

Din sökning på "*" gav 534776 sökträffar

Social hållbarhet i fastighetsbranschen - vad innebär det och var ligger lönsamheten?

Begreppet social hållbarhet har nyligen blommat upp i olika sammanhang inom fastighetsbranschen. Många fastighetsbolag använder begreppet men inte sällan råder oklarheter i vad arbetet med social hållbarhet egentligen innebär. Syftet med examensarbetet är att konkretisera vad social hållbarhet innebär för fastighetsbranschen samt var lönsamheten ligger i det arbetet. För att kunna göra det utgårSocial Sustainability is frequently used in different contexts within the real estate industry, although there sometimes are uncertainties about the definition of the term. The purpose of this study is to concretize the term social sustainability in the perspective of the real estate sector and to identify how companies can profit from working with it. A qualitative study is done by interviewing

Attraktiva Ystad - en studie över hamnområdets betydelse för stadens attraktivitet och tillväxt

This paper aims to describe how the redevelopment of Ystad harbour can increase the city’s overall attractivity, as well as create new economic growth opportunities. The related problems following the sea level rise is also discussed. The papers main question is, how the goal of increasing the city’s attractivity and economic growth opportunities can benefit from the redevelopment of the harbour a

Utmaningar för Blockchain inom värdepappersmarknaden

I en era av digitalisering är organisationers förmåga att anpassa sig till nya teknologier allt mer viktigt för att kunna förbättra befintliga verksamhetsprocesser. Blockchain är kortfattat en distribuerad databas som tillåter flera aktörer att ingå i ett och samma nätverk, vilket innebär att alla aktörer har samma version av dataregistret. Uppsatsen har som syfte att redogöra för vilka organisato

“Women never become full professors”: Investigating social cognitive mediators of gender differences in research career interest

Academia is vertically gender segregated, where women are underrepresented in senior positions in all fields (Allbright, 2019; Curtis, 2011; European Commission, 2016; Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ), 2017). This study investigated research self-efficacy and social belongingness expectations as social cognitive mediators of research career interest in a sample of 239 Swedish social scienc

Rehabkoordinatorn: Chefers erfarenheter av och uppfattningar om en ny funktion i vården

Studiens syfte var att studera chefers uppfattningar och erfarenheter av funktionen rehabkoordinator och nyttan av den utbildning som rehabkoordinatorn har genomgått. Semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med tio chefer inom sjukvården. Datamaterialet analyserades med tematisk analys utifrån en induktiv ansats. Fyra teman urskildes: Räddaren i nöden, Funktionen som blev en person, Förändring tar tThe aim of the study was to investigate how health care service managers perceive and experience the newly introduced function rehabilitation coordinator and the effect of the education programme. A semi-structured interview guide was used to interview ten managers. The material was analysed with an inductive approach using thematic analysis. The following four themes were identified during analys

Kraftpaket på väg - Incitament för kunder samt marknader för en framtida aggregator av V2G

I ett framtida samhälle som inkluderar alltmer intermittent elproduktion och mindre svängmassa är det viktigt att hitta nya, snabba frekvensreglerande resurser för att bibehålla ett stabilt elsystem med säker energileverans. Ett exempel på en sådan resurs är batterier. En teknik som har fått alltmer uppmärksamhet de senaste åren är den så kallade ''Vehicle To Grid'' (V2G) teknologiIn a future society with an increasing amount of intermittent electricity production and lower inertia, it is important to find new, fast frequency-regulating resources to maintain a stable electrical system with a safe energy supply. One example of such a resource is batteries. A technology that has received increasing attention in recent years is the so-called ''Vehicle To Grid''

Social Media Influencers as Human Brands

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this study is to quantitatively examine the effect of influencer brand personality in the US on follower-influencer identification and influencer trust, as a way for influencers as human brands to strengthen follower influencer relationships. Methodology: Quantitative methods were applied in this research. A combination of Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, an

“Kød og kreativitet” – visioner och verklighet: En studie om plats i skärningspunkten mellan mening, materialitet och människor

Titel: ”Kød og kreativitet” – visioner och verklighet: En studie om plats i skärningspunkten mellan mening, materialitet och människor Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Institutionen för Service Management och tjänstevetenskap Kurs: KSMK65 - Service Management: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen. Våren 2019 Författare: Daniela Ross & Isabella Lindkvist Jensen Handledare: Elisabeth Högdahl NyckelorThe aim of this study is to discuss how visions about places influence the physical place-development, and how people’s ability to inhabit and make use of space is affected as a consequence. A case study of Kødbyen, Copenhagen’s Meat Packing District, was carried out to research this. Research questions relate to how these place-making processes can be understood in terms of power, where some peop

