Din sökning på "*" gav 531285 sökträffar
Dysphagia in systemic diseases
Major Differences in Regional Climate Impact Between High- and Low-Latitude Volcanic Eruptions
Major low-latitude volcanic eruptions cool Earth’s climate, and can lead to a positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) during winter. However, the question of the climate and circulation impact of Northern Hemisphere high-latitude eruptions has received less attention. Here we show that, contrary to low-latitude eruptions, the response to high-latitude eruptions can be associated wit
Healthcare contacts regarding circulatory conditions among swedish patients in opioid substitution treatment, with and without on-site primary healthcare
Patients in Opioid Substitution Treatment (OST) have increased mortality and morbidity, with circulatory conditions suggested to be a contributing factor. Since OST patients tend to have unmet physical healthcare needs, a small-scale intervention providing on-site primary healthcare (PHC) in OST clinics was implemented in Malmö, Sweden in 2016. In this study, we assessed registered circulatory con
Different Drivers Behind Corporate Environmental Policies: The Case of the Swedish and Chilean Copper Industry
Svenskarna och Amazon fem månader efter starten – Hur har det gått?
Den 28:e oktober slog Amazon.se upp dörrarna för den svenska e-handelsplatsen och experternas åsikter var delade. Amazon fick kritik för att det var ett hastverk med dåliga översättningar och att svenskarna inte skulle attraheras. I en liknande rapport som denna från december månad såg konsumenternas reaktion positiv ut (Anselmsson & Tunca, 2020). Hur ser situationen ut efter att Black Friday
Complete metabolic response with [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography/computed tomography predicts survival following induction chemotherapy and radical cystectomy in clinically lymph node positive bladder cancer
Objective: To determine whether repeated [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG-PET-CT) scans can predict increased cancer-specific survival (CSS) after induction chemotherapy followed by radical cystectomy (RC). Patients and Methods: Between 2007 and 2018, 86 patients with clinically lymph node (LN)-positive bladder cancer (T1–T4, N1–N3, M0–M1a) were include
I fält med Arja Karivieri : Från Arethousa till Pompeji
Det mångreligiösa Malmö : Det andliga livet: islam och muslimer
Preference Effects in the Treatment of Panic Disorder
Patienters behandlingspreferenser har under de senaste tre decennierna uppmärksammats som en potentiell moderator för behandlingsresultat. En dubbelrandomiserad forskningsdesign, ”Doubly Randomised Controlled Preference Trial” (DRCPT), där patienter randomiseras antingen till ett val mellan behandlingar eller till slumpmässig fördelning till en av behandlingarna, anses vara en av de mest lämpliga Patient preferences have drawn considerable attention as a potential moderator of treatment outcome. The Doubly Randomised Controlled Preference Trial (DRCPT) in which patients are randomised to a choice between two or more treatments or random assignment to one of these same treatments is considered one of the most rigorous tests of the effects of patient preferences on outcomes. To date, there h
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Att låta texten vara död - en textnekromantikers och textemulators bekännelser
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Model analysis of temperature impact on the Norway spruce provenance specific bud burst and associated risk of frost damage
The annual growth cycle of boreal trees is synchronized with seasonal changes in photoperiod and temperature. A warmer climate can lead to an earlier bud burst and increased risk of frost damage caused by temperature backlashes. In this study we analysed site- and provenance specific responses to interannual variation in temperature, using data from 18 Swedish and East-European provenances of Norw
Should patients with low-risk renal cell carcinoma be followed differently after nephron-sparing surgery vs radical nephrectomy?
Objective: To investigate whether pT1 renal cell carcinoma (RCC) should be followed differently after partial (PN) or radical nephrectomy (RN) based on a retrospective analysis of a multicentre database (RECUR). Subjects: A retrospective study was conducted in 3380 patients treated for nonmetastatic RCC between January 2006 and December 2011 across 15 centres from 10 countries, as part of the RECU
Tema: Beslutsfattande
Reumatiska sjukdomar och osteoporos
Does First Language training matter for Immigrant children’s School Achievement? Evidence from a Danish school reform
This article explores municipal variation in the implementation of a Danish educational reform. The aim of the reform was to increase the assimilation of immigrants, and removing mother-tongue training for first- and second-generation immigrants was believed to increase their proficiency in Danish. This article uses a difference-in-differences method to explore the effect of this removal on childr
Predicting fish community responses to environmental policy targets
The European Union adopted the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in the year 2000 to tackle the rapid degradation of freshwater systems. However, biological, hydromorphological, and physico-chemical water quality targets are currently not met, and identifying successful policy implementation and management actions is of key importance. We built a joint species distribution model for riverine fish in