

Din sökning på "*" gav 533884 sökträffar

Smartphoned Tourists in the Phygital Tourist Experience

The present thesis explores how the tourist experience is re-articulated through the mediation of smartphones. I adopt the postphenomenological theory of mediation as the overarching ontological position, placing the role of technologies on an ontological level, as mediators of perception and experience. The new tourist that emerges from smartphone mediation is the smartphoned tourist, that is a t

X-instance : en c-uppsats om negativa fakta

Många filosofer verkar gilla tanken om att fakta är verkliga, man menar att fakta är verklighetens byggstenar. Wittgenstein identifierar ?världen? med ?totaliteten av fakta?, och enligt Russell så tillhör fakta den ?objektiva världen?. Jag kommer här inte heller att förneka att fakta är verkliga, så jag antar att fakta tillhör den objektiva världen.

Tradition eller Förnyelse? En fallstudie av det politiska förändringsarbetet i Bromölla kommun

In 2003 the deciding political council in Bromölla municipality requested that an overhaul on the committee and public administration structure should be conducted. In the report Bromölla was characterized as a traditional organization with a low degree of change. This case study will examine why the organization previously has been reluctant to change its structure and why they are willing to do

"democracy in doses"? - en studie kring demokrati och Egypten under Mubarak

Abstract Why don't (some) regimes with formal democratic features undergo transition to democracy? Which are the internal dynamics of these regimes that can offer comprehension to this state of affairs? The main purpose of this thesis is to advance the above questions, and, on a lower level of abstraction, examine the case of Egypt. The Egyptian regime is characterized by, for instance, a mul

Modellerade och uppmätta kväveflöden i energiskog som bevattnas med avloppsvatten

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Övergödningen av våra kustnära hav blev akut under 1980-talet, syrefria bottnar och giftiga algblomningar visade tydligt att något var mycket fel. Kväve, ett näringsämne, visade sig vara en av huvudorsakerna till dessa reaktioner i havet. De största kvävespridarna i Sverige var jordbruk och reningsverk. Avloppsvattenhanteringen behövde förändras och ett sätt attThe aim of this essay was to study the nitrogen flow in two willow plantations, at different locations in the south of Sweden, that were irrigated with sewage. The study was also performed to compare the differences in nitrogen flows between two years, 1998 and 1999. The study was made in three parts. First, the denitrification activity was measured using the acetylen inhibition method. Second the

Rule-based land cover classification and erosion risk assessment of the Krkonose National Park, Czech Republic

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Krkonoše national park är beläget i Sudeterna vid gränsen mellan Tjeckien och Polen. Parken karakteriseras av stora variationer i altitud och ett mosaikliknande vegetationsmönster. Det komplexa landskapet medför svårigheter vid val av klassificeringsteknik och skala för produktion av tillförlitliga markanvändningskarteringar. Denna studie syftar i första hand tiThe Krkonoše National Park is located in the Sudetes mountain range at the Czech - Polish border. It is characterized by large variations in altitude and a mosaic vegetation pattern. The complex landscape raises the issues of appropriate classification techniques and scales. The first aim of this study is to produce a land cover map using 21 classes based on a rule-based classification system and

Markvattenhalt och temperatur i sandig jordbruksmark vid Ilstorp, centrala Skåne : en mätnings- och modelleringsstudie

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Vinderosion på jordbruksmark har länge varit ett välkänt faktum trots att någon utförligare undersökning om dess omfattning och skadeverkan inte tidigare genomförts. Mot bakgrund av detta har därför ett nordeuropeiskt projekt, WEELS (Wind Erosion on European Light Soils), dragits i gång som syftar till kartlägga vinderosionen på sandig jordbruksmark i norra EuroThis work presents the results of a combined field measurement and modeling study of the soil moisture and surface energy balance at Ilstorp near Sjöbo in central Scania. The focus of the study is to investigate the water content of the upper few centimeters of a soil profile. Relevant meteorological variables were measured at the study site during April to June 1999. The field data were used to c

