjligheten att förinta oss själva finns kvar men inte oron. Vi kanske har glömt den men bomben lever alltjämt kvar. Följ med till Oak Ridge i Tennessee, en plats som lever och andas kärnvapen och möt några av dem som fortfarande kämpar för en värld där kärnvapen