Din sökning på "*" gav 533150 sökträffar
Penile Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Penile Cancer. Risk Factors and Treatment.
AbstractPenile cancer and its precursor, penile intraepithelial neoplasia (PeIN), are rare malignancies. Data on risk factors, incidence, and treatment of PeIN is scarce. The prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) varies substantially between studies of penile cancer.The aims of this thesis were to explore the incidence, risk factors and treatment of PeIN; to analyse the prevalence of HPV and sk
Cross-borehole ERT : Sensitivity, model resolution, and field data quality
Sensitivity, resolution, and data quality are important parameters to consider when designing an ERT cross-borehole survey. We present an open-source algorithm for computing 2D and 3D sensitivity patterns of any borehole setup and use this to compare single-borehole and different cross-borehole electrode configurations, which both show complex patterns. To study the resolution capability of an ent
Cross-borehole electrical monitoring in groundwater remediation projects : Understanding the flow path of remediation agents
In-situ remediation of contaminated groundwater often relies on the installation of a treatment zone degrading the pollution plume. In such projects, adequate delivery of remediation agents in the whole target volume is not trivial. Monitoring the spatial distribution of injected reagents is important for engineers and decision-makers, in order to determine the need of more careful injection in so
En (del)seger för rättsstatsprincipen
What went wrong at the beatson oncology centre?
Response of an Afro-Palearctic bird migrant to glaciation cycles
Migration allows animals to exploit spatially separated and seasonally available resources at a continental to global scale. However, responding to global climatic changes might prove challenging, especially for long-distance intercontinental migrants. During glacial periods, when conditions became too harsh for breeding in the north, avian migrants have been hypothesized to retract their distribu
Leaving the multinational : The likelihood and nature of employee mobility from MNEs
The mobility of workers from multinational enterprises (MNEs) to other local firms is increasingly recognized as an important externality mechanism. However, MNEs have strong incentives to curb this mobility to prevent leakage of firm-specific assets. This research note investigates the likelihood and nature of such mobility patterns. Using longitudinal, matched employer–employee data for Sweden w
Performance enhancement of GaSb vertical nanowire p-type MOSFETs on Si by rapid thermal annealing
GaSb is considered as an attractive p-type channel material for future III-V metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) technologies, but the processing conditions to utilize the full device potential such as low power logic applications and RF applications still need attention. In this work, applying rapid thermal annealing (RTA) to nanoscale GaSb vertical nanowire p-type MOS field-effect transistors, we ha
Quantifying the hierarchy of structural and mechanical length scales in granular systems
Continuum modeling of granular media is made possible by the existence of a length scale at and above which grain-resolved properties can be meaningfully homogenized. Progress has been made in identifying such length scales relevant to local structural properties such as porosity. However, a systematic analysis of scales above which different mechanical properties can be homogenized has yet to eme
Inferring transmission dynamics from HIV-1 genealogies
With a national prevalence of 4.9% in the adult population, the HIV-1 epidemic in Kenya is the fifth largest in the world. HIV-1 prevalence is more than three-fold higher among HIV key populations – including men who have sex with men (MSM), people who inject drugs (PWID), and female sex workers (FSW) than in the general heterosexual (HET) population. However, the contribution of different risk gr
Contesting Covid: The ideological bases of partisan responses to the Covid-19 pandemic
How do political parties respond to external shocks? Using an original survey of political parties across Europe conducted in June 2020 and Chapel Hill Expert Survey (CHES) data on partisan ideological positioning, we argue that the pre-existing ideological stances of Europe’s political parties shaped their response to emerging Covid- 19 policy issues, including the tension between economic normal
Växternas förhållande till aluminium
Hur klarar växterna av världens vanligaste metalliska grundämne, nämligen aluminium? Mycket av världens samlade kunskap om hur aluminium påverkar våxter kommer fån tebusken, men både tomtskräppa och mattlummer samlarpå sig aluminiumjoner. Följ med på en biokemisk resa i växternas värld!
Is this time different? : Social capability and catch-up growth in Ethiopia, 1950–2020
This paper explores whether Ethiopia's rapid economic growth is transformative enough for the country to eventually catch up with high-income countries. It does so by exploring the change and continuity of four elements of social capability from 1950 to 2020: structural transformation, economic inclusion and the state's autonomy and accountability. It finds that Ethiopia's social capability modestThis paper explores whether Ethiopia's rapid economic growth is transformative enough for the country to eventually catch up with high-income countries. It does so by exploring the change and continuity of four elements of social capability from 1950 to 2020: structural transformation, economic inclusion and the state's autonomy and accountability. It finds that Ethiopia's social capability modest
What Swedish instrumental music teachers talk about when talking about group tuition
En presentation av mitt avhandlingsprojekt, med fokus på den del av studien som är förestående.
Births seat births; maternal outcomes and experiences
Söka, finna, träffa på
Den unge lejonhanne som röt men aldrig flög : Om ett israeliskt stridsflygplan och de lärdomar det kan förmedla till Gripen
Anmälan av boken "Lavi. The United States, Israel, and a Controversial Fighter Jet" av John W Golan (Lincoln NE: Potomac Books | University of Nebraska Press, 2016; ISBN 978-1-61234-722-6)Review of the book entitled "Lavi. The United States, Israel, and a Controversial Fighter Jet" by John W. Golan (Lincoln NE: Potomac Books | University of Nebraska Press, 2016; ISBN 978-1-61234-722-6)
Polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase (PhaC) : The key enzyme for biopolyester synthesis
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are considered good candidates in replacing commercial petrochemical plastics in certain applications like single-use packaging since they are biodegradable, biocompatible and share similar properties with conventional plastics. PHA synthase (PhaC) is the key enzyme in PHA biosynthesis. There are four classes of PhaC, namely, class I, class II, class III and class IV,