

Din sökning på "*" gav 532145 sökträffar

När hemma inte längre finns - En jämförelse mellan utmätnings- och avhysningsförfarandet ur ett barnrättsperspektiv

Barn som berörs av avhysning ställs i likhet med barn som drabbas av utmätning av bostad inför risken att förlora sitt hem. En trygg hemmiljö anses vara av stor vikt för barnets utveckling och främja behovet av stabilitet. Barn som befinner sig i osäkra beroendesituationer riskerar att påverkas negativt på flera plan, och upplever inte sällan stark oro och försämrat psykiskt mående. I denna uppsChildren who are affected by an eviction are, like children affected by attachment and sale of a house due to enforceable debt, faced with the risk of losing their home. A safe home environment is considered to be of great importance for the child's development and promotes the need for stability. Studies show that children subject to unsettled housing situations tend to experience grave anxie

Towards the green and just city: An investigation of justice in urban sustainability planning

As the world becomes increasingly urban, cities are seeking creative and effective strategies to become more climate-proof and sustainable while, at the same time, creating liveable urban futures. Although it is often positioned as such an all-encompassing solution, urban greening has been found to give rise to new injustices and produce paradoxical effects of green gentrification. In combining do

Skolkuratorn och lönearbetet ur ett emotionellt sätt att se på saken - En kvalitativ undersökning om skolkuratorers upplevelse av stress och kollegial gemenskap

The aim of this paper was to study the relatedness of stress and emotional labor in the daily work of the school social worker in the 10th-13th year of school (svenska gymnasium) in Sweden. The aim also included exploring experiences of the impact of the relationships with coworkers within the context of experienced work related stress. The chosen method for this study was a qualitative approach w

"Det blir nästan sarkasm att kalla en funktionsnedsättning en tillgång" En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av att vara förälder med ADHD

Based on seven qualitative, semi-structured interviews with adhd-diagnosed parents, our aim is to deepen the knowledge regarding the positive and negative impacts in parenthood, concerning their own experiences. The purpose of this study is also to get an insight into how society's expectations of parents affect the adhd-diagnosed parents view upon themselves. The theoretical framework used wa

"Inte blunda, men avvakta"- En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers syn på samverkan med socialtjänsten vid en orosanmälan

Teachers are an essential part of the mandatory reporting system in Sweden. Schools and social services have a collective responsibility to take measures to protect children from abuse and neglect. Thus, teachers are obliged to observe and share information with the social services if they become aware or suspect child maltreatment. This qualitative study examined teachers’ perspectives on the man

One slope does not fit all: Investigating Heterogeneity in Cointegration and Panel Methods in the Energy Intensity Literature

This thesis aims to analyze the methods of existing studies on the relationship be- tween energy intensity and economic variables. I study panel data from 42 countries to examine the cointegration between energy intensity and GDP, capital stock, pop- ulation, and CO2 emissions as well as estimate their relationship with a pooled common correlated effects (CCEP) estimator. Then I investigate the he

A turnaround in organizational learning? - A case study on how Learning Experience Platforms Influence Learning in Organizations

The main objective of our study is to gain a more comprehensive understanding of how employees experience the utilization of a LXP to foster the learning flow within the organization. To address this issue, we challenge Jenkin's (2013) 5I framework, which did not consider the emergence of barriers to using and thus supporting learning flow through tools. This study involves qualitative researc

Potential for Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal in an activated sludge system for greywater

As the world's population grows, concerns about water scarcity and rising pollution such as phosphorus and nitrogen have increased significantly. Greywater has been considered by researchers as an ideal alternative to fresh water for decades, and several projects have been implemented to treat and recycle it for various reuse purposes. Greywater, which makes up about 80% of household water con

Improving the understanding of heat transfer when boiling solid foods

Determination of the fluid-to-particle heat transfer coefficient hfp is a fundamental problem in food engineering. Solutions to this problem help food technologists and cooks prepare foods with desired characteristics more efficiently in time and energy use. This study aims to determine the hfp-value in simmering and boiling solid foods. Furthermore, it investigates how the culinary terms simmerin

Distance and orientation-based formation control of UAVs and coordination with UGVs

Nowadays, research in autonomous drones has increased thanks to the advancement of drone technology. Nevertheless, there are still limitations when performing specific missions due to flight duration, computational load and mission complexity. This thesis investigates ways to solve this problem by taking advantage of multiple UAVs and UGVs. This thesis aims to implement and evaluate strategies for

