

Din sökning på "*" gav 530672 sökträffar

Malawian Prosthetic and Orthotic Users’ Mobility and Satisfaction with their Lower Limb Assistive Device

Objective: To investigate patients’ mobility and satisfaction with their lower limb prosthetic or orthotic device and related service delivery in Malawi and to compare groups of patients regarding type and level of device and demographics. Methods: Questionnaires were used to collect self-report data from 83 patients. Results: Ninety percent of prostheses or orthoses were in use by patients, but a

Graduates’ perceptions of prosthetic and orthotic education and clinical practice in Tanzania and Malawi

Background: Maintaining and improving the quality of prosthetics and orthotics education at the Tanzania Training Centre for Orthopaedic Technologists is essential for the provision of appropriate prosthetics and orthotics services in African countries.Objectives: To describe how Tanzanian and Malawian graduates’ of the Diploma in Orthopaedic Technology perceive their education and how it could be

Development of a novel radiotherapy motion phantom using a stepper motor driver circuit and evaluation using optical surface scanning

Abstract: Recent developments in radiotherapy have focused on the management of patient motion during treatment. Studies have shown that significant gains in treatment quality can be made by ‘gating’ certain treatments, simultaneously keeping target coverage, and increasing separation to nearby organs at risk (OAR). Motion phantoms can be used to simulate patient breathing motion and provide the m

Evolution of Turkish Nationalism and the Changing Nature of Kurdish Problem

Denial of Kurds for the sake of a supposedly civic nationalism was the root cause of Kurdish problem. However, simple recognition of Kurds as an ethnic minority doesn’t mean the end of Kurdish problem. Recognition of Kurds as an ethnic minority opens multiple ways for the evolution of Turkish nationalism and the fate of Kurds in Turkey. The relation between the (Turkish) nation-state and Kurds can

An Integrated Retailer Image and Brand Equity Framework : Re-examining, Extending, and Restructuring Retailer Brand Equity

Retailers are amongst the world's strongest brands, but little is known about retailer brand equity. In spite of their extensive use, we argue that current operational models are too abstract for understanding the uniqueness of the retail industry and too simplistic to understand the interrelationships among the dimensions in the retailer brand equity building process. This study contributes to th

Flow Dominance and Factorization of Transverse Momentum Correlations in Pb-Pb Collisions at the LHC

We present the first measurement of the two-particle transverse momentum differential correlation function, P2≡ ΔpTΔpT/ pT2, in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV. Results for P2 are reported as a function of the relative pseudorapidity (Δη) and azimuthal angle (Δφ) between two particles for different collision centralities. The Δφ dependence is found to be largely independent of Δη for |Δη|≥0.9. In

Supporting Semantic Capture during Kinesthetic Teaching of Collaborative Industrial Robots

Industrial robot systems being deployed today do not contain domain knowledge to aid robot operators in setup and operational use. To gather such knowledge in a robotic context requires mechanisms for entering and capturing semantic data. Such mechanisms would allow a system to gradually build a working vocabulary while interacting with the environment and operators, valuable for the bootstrapping

The Political Economy of Agricultural Statistics and Input Subsidies : Evidence from India, Nigeria and Malawi

The political economy of agricultural policies – why certain interventions may be preferred by political leaders rather than others – is well recognized. This paper explores a perspective that has previously been neglected: the political economy of the agricultural statistics. In developing economies, the data on agricultural production are weak. Because these data are assembled using competing me

What Are Public Moods?

‘Public moods’ are often referred to in laymen’s accounts of public reactions to social events, yet the concept has rarely been invoked by social scientists. Taking public moods seriously as an analytical concept, this article relies on recent work on the moods of individuals as a means of exploring the moods of the public. To be in a certain mood is to attune oneself to the situation in which one

Relationism as revelation or prescription? : Some thoughts on how Ingold's implicit critique of modernity could be harnessed to political ecology

Tim Ingold’s critique of mainstream modern experiences of human–environmental relations is highly persuasive but almost completely disconnected from considerations of social relations of power and inequality. His emphasis on the phenomenology of local relations seems inevitably detached from the logic of abstract economic and political systems. This article proposes that the distortions of experie

Different Approaches to the Definition of the Kurdish Problem and the Failure of Peace Process

The second peace process which started in 2013 ended abruptly in the summer of 2015. The AKP government accuses the PKK for betraying the peace process and re-starting armed attacks against the Turkish security personnel. In contrast the Kurdish political movement argues that it was the AKP who ended the peace process. According to them HDP’s adamant opposition to the presidentialism of Erdogan ha

Measurement of the inclusive cross-sections of single top-quark and top-antiquark t-channel production in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

A measurement of the t-channel single-top-quark and single-top-antiquark production cross-sections in the lepton+jets channel is presented, using 3.2 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC in 2015. Events are selected by requiring one charged lepton (electron or muon), missing transverse momentum, and two jets with hig

Interactive Learning Modules for PID Control

This paper describes a collection of interactive learning modules for PID control based on the graphical spread sheet metaphor. The modules are designed to speed up learning and to enhance understanding of the behaviour of loops with PID controllers. The modules are implemented in Sysquake, a Matlab dialect with strong support of interaction. Executable versions of the modules for Mac and PC are a

Post-Detonation Afterburning of High Explosives

High performance of an explosive compound with respect to afterburning requires sufficient combustible properties of the explosive, and a careful determination of the most appropriate charge positioning to achieve the desired afterburning effect. Understanding the physical processes of post-detonation afterburning and how these are affected by the surroundings, e.g. the Height of Burst (HoB), faciHigh performance of an explosive compound with respect to afterburning requires sufficient combustible properties of the explosive, and a careful determination of the most appropriate charge positioning to achieve the desired afterburning effect. Understanding the physical processes of post-detonation afterburning and how these are affected by the surroundings, e.g. the Height of Burst (HoB), faci