

Din sökning på "*" gav 526776 sökträffar

Multi-criteria GIS analysis for siting of small wind power plants : a case study from Berlin

Popular summary Energy generation from renewable sources is one of the main issues to be solved for the 21st century. One of the most advanced technologies currently available is wind energy, which has a large potential onshore and offshore. However, in many cases wind energy is restricted to large wind parks with wind power plants sometimes exceeding heights of 100 m. The construction of large wi

A learning project organization

Background Today many organizations convert from being a traditional functional organization to becoming more temporary project-based organizations in order to respond to the changing environment. As a result, project-based organizations have difficulties to learn from within the project and between projects which force project members to “reinvent the wheel” over and over again. If organizations

Hur kan en före detta monopolist överleva på en konkurrensutsatt marknad? - En fallstudie av Apoteket AB

Sammanfattning Titel: Hur kan en före detta monopolist överleva på en konkurrensutsatt marknad? - En fallstudie av Apoteket AB Seminariedatum: 2013-01-18 Ämne/kurs: FEKH19, Examensarbete kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Britta Ek Thomas, Emma Järvefelt, Ulrika von Celsing Larsson Handledare: Ola Mattisson Nyckelord: Apoteksmarknaden, Omreglering, Dynamiska kapabiliteter, Förändringsprocess, KSummary Title: How is it possible for a previous monopolist to survive when exposed to competition? - A case study of Apoteket AB Seminar date: 2013-01-18 Course: FEKH19, Strategic Management, Degree Project Undergraduate Level, 15 Swedish University Credit Points Authors: Britta Ek Thomas, Emma Järvefelt, Ulrika von Celsing Larsson Advisor: Ola Mattisson Key words: Pharmacy market, Deregula

Purification and characterisation of xylooligosaccharides (XOS) from wheat-based dried distillers grains with solubles

The aim of this project was to purify xylan which is the major hemicellulose in wheat bran from dried distiller’s grains with solubles (DDGS). DDGS is a by-product from the fuel ethanol industry which uses wheat grain as a raw material. The wheat grain is used for the fermentation of starch to produce ethanol in the presence of yeast. The ethanol produced in this way is purified by distillation.

Finding a path through a crystal. Theoretical modelling of ionic conductivity.

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Jonledning i Bränsleceller Jonkonduktivitet, eller jonledning, är viktigt i bl.a. bränsleceller. Bränsleceller använder sig av ett oxidationsmedel (oftast syrgas) och bränsle precis som andra förbränningskällor. Till skillnad från motorer som förbränner högenergetiskt bränsle med låg effektivitet och vanliga batterier som använder metaller med låg effektivitet kaIonic conductors have seen increased use over time. These are found in ion detectors, gas detectors and supercapacitors but finds special use in fuel cells and solar cells. Some ionic conductors are not only used as a conductor, but finds uses as insulators, ceramic blades or even as a diamond simulant. Most other works no ionic conductors concentrate on the general or macroscopic properties. Here

The Mediterranean Plastic Soup - Economic Policies to avoid further pollution

There are laws that prohibit ships from discharging solid waste into the Mediterranean Sea. However, it’s estimated that between 15-35% of all plastic found in the Mediterranean comes from merchant shipping. Economic incentives are important to make ships reduce their maritime litter, and this essay will assess economic policies to prevent further pollution. France and Spain have different systems

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och upplevelser av smärtbedömning och smärtlindring hos barn

Vid bedömning av smärta hos barn har det visat sig medföra svårigheter med självskattningsskalor på barn 3-7 år och störst vikt läggs vid barnens beteende. I Barnsjuksköterskans kompetensbeskrivning framgår vikten av att i första hand kommunicera med barnet, ha ett respektfullt och empatiskt bemötande och att möjliggöra optimal delaktighet för barn och närstående i omvårdnadsarbetet. Syftet med st

