Din sökning på "*" gav 531159 sökträffar
Measurement of strain in InGaN/GaN nanowires and nanopyramids
The growth and optoelectronic properties of core-shell nanostructures are influenced by the strain induced by the lattice mismatch between core and shell. In contrast with planar films, nanostructures contain multiple facets that act as independent substrates for shell growth, which enables different relaxation mechanisms. In this study, X-ray diffraction data are presented that show that InGa1-N
Exploring the limits of peak oil: naturalising the political, de-politicising energy
Peak oil has acquired prominence in the political lexicon of an increasing number of critical and radical perspectives during the ongoing ecological and economic crisis. By examining examples within academia as well as initiatives such as the Degrowth Movement and the Transition Network, this paper documents how a series of red-green discourses and movements mobilise the narrative of peak oil as a
Methods to Create a Longitudinal Integrated Demographic and Geographic Database on the Micro-Level: A Case Study of Five Swedish Rural Parishes, 1813–1914
The authors develop a methodology to create databases that can be used to add micro-level geographic context to longitudinal historical demographic analyses. The method transforms geographic objects as snapshots (digitized from historical maps) into temporal representations of longitudinal object lifelines and links individuals to these geographic objects. The methodology is evaluated via a case s
Anthropometric measures and epithelial ovarian cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
We examined the associations of measured anthropometric factors, including general and central adiposity and height, with ovarian cancer risk. We also investigated these associations by menopausal status and for specific histological subtypes. Among 226,798 women in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort, there were 611 incident cases of primary, malignant,
Short-term HIV-1 treatment interruption is associated with dysregulated TLR-stimuli responsiveness.
Viremia during human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) infection results in progressive impairment of several components of the immune system. Here a unique model of repeated treatment interruptions (TIs) was used with the aim to reveal the effect of controlled short-term viremia on innate stimuli responsiveness and circulating dendritic cells (DCs). Sequential peripheral blood samples from HI
On the distinction of Dactylorhiza baltica and D-pardalina (Orchidaceae) and the systematic affinities of geographically intermediate populations
The eastern European Dactylorhiza baltica (Klinge) N. I. Orlova and the western European D. pardalina (Pugsl.) Aver. (= D. praetermissa var. junialis (Verm.) Sengh) are usually considered to have non-overlapping geographic distributions, for which reason it has rarely been realized that they are morphologically similar. They have not previously been thoroughly compared by molecular methods, and no
Fast determination of intact glucosinolates in broccoli leaf by pressurized liquid extraction and ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry
In this study, we investigate for the first time the efficiency of an environmentally sustainable extraction technique (pressurized liquid extraction, PIE) in conjunction with a fast separation technique (ultra-high performance liquid chromatography, UHPLC) coupled to a selective mass spectrometry (MS) detector (quadrupole time-of-flight, qTOF) to extract, separate and quantify fifteen intact-gluc
The evolution of crack-tip stresses during a fatigue overload event
The mechanisms responsible for the transient retardation or acceleration of fatigue crack growth subsequent to overloading are a matter of intense debate. Plasticity-induced closure and residual stresses have often been invoked to explain these phenomena, but closure mechanisms are disputed, especially under conditions approximating to generalised plane strain. In this paper we exploit synchrotron
Metabolic Factors and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer in 580,000 Men and Women in the Metabolic Syndrome and Cancer Project (Me-Can)
BACKGROUND: The metabolic syndrome (MetS) has been related to an increased risk of colorectal cancer, but the modest size of previous studies precluded detailed characterization of the role of individual MetS factors and their interaction on risk. METHODS: In the Metabolic Syndrome and Cancer Project (Me-Can), data on body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, and blood levels of glucose, cholesterol,
Sodium metabisulfite in blue jeans: an unexpected cause of textile contact dermatitis
Evidence for xylooligosaccharides utilization in Weissella strains isolated from Indian fermented foods and vegetables.
Six strains isolated from fermented food were by 16S rDNA sequencing identified as Weissella species, clustering with the species-pair W. confusa/ W. cibaria. The strains were analysed for growth on glucose, xylose and xylooligosaccharides (XOS). All strains were xylose positive using the API CHL 50 test. Growth on XOS was observed for strain 85, 92, 145 and AV1, firstly by optical density measure
Differential patterns of spontaneous experiential response to a hypnotic induction: A latent profile analysis.
A hypnotic induction produces different patterns of spontaneous experiences across individuals. The magnitude and characteristics of these responses covary moderately with hypnotic suggestibility, but also differ within levels of hypnotic suggestibility. This study sought to identify discrete phenomenological profiles in response to a hypnotic induction and assess whether experiential variability
Genomic Heterogeneity in Acute Leukemia.
Acquired genetic aberrations are the underlying cause of leukemogenesis in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The karyotypes of AML and ALL cases are generally quite simple as seen by chromosome banding analysis, with few genetic changes and a limited number of subclones. However, investigations using fluorescence in situ hybridization, loss of heterozygosity anal
Versatile in situ powder X-ray diffraction cells for solid-gas investigations
This paper describes new sample cells and techniques for in situ powder X-ray diffraction specifically designed for gas absorption studies up to ca 300 bar (1 bar = 100 000 Pa) gas pressure. The cells are for multipurpose use, in particular the study of solid-gas reactions in dosing or flow mode, but can also handle samples involved in solid-liquid-gas studies. The sample can be loaded into a sing
Risk of Next Melanoma in Patients With Familial and Sporadic Melanoma by Number of Previous Melanomas.
The risk of next melanoma in patients with 2 or more previous melanomas stratified by familial and sporadic cases separately has not yet been reported, although a few population-based studies have assessed the risk of second melanoma.
Semiconductor nanostructures enabled by aerosol technology
Aerosol technology provides efficient methods for producing nanoparticles with well-controlled composition and size distribution. This review provides an overview of methods and results obtained by using aerosol technology for producing nanostructures for a variety of applications in semiconductor physics and device technology. Examples are given from: production of metal and metal alloy particles
Alcohol and drug use in groups of cannabis users: Results from a survey on drug use in the Swedish general population.
Although cannabis is well studied in the scientific literature, relatively little is known about the relationship between the frequency of cannabis use and the use of alcohol and other drugs. The aim of this study was to identify differences between frequent and occasional cannabis users with respect to the use of other illicit drugs, hazardous alcohol use, and unauthorized use of prescription dru
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and risk for drug use disorder: a population-based follow-up and co-relative study.
Background. Although the association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and drug use disorder (DUD) is well documented, it is unclear whether it is causal or results from familial confounding. Method. In this study we included all 551 164 individuals born in Sweden between 1991 and 1995 and used linked data from multiple nationwide registries to identify those with ADHD prior
Bringing physics, synchrotron light and probing neutrons to the public: a collaborative outreach
Stanley Micklavzina, a US physics educator on sabbatical, teams up with a Swedish national research laboratory, a synchrotron radiation experimental group and a university science centre to develop and create educational and public outreach projects. Descriptions of the physics, science centre displays and public demonstrations covering the physics principles involved in using photons and neutrons