An examination of the criteria for valid consent under the GDPR in the light of the rationale and technological neutrality

I syfte att säkerställa den grundläggande rätten till skydd av data samt att motverka fragmenteringen av dataskyddsrätten inom EU infördes den allmänna dataskyddsförordningen, ’GDPR’. För att personuppgiftsbehandling ska vara tillåtet under GDPR, krävs det rättslig grund, exempelvis samtycke. För särskilda behandlingsändamål inom elektronisk kommunikation fastställer ePrivacy-direktivet att enbartAs a means to safeguard the fundamental right to data protection in light of the rapid advancement of use of technology and to address the fragmented implementation of data protection, the GDPR was introduced. For processing of personal data to be lawful under the GDPR, processing must have a legal basis, such as consent. The ePrivacy Directive establishes that consent is the only valid legal basi

Putinregimen och legitimitet: En undersökning av hur Putinregimen legitimerat invasioner

On the 24th of February 2022 Russia decided to invade its neighbour Ukraine. On this day Putin delivered a speech in which he described his thoughts and why he deemed it necessary to invade Ukraine. This speech he sought to legitimise the action taken by his regime. This was not the first time since the start of this millennium that Russia invaded a neighbour which in turn raised the question if t

Delegitimizing COVAX? A study of Sub-Saharan’s African leaders’ public statements

The Covid-19 pandemic has been devastating across the globe, not the least for countries already struggling with insufficient health systems and a lack of medical resources. As soon as the crisis hit vaccines started being developed and seen as a way to get out on the other side, and with new techniques multiple vaccines quickly became effective. However, the distribution of these vaccines soon be

The crossroad between individual experience of depression and the diagnostic systems.

The aim of this thesis was to study individual experiences of depression and the meetings between individual experiences and the diagnostic criteria of depression. The purpose of this study was to analyse depression from a social constructionist perspective to determine how individuals construct the illness known as depression. The study was conducted by using 5 autobiographies. The autobiographie

Impact Assessment and Organisational Learning: A Qualitative Case Study of Reach for Change

This thesis investigates how impact assessment can contribute to organisational learning and whether there are ways to enhance it. To answer these questions, the research takes a form of a qualitative case study carried out in collaboration with the non-profit organisation Reach for Change which represents a single case. The research data is drawn from two primary sources of evidence: organisation

Federated Learning in Autonomous Vehicles Setting- GDPR perspective

This paper legally tests federated learning as a machine learning technique, which guarantees a high level of privacy. This paper provides answers to all legal aspects of this technical development as the first legal paper in this area, while challenging vague GDPR requirements. This method showed its supremacy over conventional anonymization techniques and other machine learning techniques. It mi

Mining and Indigenous Peoples' rights: an analysis of the Brazilian Amazon from an international human rights law perspective

The present study seeks to understand the impacts of mining on Indigenous Peoples’ rights in the Brazilian Amazon. For this purpose, after an introduction of the context of mining historically, socially, and geographically in Brazil, a framework of Indigenous Peoples’ rights is described, and each right analyzed separately. All rights are interconnected and interdependent, but it becomes evident t

A cognitive mess : Mixed feelings about wind farms on the Danish coast and the emotions of energy infrastructure opposition

The majority of local respondents in a large-scale survey were in favour of planned local wind farms on the Danish coast, despite these wind farm plans being the source of wider public and political contestation and opposition. Here we discuss results from the open-ended questions in the survey, specifically focusing on comments expressing how some respondents felt split in their views of these wi

Growth and Resilience Theory: A new way of conceptualising convergence dynamics.

Recent studies have highlighted how building resilience to ‘shrinking’ episodes, as opposed to increasing growth rates, appears to be the missing piece of the puzzle when it comes to between-country income convergence. All economies seem to be able to grow, but few countries have been able to drastically improve their shrinking patterns, which has underpinned the divergence often argued in literat

M&As do not care about your feelings – or do they?

Countless studies within M&As have examined factors that can explain bidding firms' abnormal returns, although, behavioral factors have mostly been overlooked. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of investor sentiment on value creation around M&A deal announcements in the Nordic markets. We examine two, in principle, homogeneous samples of 421 and 359 acquisitions betwee