CO2 emissions from freight transport in the EU-15 between 1995 and 2008: main drivers and problems in accounting for the international perspective

The share of transport sector green house gas emissions has been increasing in the EU-15 in the recent decades. Moreover, the development in passenger and freight transport subsectors has diverged. This thesis provides drivers of freight transport carbon emissions in the EU-15 between 1995 and 2008 by conducting Log Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) decomposition. It differentiates between structure, inte

Samtalstid, allians och kön

The present study examined the relationship between perceived speechtime, therapeutic alliance, and gender in couples therapy. The aim was to investigate if there were any gender differences in therapeutic alliance and if male clients needed to rate themselves as having more perceived speech-time than female clients in order to remain in therapy. A quantitative method was used as well as questionn

Förtroendeskapande online - en kvalitativ studie ur den kvinnliga konsumentens perspektiv

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka konsumenters resonemang kring köp på internet för att öka förståelsen för vad som är viktigt för att dessa ska känna förtroende för en webbutik. En kvalitativ studie har genomförts utifrån ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt. Ansatsen är deduktiv med induktiva inslag. Primärdata bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer. Sekundärdata är främst hämtad från vetenskapligThe purpose of this thesis is to examine consumer’s reasoning about online shopping to increase the understanding of what is important when it comes to trusting a webstore. A qualitative study has been conducted using a hermeneutic approach. The approach is deductive with inductive elements. Raw data is based on semistructured interviews. Secondary data is mainly taken from scientific papers. The

Anarconomy – A study of the culture of counterculture

As contemporary literature on countercultures often have a onesided focus on being against other cultures, we set out to explore the culture of countercultures. Through our literature review, the theoretical framework and the empirical data, we have formed a new perspective on what counter culture is and what it means to belong to a counter culture.

”En poetisk revolution” – Julia Kristevas teori om det poetiska språket och dess feministiska potential till att skapa förändring i det religiösa språket

Can we change an established language? Religious language, as presented in Christianity, has been challenged by several feminists to be androcentric. This is owing to its patriarchal language in which God has been exemplified in such masculine terms as lord and father. In this paper I intend to investigate Julia Kristeva’s linguistic theory of how a language can change and transform itself from wi

Implementation and evaluation of two change detection-methods applied to multivariate Gaussian data streams

Different types of data streams, time series, are generated in systems and collected in information bases all over the world. One may have data streams of temperatures, air pollution, share prices, traffic demand for networks or strength of the emitted radiation from a power plant. There are different statistical tools to analyse these data streams. An interesting tool to evaluate a data stream is

Chef inom hälso- och sjukvården - Verksamhetschefers ansvar och kunskap om hanteringen av missbruk bland personalen

Syfte: Vi har i denna uppsats som syfte att undersöka vad lagstiftningen säger om hur chefer inom hälso- och sjukvården ska hantera missbruksproblem. Därefter vill vi undersöka hur det ser ut i verkligheten; huruvida verksamhetschefer inom landstinget är förberedda och utbildade att hantera situationer som rör personal med missbruksproblem. Detta gör vi med hjälp av vårt empiriska material som fra

Teknikhus i prefabricerad betong - Studie av väggelement utan bärankarsystem

Technical buildings are small buildings used for electrical equipment or water supply and drainage equipment. Today, the walls of Abetong’s technical buildings consist of two concrete layers with an intermediate foam insulation layer. The weight of the outer layer is transferred to the load-bearing inner layer by means of sandwich panel anchors. The purpose of this study is to propose and investig

Identifying the Peruvian poverty profiles: A review of poverty dynamics from 1998 to 2010

Using a relatively extensive panel data set on poverty –from 1998 to 2010– and information on household member characteristics –from 2007 to 2010–, both coming from a sub-sample of the Peruvian Household National Survey, a poverty dynamic analysis was carried out in this study. A spell approach was applied to calculate transient and persistent poverty and an ordered probit model was estimated to i