Geografiska informationssystem för studier av polyaromatiska kolväten (PAH) : undersökning av djupvariation i BO01-området, Västra hamnen, Malmö, samt utveckling av en matematisk formel för beräkning av PAH-koncentrationer från ett kontinuerligt utsläpp

At the end of August 1999, the local government council of Malmö city decided that the area known as Kvarteret Bilen would be made available for the European Housing Exhibition 2001 (Bo01-mässan). Kvarteret Bilen extends over approximately 80 hectars and includes the western parts of the Western Harbour area (Västra hamnen) of Malmö. Kvarteret Bilen as a whole, but especially the western sections

GIS-implementation in Sri Lanka (part 1) , GIS-applications in Hambantota district Sri Lanka : a case study (part 2), GIS in socio-economic planning : a case study (part 3)

Detta är ett examensarbete i tre delar. Del I behandlar GIS-implementation i Sri Lanka, i Del II visas GIS-applikationer rörande turism i Hambantota, ett av 25 distrikt i Sri Lanka. Del III anlyserar användning av GIS i socioekonomisk planering med utgångspunkt från fem doktorander i Sri Lanka. Arbetet utfördes huvudsakligen inom ramarna för ett Minor Field Study (MFS) finansierat av svenska Sida.During the summer of 1999, we participated in a Sida-founded project regarding Regional Development in Sri Lanka (referred to as the Main Project). Our part was conducted as a Minor Field Study. The outcome is presented in three parts. The overall objective of the Main Project is to investigate if the strategies for regional development have been successful. Using GIS in the Main Project may simpl

Uppskattning av mängden kol i trädform : en metodstudie

Som ett led i de åtaganden som ställs på de länder som har undertecknat Kyotoprotokollet måste landvisa kolbudgetar fastställas. För att fastlägga bra kolbudgetar är det viktigt att kunna göra bra uppskattningar av kolmängden inom olika geografiska områden. Detta dels för att kunna uppskatta befintliga mängder och dels för att kunna påvisa förändringar över tiden. Denna studie hade som huvudmål atAs part of the undertakings of the Kyoto treaty, country-wise carbon balances must be brought forward. To do this, it is important to be able to make good estimations of the amount of carbon in forest areas. The reasons for this are to estimate the existing amounts as well as to prove changes over time. The main goal of this study was to estimate the amount of carbon stored in trees in a hundred-y

A Comparative Study Of Simulation Tools To Model The Solar Irradiation On Building Façades

This paper presents a comparison among eight tools commonly used to evaluate the solar irradiation in urban environments. The focus is on the vertical surfaces (i.e., façades). The analysed tools have a large range of applications, from detailed microclimate studies to large-scale irradiation modelling. The benchmark tests consist of simulations using two conceptual urban designs. Two representati

Symptoms, problems and care needs among patients newly diagnosed with oesophageal and gastric cancer. Implications for early palliative care.

Background: Patients with oesophageal and gastric cancer face a poor prognosis and multiple symptoms and problems that negatively affect their quality of life. In view of the prognosis and extensive illness burden, an early palliative care approach is of importance.Aim: The overall aim of this thesis was to describe and compare symptoms, problems and care needs in relation to the initial treatment

Inclusive, prompt and non-prompt J/ψ production at midrapidity in p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

A measurement of inclusive, prompt, and non-prompt J/ψ production in p-Pb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy sNN = 5.02 TeV is presented. The inclusive J/ψ mesons are reconstructed in the dielectron decay channel at midrapidity down to a transverse momentum pT = 0. The inclusive J/ψ nuclear modification factor RpPb is calculated by comparing the new results in p-Pb collisions to

Tissue cutting device and system

The present disclosure relates to a tissue cutting system for cutting tissue of a heart, such as tissue of a septum of a heart, comprising: an outer tubular member having a proximal portion and a distal portion, said distal portion comprising a tissue resection window; a resection element axially slidably arranged inside the outer tubular member configured to resect tissue extending through the ti