

Din sökning på "*" gav 534754 sökträffar

#lifegoals – The effects of visual stimuli on online brand experience and self-discrepancy

Purpose This study aims at examining how experiential brand stimuli on Instagram impact consumers’ perception of self-discrepancy in terms of life-achievements and hedonic well-being. Methodology With an experimental design, this study applies a quantitative research method that is deductive by nature, whereby the data was collected through an online questionnaire that enabled the analysis of t

The Predictive Credit Risk Model with Implementation of Basel Regulations

Credit risk is one of the most important issues in the field of financial risk management.This topic has become a major focus by the financial institutions and regulatory authorities. It is critical for large banking institutions to adapt a robust credit risk assessment. In this paper, machine learning algorithms are compared on predicting the housing loan default status. The compared methods are:

”Vi hoppas att vi har satt något frö...” - en studie om stödgruppsledares arbete med manualbaserad metod

Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur stödgruppsledare arbetar med den manualbaserade metoden CAP, Barn som växer upp i familjer med känslomässiga sjukdomar. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer och tematisk analys. De teoretiska perspektiven är professionellt förhållningssätt, IMGD – modellen, rollteori, KASAM och mentalisering. Utifrån de fyra stycken stödgruppslThe purpose of the study is to investigate how support group leaders work with the manual-based method CAP, Children who grow up in families with emotional diseases. The study is based on a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis. The theoretical perspectives are professional approaches, the IMGD-model, role theory, KASAM and mentalization. Based on the four suppor

Nya Liljeholmsbadet - Ett flytande bad

Havet och vattnet symboliserar för mig avkoppling och rekreation, likväl som träning och sport. Att blicka ut över havet eller en vattenspegel får mig att känna ett lugn och välbefinnande. Det här examensarbetet tog sin början då jag ville undersöka ett aktuellt ämne. Jag fick till min kännedom att det flytande badhuset Liljeholmsbadet invid Bergsunds strand på Södermalm i Stockholm hade stängts For me the ocean and water symbolize relaxation and recreation, as well as training and sport. To look out over the ocean or a water mirror makes me feel calm and relaxed. This thesis began with the idea to explore a current topic. I discovered that the floating bath Liljeholmsbadet at Bergsunds strand, Södermalm in Stockholm was in a bad condition and due to that the municipality of Stockholm de

The Effectiveness of Fundamental Analysis on Value Stocks – an Analysis of Piotroski’s F-score

In an efficient market, assets reflect all available information. Hence, investors cannot earn abnormal returns by conducting fundamental analysis since all financial data is impounded in the asset. The only way for an investor to earn higher returns is by incurring increased risk. However, a growing body of evidence appears to contradict market efficiency and common notion of risk compensation. P

Basel III - En marknads syn på finansiell stabilitet

Title: Basel III - A market view of financial stability Authors: Victor Hansen & Jonathan Nyqvist Advisor: Anders Vilhelmsson Key words: Basel, risk, competition, financial stability Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to investigate the extension to which Basel III affects the financial sector’s conditions and analyse the difference in the financial sector’s perception of risk management i

Byggstandarder & Miljöcertifieringar – En fallstudie på LKF

Problemställning: Hur hållbart bygger LKF? Syfte: Att bidra till framtagandet av en ny, mer hållbar byggstandard. Metod: Litteraturstudie, intervjuer samt jämförelse mellan miljöcertifieringar och LKF:s byggstandard genom ett ”standardprojekt”. Slutsatser: Hållbart byggande har för denna rapport definierats som en balans mellan sociala-, ekonomiska-, ekologiska- och tekniska aspekter kopplat tiProblem: How sustainable does LKF build? Purpose: To contribute to a new construction standard that is more sustainable than the present one. Method: Litterature study, interviews and comparison of environmental assessments and LKF’s construction standard that is represented by a ’standard project’. Conclusions: Sustainable construction has for this report been defined as a balance between soci

Johan Gadolins bidrag till det Gadolinska biblioteket. En samlingshistorisk analys

Uppsatsen är en samlingshistorisk analys av en del av det Gadolinska biblioteket vid Åbo Akademis bibliotek i Finland. Biblioteket omfattar över 3000 verk, både monografier och tidskrifter. Tre professorsgenerationer vid den Kungliga Akademien i Åbo byggde upp biblioteket från början av 1700-talet till mitten av 1800-talet. Analysen omfattar den del av samlingen som professorn i kemi, Johan GadoliUppsatsen är en samlingshistorisk analys av en del av det Gadolinska biblioteket vid Åbo Akademis bibliotek i Finland. Biblioteket omfattar över 3000 verk, både monografier och tidskrifter. Tre professorsgenerationer vid den Kungliga Akademien i Åbo byggde upp biblioteket från början av 1700-talet till mitten av 1800-talet. Analysen omfattar den del av samlingen som professorn i kemi, Johan Gadoli

