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Mossor i skånska rikkärr nu och förr

Abstract [Bryophyes in base-rich fens in Skåne, southern-most Sweden, now and in the past] Over the last centuries, due to the combined effects of drainage, cultivation, eutrophication and overgrowth, the majority of all tree-less base-rich fens that were once found in Skåne have been lost and the typical species of these habitats have suffered accordingly. Here, the past and present distribution Abstract [Bryophyes in base-rich fens in Skåne, southern-most Sweden, now and in the past] Over the last centuries, due to the combined effects of drainage, cultivation, eutrophication and overgrowth, the majority of all tree-less base-rich fens that were once found in Skåne have been lost and the typical species of these habitats have suffered accordingly. Here, the past and present distribution

The benefits that (only) capital can see? Resource access and degradation in industrial carbon forestry, lessons from the CDM in Uganda

Recent research has shed light on the various tradeoffs involved in carbon forestry, i.e. the pursuit of international forestry projects to help mitigate climate change. This article contributes to these debates by highlighting the importance of resource quality and degradation in evaluating project benefits and tradeoffs. Focusing on the case of an industrial tree plantation in Uganda, the Kachun

Nätkritiken utmanar censuren

På kort tid har Kina fått över 300 miljoner mikro­bloggare. På nätet sprids förutom skvaller och rykten även skarp kritik mot kommunistpartiet. Den kinesiska staten har fått en utmanare i kampen om informationen.

Real time monitoring of whey foulants adsorption on polyethersulfone surface

The worldwide growing demand for whey proteins and derivatives requires more efficient and sustainable whey protein production processes. Whey is an important by-product from cheese manufacturing. In whey industry membrane processes such as microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis are well-established to concentrate, fractionate and purify whey proteins as well as whey

Testing asteroseismic radii of dwarfs and subgiants with Kepler and Gaia

We test asteroseismic radii of Kepler main-sequence and subgiant stars by deriving their parallaxes which are compared with those of the first Gaia data release. We compute radii based on the asteroseismic scaling relations as well as by fitting observed oscillation frequencies to stellar models for a subset of the sample, and test the impact of using effective temperatures from either spectroscop

Challenges and best practices in industry-academia collaborations in software engineering : A systematic literature review

Context: The global software industry and the software engineering (SE) academia are two large communities. However, unfortunately, the level of joint industry-academia collaborations in SE is still relatively very low, compared to the amount of activity in each of the two communities. It seems that the two ’camps’ show only limited interest/motivation to collaborate with one other. Many researche

Regression testing goals-view of practitioners and researchers

Context: Regression testing is a well-researched area. However,the majority regression testing techniques proposed by theresearchers are not getting the attention of the practitioners. Communicationgaps between industry and academia and disparity in theregression testing goals are the main reasons. Close collaboration canhelp in bridging the communication gaps and resolving the disparities.Objecti

The Politic of Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Their Reform

Fossil fuel subsidies strain public budgets, and contribute to climate change and local air pollution. Despite widespread agreement among experts about the benefits of reforming fossil fuel subsidies, repeated international commitments to eliminate them, and valiant efforts by some countries to reform them, they continue to persist. This book helps explain this conundrum, by exploring the politics

Longitudinal Movement of the Common Carotid Artery Wall : New Information on Cardiovascular Aging

Putative changes in the multiphasic pattern of longitudinal movement of the common carotid artery wall in the normal aging process are unknown. The aim of this study was to explore the phases, and resulting patterns, of the longitudinal movement of the intima–media complex of the human common carotid artery with respect to age and gender. One hundred thirty-five healthy non-smoking patients of dif

Conflictual student–teacher relationship, emotional and behavioral problems, prosocial behavior, and their associations with bullies, victims, and bullies/victims

This study investigated the links between students' behavioral problems, student–teacher conflict, and students' involvement in bully, victim, and bully/victim roles in adolescence. The role of student–teacher conflict as moderator of the association between students' behavioral problems and their involvement in each bullying role was examined. Sample included 430 students from Italy (48.4% female

Mass transfer in white dwarf-neutron star binaries

We perform hydrodynamic simulations of mass transfer in binaries that contain a white dwarf and a neutron star (WD-NS binaries), and measure the specific angular momentum of material lost from the binary in disc winds. By incorporating our results within a long-term evolution model, we measure the long-term stability of mass transfer in these binaries. We find that only binaries containing helium

Measurement of forward-backward multiplicity correlations in lead-lead, proton-lead, and proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector

Two-particle pseudorapidity correlations are measured in sNN=2.76TeVPb+Pb, sNN=5.02TeVp+Pb, and s=13TeVpp collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), with total integrated luminosities of approximately 7μb-1, 28 nb-1, and 65 nb-1, respectively. The correlation function CN(η1,η2) is measured as a function of event multiplicity using charged particles in the pseudorapidity range |η|

Real-time fouling monitoring in food and biorefining industries – Needs and possibilities

Fouling is a constant challenge in membrane-based technologies. As conventional fouling monitoring and control methods are often based on process performance or product quality, they might reveal fouling so late that it has already damaged the membrane in severe and non-reversible way. Thus, surface sensitive online monitoring techniques capable of providing early warning capacity and information

An elicitation instrument for operationalising GQM+Strategies (GQM+S-EI)

A recent approach for measurement program planning, GQM+Strategies, provides an important extension to existing approaches linking measurements and improvement activities to strategic goals and ways to achieve these goals. There is a need for instruments aiding in eliciting information from stakeholders to use GQM+Strategies. The success of GQM+Strategies highly depends on accurately identifying g