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Changing Organizational Culture? Cultural change work in progress
Normbildning och beslutsfattande
All-spectrum oblique transmission through a periodic screen
We show that the all-spectrum transmission blockage through a low-pass screen is bounded by the static polarizability per unit area of the screen, irrespective of how complicated the materials involved are. The angular dependence at oblique incidence is investigated, and the results are verified by measurements on an array of split ring resonators.
Book Review: A List of Offences
Stadsdelspolitikerna och stadsdelsreformen i Malmö
Abstract is not available
Evaluation of an Interleaver Design Algorithm for Turbo Codes in UMTS
On the constitution of the red spectrum of argon
Characterisation of Dietary Fibre Properties to Optimise the Effects on Human Metabolism and the Transcriptome
Popular Abstract in Swedish Genom att inta en bärdryck med extra fiber från råg eller havre steg inte blodsockret och insulinnivån lika snabbt jämfört med samma måltid utan fiber i drycken. Dessutom visade ett test två timmar efter havreklimåltiden att avläsningen av insulinrelaterade gener (genuttrycket) hade nedreglerats. Andra gener som påverkades av havremåltiden var kopplade till proteinsynteIt is well established that dietary fibre, especially soluble dietary fibre, has beneficial effects and can prevent diseases associated with the modern lifestyle. This has been explained by the viscous effects of soluble fibre, which can reduce or delay the absorption of carbohydrates and fat in the small intestine, resulting in lower blood concentrations of glucose, insulin and cholesterol. Oats,
Hej Soc! Utvärdering av projektet Socialarbetare för ungdomar 2002-2004
Advances in Data-Based Approaches for Hydrologic Modeling and Forecasting
This book comprehensively accounts the advances in data-based approaches for hydrologic modeling and forecasting. Eight major and most popular approaches are selected, with a chapter for each stochastic methods, parameter estimation techniques, scaling and fractal methods, remote sensing, artificial neural networks, evolutionary computing, wavelets, and nonlinear dynamics and chaos methods.These a