Determinants of Short-Term Value Creation through M&A for the Acquirer -The event study of the pharmaceutical industry focus on the Western European market

Purpose: The first objective is to find whether M&A create value for pharmaceutical acquiring companies in the Western European market from a short-term perspective. Then we aim to examine the determinants of value creation for the pharmaceutical acquirer in the Western European market. Methodology: The event study is conducted to examine cumulative abnormal return for acquiring firms surroun

Domestic water supply policy evaluation: A comparative case study of Uganda and Madagascar between 1992 and 2016

The purpose of the thesis is to understand which factors contribute to effective domestic water policies in developing countries. The study is carried out as a comparative case study of Uganda and Madagascar, which have, despite similar initial socio-economic conditions, experienced diverging trends in the domestic water supply between 1992 and 2016. The cases are assessed using a theoretical fram

Effects of climate change on potential geographical distribution of Prunus africana (African cherry) in the Eastern Arc Mountain Forests of Tanzania

The aim of this study was to model the impacts of climate change on potential geographical distribution of Prunus africana in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. Maximum Entropy modelling was used to construct species distribution maps for P. africana to determine relative contribution, and effects of climate change on the potential geographical distribution of P. africana based on climatic sce

Tankar kring färg och arkitektur

I detta projekt har jag fokuserat på färg och färgens roll för arkitekturen. Jag har försökt undersöka ämnet brett och skapa mig en bild av vad färg har för betydelse för arkitektur och hur färgen påverkar ett arkitektoniskt uttryck. Kan jag, bara med hjälp av färgsättning, påverka den upplevda karaktären av en byggnad och dess omgivning? Projektet har blivit en undersökning av vår upplevelse av fThis project focuses on studies of colour and the role of colour in architecture. I’ve tried to look at the subject from different perspectives to form myself a picture of what colour means for architecture. I asked myself how colours affect the architectural expression. Can I, by only working with colours, influence the character of a building and its specific environment? This project has become

Hållbar trafikplanering i förtätningsområden

Transport planning has, during the last century, been focused on the car and its accessibility. This has led to low-density urban areas, also known as urban sprawl. Densification is a planning strategy which counteract this by developing and building within the city limits. In combination with conscious transport planning, densification leads to shorter travel distances, good public transport and

Dataartikelns roll i vetenskaplig kommunikation : En intervjustudie med forskare vid svenska universitet

To make not only scholarly publications but also the data underlying those publications openly accessible is part of the movement for Open Science. There are several arguments for sharing research data, for example to promote science and collaboration, to make validation of results possible and to reduce redundant data production (Callaghan et al. 2012; Tenopir et al. 2011). Open Data policies are

A Textile Exploration

The purpose of this project was at first to explore textiles. It started off by a visit to The Swedish School of Textiles in Borås. I was introduced to the basics of textiles and was shown new textile materials at Smart Textiles. Coming home, I came to the conclusion of doing it my way, with the view of an Industrial Designer. Having prior experience with a similar project I knew that it was imp

En sammanställning av norra Skånes prekambriska berggrund

Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att sammanfatta den prekambriska berggrunden och dess geologiska utveckling i norra Skåne. Studien bygger på tidigare publicerat material, primärt tre av SGU:s berggrundskartor: Af 127, 155 och 181. Dessa visar berggrunden i området nordost, sydväst och nordväst om Kristianstad. För att kunna sätta in denna berggrund i ett större sammanhang har även andra publikaThis literature study aims to summarize the Precambrian bedrock and its geological development in northern Scania. The study is based on previously published material, primarily three of SGU’s bedrock maps: Af 127, 155 and 181. These show the bedrock in the area northeast, southwest and northwest of Kristianstad. In order to place this bedrock in a broader context, other publications dealing with

Stock Valuation, Dividends and Learning Through Age: how learning about a firm and its dividend policy affects its valuation

This paper looks into how learning about firms and their dividend policy affects their valuation, while comparing the results between North American and German firms. Learning is observed through the age of a firm,where the market-to-book ratio (M/B) is predicted to decline over a firm’s lifespan. M/B is expected to be affected positively by the uncertainty of growth, and this effect is associated mor