528011 sökträffar
Vestibular Disturbance at Frequencies above 1 Hz Affects Human Postural Control
To identify which search criteria can be used when monitoring internet communications in order to have an efficient monitoring in accordance with human rights
Tio år i förödelsens Vietnam
Variations in indoor temperature in residential apartments of different size and building category
In a case study, comprising 1177 residential apartments with 3248 rooms, temperature registrations every 15th minute in all living-rooms and bedrooms, during one year, in the system for individual metering and billing of space heating costs, were analyzed. The apartments were divided into two categories, apartment blocks from 1960th and row houses from about 1990. Apartments mean temperatures and
Sälj inte ut samernas kultur
Innovators and traditionalists. Self-positioning stategies in paratexts to early Swedish translations of the classics
Why and How do Universities work for Sustainability in Higher Education?
On MIMO OFDM channel estimation architecture considerations
Hotspots of vegetation-climate feedbacks under future greenhouse forcing in Europe
The influence of ambient lighting on pupils in classrooms
Joseph Beuys reconsidered
My research is about the possibility of understanding and interpreting artworks by Joseph Beuys (1921-1986) in a broader sense than is usually done before: I want to start with some actions, follow different action-tools from these, into the vitrines of the art museums. In my performative analysis there are no fixed boundaries between Beuys himself as an actor in his actions, his artworks, that is