

Din sökning på "*" gav 530055 sökträffar

Long term depression of human nociceptive skin senses induced by thin fibre stimulation.

We have recently shown that stimulation, through a multi-electrode array, of thin nerve fibres close to the dermo-epidermal junction in the skin, produces powerful inhibition of itch and, to a lesser degree, cutaneous pain in humans. Here, we have studied the induction time and frequency dependency (range 1–10 Hz) of the inhibitory effects of such stimulation on itch, mechanical, and thermal pain,

Psychological well-being over time among informal caregivers caring for persons with dementia living at home

Objectives: To investigate informal caregivers’ psychological well-being and predicted increase in psychological well-being, when caring for persons with dementia (PwDs) living at home, related to caregiver, PwD and formal care (FC) factors. Method: A cohort study at baseline and 3 months’ follow-up in eight European countries. Caregivers included (n = 1223) were caring for PwDs aged ≥ 65 years at

Cell-permeable succinate prodrugs bypass mitochondrial complex i deficiency

Mitochondrial complex I (CI) deficiency is the most prevalent defect in the respiratory chain in paediatric mitochondrial disease. This heterogeneous group of diseases includes serious or fatal neurological presentations such as Leigh syndrome and there are very limited evidence-based treatment options available. Here we describe that cell membrane-permeable prodrugs of the complex II substrate su

Sphingomyelinase and ceramidase in the intestinal tract

Sphingomyelin (SM) has emerged as an important source of lipid messengers affecting cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. SM is present in mammalian cell membranes as a lipid constituent and also found as a component of dietary products such as milk, egg and meat. Digestion of SM has been found to have important implications in colon cancer development, gut maturation, and cholesterol

Association of microsatellite polymorphisms of the human 14q13.2 region with type 2 diabetes mellitus in latvian and finnish populations

A polymorphic microsatellite in intron 6 of the human proteasome core particle PSMA6 gene (HSMS006), and four other microsatellites localized upstream on human chromosome 14q13.2 (HSMS801, HSMS702, HSMS701, HSMS602), were genotyped in 104 type 2 diabetic patients and 129 age-matched control subjects from Latvia and replicated in 91 type 2 diabetic patients and 88 age-matched healthy control subjec

Fluid exchanges across the parietal peritoneal and pleural mesothelia

In 31 anesthetized rabbits, after removal of superficial tissues, glass micropipettes filled with 0.5 M NaCl solution and connected to an electrohydraulic servo-null system were used to measure extraperitoneal interstitial fluid pressure (Pi,per) and peritoneal liquid pressure (Pliq,per) at various heights. Linear regressions relating pressure to recording height (H) were Pi,per = 1.07 - 0.27H and

Bootstrapping the Breusch-Godfrey autocorrelation test for a single equation dynamic model: Bootstrapping the Restricted vs. Unrestricted model

We use Monte Carlo methods to study the properties of the bootstrap Breusch-Godfrey test for autocorrelated errors in two versions a) by bootstrapping under the null hypothesis, restricted and b) by bootstrapping under the alternative hypothesis, unrestricted. We use the residual bootstrap for the bootstrap-BG test. Our analysis regarding the size of the test reveals that both bootstrap tests have

Effects of fat, beef and fiber in diets on activities of sphingomyelinase, ceramidase and caspase-3 in rat colonic mucosa

Objective: The present study investigates the activity changes of sphingomyelinase (SMase), ceramidase and caspase-3 in colonic mucosa of rats induced by high fat and red meat diets. Method. For a period of 3 weeks, rats were fed protein without fat (control), high fat only, high fat with beef, and high fat with fiber (cellulose) diets. The fat content (22.4%) was constant in the three high fat di

Galanin expression in sensory neurons after nerve compression or transection.

Galanin is probably involved in nociceptive sensory processing in spinal cord. We investigated whether a common injury, peripheral nerve compression, induced up-regulation of galanin (immunocytochemistry) in sensory neurons in rats 6 or 14 days post-injury and compared the response with other nerve injuries. Sciatic nerve compression increased the number of galanin positive sensory neurons as comp

Silica: an essential nutrient in wetland biogeochemistry

Recent research has emphasized the importance of terrestrial ecosystems in the global biogeochemical cycle of silica (Si). The production, retention, and dissolution of amorphous silica of biological origin in soils and vegetation effectively control terrestrial Si fluxes. However, surprisingly little is known about the role of wetlands in these processes. Wetlands are known hotspots for both nitr

Treatment of end-of-dose wearing-off in Parkinson's disease: Stalevo (R) (levodopa/carbidopa/entacapone) and levodopa/DDCI given in combination with Comtess (R)/Comtan (R) (Entacapone) provide equivalent improvements in symptom control superior to that of traditional levodopa/DDCI treatment

The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the new optimised levoclopa, Stalevo(R) (levoclopa, carbidopa and entacapone) in patients with Parkinson's disease experiencing end-of-close wearing-off. Treatment with Stalevo was compared to treatment with traditional immediate-release levodopa and dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor (DDCl) formulations along with adjunct entacapone (Comtess(R)/Comt

Object Shift and Event-Related Brain Potentials.

Object Shift in Swedish is restricted to unstressed pronouns. Sentences where an object pronoun precedes a sentence adverb, such as Han åt den inte ‘(lit.) He ate it not’, are thus well-formed, whereas sentences with a full noun phrase (NP) object preceding a sentence adverb, such as Han åt sylt/sylten inte ‘(lit.) He ate jam/the jam not’, are ill-formed. The neural correlates to violation of this

Recent changes in the status of Steller's Eider Polysticta stelleri wintering in Europe: a decline or redistribution?

Steller's Eider Polysticta stelleri has a restricted arctic breeding range. The world population declined to c. 220,000 individuals in the late 1990s from an estimated 400,000-500,000 in the 1960s. The species has a limited global wintering distribution, occurring in marine habitats in north-east Europe, islands close to Kamchatka in Russia, and the eastern Aleutian Islands and south-west Alaska.