Stigande havsnivåers påverkan på hotade groddjur

Kan hotade groddjur bevaras när havet höjs? Klimatförändringarna väntas leda till höjda havsnivåer. En konsekvens av detta är att kustnära livsmiljöer riskerar att försvinna. Groddjur är en artgrupp som kan drabbas av detta, då de är beroende av fiskfria småvatten med låg eller ingen salthalt. Översvämningar med havsvatten skulle kunna riskera att förstöra dessa miljöer. Därför har jag undersökt Climate change and biodiversity loss are two of the major challenges of our time, and are strongly interconnected. Sea level rise is a consequence of these and a significant threat to global coastal habitats. This study assesses these issues in detail in the context of the ongoing EU Life project ‘SemiAquatic Life’, which aims to recreate habitats for semi aquatic fauna such as amphibians and ins

En nedprioriterad brottskod: en kvalitativ studie om utredares upplevelser i relation till digital barnpornografi

The purpose of the study is to describe the challenges facing crime investigators at the police department, in the south of Sweden, in relation to digital child pornography. This knowledge could contribute to an understanding of norms that dominate within the police institution and affect the extent to which digital child pornography is prioritized by law enforcement agencies. This will be achieve

Spelar det roll? En rättssociologisk studie om mäns självkontroll och tv-och datorspel.

Videogames and their potential negative effect on people has been discussed for almost six decades. Focus for most of the research is the correlation between violent videogames and aggression, however another factor that has not been researched thoroughly yet is self-control. The aim of this study is to investigate whether there is a connection between extensive video game consumption and self-con

Last night in Sweden: En studie om sanning, desinformation och bilden av Sverige

Idag har vi tillgång till fler informationskällor än någonsin tidigare. Dessa källor ger olika versioner av hur verkligheten ser ut och vad som är sant eller falskt. I februari 2017 uttalade sig USA:s president Donald Trump om Sverige och det svenska flyktingmottagandet vilket ledde till global uppmärksamhet kring situat- ionen i Sverige. I den här kandidatuppsatsen studeras vilka bilder som kommuToday, we have access to more information sources than ever before. These sources give different versions of reality and of what is true or false. In February 2017, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, made a statement about Sweden and the Swedish reception of refugees, which led to global attention about the situation in Sweden. This bachelor thesis examines which images that are bei

Can the general reverse charge mechanism combat missing trader fraud and provide for secure VAT collection?

This thesis explores the European Commission’s proposal on General Reverse Charge Mechanism. VAT is a final tax on consumption. It is imposed on every transaction in the supply chain with the general aim of being deductible and thus being neutral for businesses with the right to deduct. The initial aim of the VAT system was to operate as if all the transactions occurred in one single country; howe

Kunden som hjälte - Ett narrativt perspektiv på den komplexa kundresan

This bachelor thesis is written within the field of strategic communication, focusing on marketing communication and the concept of sensemaking. Instead of seeing a high involvement purchase according to the traditional and linear buyer decision process, this thesis suggests the purchase instead to be seen as a customer journey, which addresses the complexity of the purchase. The aim of the study

Member States' possibilities to impose levies on CO2 emissions from motor vehicles; EU indirect tax issues

This Thesis examines what possibilities Member States have to impose levies on CO2 emissions from motor vehicles in the light of EU indirect tax legislation and the Eurovignette Directive. In this Thesis, carbon tax on fuel and a CO2 differentiated road toll are studied as levying options. Motor fuel is an excise good to which the harmonised EU excise duty system applies. Accordingly, the questi

"Varifrån kommer du, egentligen?" : Hur andra generationens invandrare formar sin identitet utifrån samhällets syn på ”svenskhet”

The purpose of this paper is to understand how the identity creation has been formed among second generation immigrants with backgrounds from Asia and Africa, based on their experiences and society's view of "Swedishness". Our choice was the second-generation youths from Stockholm between the ages of 18-30 with roots in Asia and Africa. The study was conducted by the help of intervie

Hållbart byggande för små hyresbostäder

While there is a housing shortage in Sweden the global warming continues across the globe, according to IPCC. In order to lessen the global warming sustainable development is needed. Sustainable buildings are a part of the goal to achieve sustainable development within the building industry. “God bebyggd miljö” is one of the environmental quality goals in Sweden. SGBC works actively toward this go

När nätet inte räcker till -En studie om fysiska försäljningskanalers betydelse i detaljhandelns digitalisering

Bakgrund Inledningsvis presenteras en redogörelse för detaljhandelns utveckling ur ett företagsperspektiv. Två av forskningsfältets framträdande teorier presenteras. Att fysisk detaljhandel är påväg att konkurreras ut av e-handelns framfart eller att den fysiska butiken behövs som komplement till en digital försäljningskanal för att addera en ytterligare dimension. Syfte Syftet med uppsatsen är

Capital of Mushrooms

Mushrooms have already been proven to be a reliable and versatile material for various design purposes. For my project I am experimenting with expanding the possibilities of mushroom matter as a building material and also contemplating mushroom as a metaphor for local culture in relation to Lithuanian people as a whole. Developing mushroom matter into a building material designed for a specific si