

Din sökning på "*" gav 534244 sökträffar

The significance of lipid peroxidation in cardiovascular disease

Background: The metabolic syndrome describes a cluster of cardiovascular risk factors that frequently appear together. Its diagnosis is generally based on several well-recognized indicators in clinical practice, such as abdominal obesity, elevated triglycerides, reduced high-density lipoprotein, raised blood pressure, and elevated fasting plasma glucose. Today, decisive importance must be attached

Bone turnover markers and prediction of bone loss in elderly women

Around 70,000 osteoporosis-related fractures occur in Sweden annually and approximately half of the women in western world will sustain a fragility fracture after the age of 50 years. Fracture preventive efforts require the identification of individuals who are at high risk. Biochemical markers of bone turnover (BTMs) have shown some degree of fracture predictability. There is also a correlation b

Mapping the Mayo-Portland adaptability inventory to the international classification of functioning, disability and health

Objective: To examine the contents of the Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory (MPAI-4) by mapping it to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Methods: Each of the 30 scoreable items in the MPAI-4 was mapped to the most precise ICF categories. Results: All 30 items could be mapped to components and categories in the ICF. A total of 88 meaningful concepts wer

Coordinates and 2MASS and OGLE identifications for all stars in Arp's 1965 finding chart for Baade's Window

Aims. We seek to provide 2MASS and OGLE identifications and coordinates for all stars in the finding chart published by Arp (1965, ApJ, 141, 43). This chart covers the low extinction area around NGC 6522, also known as Baade's window, at coordinates (l, b) = (1.02, -3.92). Methods. A cross correlation, using numerical techniques, was performed between a scan of the original finding chart from Arp

Streptococci and Platelets - A Study of Host-Pathogen Interaction Dynamics

Invasive infections remains one of the leading causes of death due to infections over the world, and efficient treatment remains elusive. One of the major causes of sepsis and other invasive infections is pathogenic streptococci that cause a wide range of clinical manifestations in humans. Group A and group G streptococci have both been shown to cause both infections of milder ranges as well as se

Caught in the Gendered Machine – on the Masculine and Feminine in Cyborg Leadership

Many studies have shown that female managers have to work harder than men to gain recognition, and that this often leads top female managers away from the leadership style characterized by soft skills and emotional understanding. Instead, another characterization can be seen; that of tough gendered machines fighting their way to the top - cyborgs. This article uses Haraway's metaphor of the cyborg

Effect of cereal test breakfasts differing in glycemic index and content of indigestible carbohydrates on daylong glucose tolerance in healthy subjects

BACKGROUND: Frequent hyperglycemic episodes are increasingly being associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. OBJECTIVE: We studied the extent to which acute glycemia and glycemia after subsequent meals can be modulated by the characteristics of cereal foods, such as glycemic index (GI) and content of indigestible carbohydrates. DESIGN: Twelve healthy subjects

Synthesis and single crystal study of CuMn3As2 and Cu2Mn4As3

We report on single-crystal growth, and crystal structure of CuMn3As2 and Cu2Mn4As3 compounds. Magnetic properties of Cu2Mn4As3 were studied in temperature range between 2 and 400 K. The single crystals were prepared from bismuth flux and characterized by means of single crystals diffraction, electron-microprobe analysis, magnetic and resistivity measurements. Crystal structures of CuMn3As2 and Cu

Children with Type 1 diabetes The initial education process and the impact on children and their parents over the first two years

The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate the initial diabetes education process, the impact on children and their parents and parental satisfaction with the care received one and two years subsequent to the child’s diagnosis. In order to seek a deeper understanding for how the diabetes team’s initial education process works from admission to discharge among families with a child newly dia

The lateral reticular nucleus; integration of descending and ascending systems regulating voluntary forelimb movements.

Cerebellar control of movements is dependent on mossy fiber input conveying information about sensory and premotor activity in the spinal cord. While much is known about spino-cerebellar systems, which provide the cerebellum with detailed sensory information, much less is known about systems conveying motor information. Individual motoneurones do not have projections to spino-cerebellar neurons. I

Maternal plasma level of antimicrobial peptide LL37 is a major determinant factor of neonatal plasma LL37 level

Aim: To determine cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide LL37subcellular distribution in cord neutrophils and normal plasma LL37 levels in mothers and neonates, relate them to delivery mode and relevant biochemical markers, including 25-OHvitamin D [25(OH)D] as this molecules increases cathelicidin gene expression. Methods: A total of 115 infants were included, n = 68 with normal delivery and n = 47 w

Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of the Myocardium at Risk

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste 10 åren har antalet människor i Sverige som dör av akut hjärtinfarkt minskat stadigt. Den äldre befolkningen är dock växande och med ökande antal människor med fetma och typ II-diabetes, står vi inför en stor utmaning i framtiden vad gäller hantering av patienter med akut hjärtinfarkt. För att möta denna utmaning är det viktigt att öka vår förmåga att bOne of the major determinants of the final infarct size during an acute coronary occlusion is the size of the myocardium subjected to ischemia. Identification and quantification of this so-called myocardium at risk in the acute phase of ischemia has been difficult in patients with conventional methods, such as myocardial perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) or electrocardio

Retrofitting the electric lighting and daylighting systems to reduce energy use in buildings: a literature review

This paper presents a literature review about energy-efficient retrofit of electric lighting and daylighting systems in buildings. The review, which covers around 160 research articles, addresses the following themes: 1) retrofitting electric lighting in buildings, 2) electric lighting energy use and saving potential and 3) lighting retrofit strategies. The retrofit strategies covered in the revie

Advancing Software Development Efficiency in an Open Source Software Context

Open source software has been gaining popularity, especially among commercial organizations. The broad industry acceptance is in large part due to the demonstrated ability of open source solutions to compete with proprietary alternatives. Using open source software components enables companies to reduce their own development costs, and thus improve software development efficiency. Many open source

Experiments with Self-Organizing Systems for Texture and Hardness Perception

We have experimented with different SOM-based architectures for bio-inspired self-organizing texture and hardness perception systems. To this end we have developed a microphone based texture sensor and a hardness sensor that measures the compression of the material at a constant pressure. We have implemented and successfully tested both monomodal systems for texture and hardness perception, bimoda


Popular Abstract in Swedish De senaste 150 åren har erbjudit en dramatisk utveckling av vår förmåga att sprida både njutningar och smärta, både i form av upptäckter av ämnen såsom TNT och dynamit och framställningen av heroin och Viagra. Denna utveckling har följts av teknologiska framsteg som tillåter studier av dessa kemikalier genom deras interaktion med till exempel radiosignaler eller laser. Modern spectroscopic techniques, such as nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and Raman spectroscopy, rely heavily on statistical signal processing systems for decision making and information extraction. The first part of this thesis introduces novel robust algorithms for detection, estimation, and classification of signals obtained through these spectroscopic tech

Democracy - Two Models

Abstract in UndeterminedThe point of departure in my story is the contrast between two models of democratic voting process: popular democracy and what might be called committee democracy. On one interpretation, voting in popular democracy is a procedure whose function is to aggregate the individuals’ preferences to something like a collective preference, while in committee democracy what is being

Slapp hantering av läkemedelsindustrin skadar Läkemedelsverkets trovärdighet

Abstract in Undetermined Patienter måste kunna lita på att Läkemedelsverket i både i skrift och handling ställer deras rätt till korrekt information över läkemedelsindustrins intressen. Risken är annars överhängande att verkets trovärdighet i läkarnas och allmänhetens ögon urholkas, något som i förlängningen kan få allvarliga medicinska konsekvenser.