

Din sökning på "*" gav 534151 sökträffar

Hijacking Banksy : a discussion about ethical research practice within the street art world

Taking as its point of departure an article entitled "Tagging Banksy: using geographic profiling to investigate a modern art mystery" which was published in Journal of Spatial Science in March 2016, the present keynote paper aims to open up a discussion about ethical research practice within the street art world and the implications for street art researchers when such practice is violated.

Multiple rare variants in high-risk pancreatic cancer-related genes may increase risk for pancreatic cancer in a subset of patients with and without germline CDKN2A mutations

The risk of pancreatic cancer (PC) is increased in melanoma-prone families but the causal relationship between germline CDKN2A mutations and PC risk is uncertain, suggesting the existence of non-CDKN2A factors. One genetic possibility involves patients having mutations in multiple high-risk PC-related genes; however, no systematic examination has yet been conducted. We used next-generation sequenc

Optimising Archaeologic Ceramics h-XRF Analyses

We present the first results of an experiment which is aimed at ultimately producing recommendations for analysing archaeologic ceramics specimens using handheld XRF analysis devices. In this experiment we study the effects of different measurement durations, different number of measured points and three different types of surface treatments (breakage, polished, grounded) when analysing ceramics s

An Improved Stochastic Send-on-Delta Scheme for Event-Based State Estimation

Event-based sensing and communication holds the promise of lower resource utilization and/or better performance for remote state estimation applicationsin e.g networked control systems (NCS). However, the problem of designing an optimal event-based state estimator often becomes untractable due to nonlinear measurements. This complexity is avoided with stochastic event-triggering. In this work, we

Bond line models of glued wood-to-steel plate joints

The competitiveness of timber as structural material in large structures is often governed by the cost of structural joints. Tests indicate that the new joint concept presented herein using glued wood-to-steel plate joints can possibly reduce the cost by matching joint strength to member strength. The design is inspired by two previously proposed designs using a single large dowel and using a rubb

Health care application of quantitative fire risk analysis

Quantitative risk analysis (QRA) is a very powerful tool with which the fire protection engineer systematically can analyze fire safety problems. Risk analysis methods have during the last decades become more common for analyzing fire safety problems. This is partly because of the development of fire simulation tools enabling a quantitative estimation of the consequences. The increased use of risk

Something rotten in Scandinavia : The world's earliest evidence of fermentation

Large-scale food storage has been identified at an Early Mesolithic settlement on the east coast of Sweden, implying a delayed-return subsistence strategy. The excavation and analysis of the contents of a 9200-year-old construction, combined with ethnographic analogies and modern knowledge of microbial activity, suggest that fish was fermented at the site. The identification of a foraging economy

Outcome of a web-based mindfulness intervention for families living with mental illness – A feasibility study

Families living with a person with mental illness can experience distress requiring therapeutic interventions. Web-based mindfulness interventions have shown beneficial health outcomes for both clinical and healthy populations, and may help families cope and overcome barriers that can otherwise hinder a help-seeking process. Aims: To develop and assess outcomes of a web-based mindfulness intervent

Online shopping habits and the potential for reductions in carbon dioxide emissions from passenger transport

Opportunities for online shopping are transforming travel behaviour related to shopping, and they have the potential to reduce overall travel demands. This paper analyses the potential for reductions in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from passenger transport due to an increased use of online shopping in Sweden and adds to the broader picture of what potential growing online shopping might have on

A general method for decomposing the causes of socioeconomic inequality in health

We introduce a general decomposition method applicable to all forms of bivariate rank dependent indices of socioeconomic inequality in health, including the concentration index. The technique is based on recentered influence function regression and requires only the application of OLS to a transformed variable with similar interpretation. Our method requires few identifying assumptions to yield va

Stealing Knowledge in a Landscape of Learning: Conceptualizations of Jazz Education

Theoretical approaches to learning in practice-based jazz improvisation contexts include situated learning and ecological perspectives. This article focuses on how interest-driven, self-sustaining jazz learning activities can be matched against the concepts of stolen knowledge (Brown & Duguid, 1996) and landscape of learning (Bjerstedt, 2014). Based on an extensive interview study with SwedishTheoretical approaches to learning in practice-based jazz improvisation contexts include situated learning and ecological perspectives. This article focuses on how interest-driven, self-sustaining jazz learning activities can be matched against the concepts of stolen knowledge (Brown & Duguid, 1996) and landscape of learning (Bjerstedt, 2014). Based on an extensive interview study with Swedish

Induction of the 5S RNP–Mdm2–p53 ribosomal stress pathway delays the initiation but fails to eradicate established murine acute myeloid leukemia

Mutations resulting in constitutive activation of signaling pathways that regulate ribosome biogenesis are among the most common genetic events in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). However, whether ribosome biogenesis presents as a therapeutic target to treat AML remains unexplored. Perturbations in ribosome biogenesis trigger the 5S ribonucleoprotein particle (RNP)–Mdm2–p53 ribosomal stress pathway,

The Lyman alpha reference sample : VII. Spatially resolved H α kinematics

We present integral field spectroscopic observations with the Potsdam Multi-Aperture Spectrophotometer of all 14 galaxies in the z ∼ 0.1 Lyman Alpha Reference Sample (LARS). We produce 2D line-of-sight velocity maps and velocity dispersion maps from the Balmer α (Hα) emission in our data cubes. These maps trace the spectral and spatial properties of the LARS galaxies' intrinsic Lyα radiation field

Large vessel involvement in biopsy-proven giant cell arteritis : incidence, distribution, and predictors

Objectives: Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a systemic disease with extensive vascular involvement. The aim of this study was to investigate the cumulative incidence of large vessel involvement (LVI) in GCA, the distribution of vessels involved, and predictors for LVI. Method: Patients with biopsy-proven GCA in a defined area in southern Sweden, diagnosed between 1997 and 2010, were identified throu

McTaggart's Paradox

McTaggarts argument för tidens overklighet, först publicerat 1908, satte agendan för 1900-talets tidsfilosofi. Ändå råder stor oenighet om vad argumentet egentligen sager. Ingen håller med om slutsatsen, och ändå finner många något intressant och viktigt i det. Den här boken presenterar den första kritiska översikten över förra århundradets debatt om det som har kommit att kallas McTaggarts parado

Dark matter cores all the way down

We use high-resolution simulations of isolated dwarf galaxies to study the physics of dark matter cusp-core transformations at the edge of galaxy formation: M200 = 107-109 M⊙. We work at a resolution (~4 pc minimum cell size; ~250 M⊙ per particle) at which the impact from individual supernovae explosions can be resolved, becoming insensitive to even large changes in our numerical 'sub-grid' parame