

Din sökning på "*" gav 534685 sökträffar

Daylight optimization in an office building through atrium improvements

Daylighting has become a fundamental measure not only to decrease the electrical energy demand in buildings, but also to provide good indoor comfort for the occupants. Atria have been implemented in buildings since old times as a space to foster interaction and provide indoor comfort through ventilation and daylight. However, the implementation of this feature can be complex if good natural light

Sápmi and the Return of Beowulf: A Socio-Legal Analysis of the Gállok (Kallak) Case

This study aims to analyse how the Swedish media has been framing the Gállok case and the events surrounding it. Moreover, it seeks to understand which meaning is attributed to the concept of Sámi customary law within the Gállok process and decision-makings. This is done through Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis. They study is based on a theoretical framework that has its starting point in

Modelling Probability of Default in the Nordics

Modellering av kreditrisk på ett nordiskt finansiellt institut Kreditrisk är en av de största riskerna som finansiella institut ställs inför idag och det är av yttersta vikt att man kan modellera och hantera denna risk korrekt. Inte minst för att undvika en onödigt stor kapitalbindning – men även för att motverka uppkomsten av finansiella kriser. Logistisk regression Den vanligaste modellen för atCredit risk is one of the greatest risks facing financial institutions, and it is therefore very important that models with good predictive power are used in order to etter capture this risk. This thesis proposes logistic regression models for modelling risk-drivers of the probability of default in a financial institution active in he Nordics. The thesis focuses on handling and analysing large amo


This thesis project named AI (Artificial Intelligence) begun from a curiosity about the history of mankind and the potential future which awaits us within the ever expanding realm of technology. The project is based the latest published work from Max Tegmark, Life 3.0 (2017), Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind (2011) and part two Homo Deus A Brief History of Tomorrow (2015).

The Effect of Oil Prices on Floating Exchange Rates

This thesis contributes to the existing literature by examining the effect of oil prices on floating exchange rates of oil dependent countries. I conduct empirical tests on monthly data of 32 currencies over a timeframe of 15 years from 2003 to 2017 and 13 currencies over a timeframe of 25 years from 1993 to 2017. The analysis, therefore, includes a large sample that has the drawback of a shorter

Cyber Security in Smart Cities - Not a primary concern

Smart city is a phenomenon here to stay, constantly evolving and expanding and is fast becoming a paradigm for the transformation of connected cities. More and more parts of cities are being connected and with it, the risks and issues are on the rise. However, smart city projects often overlook the pervasive cyber security risks and threats that permeates these initiatives. The endeavour of this r

Minnet av kosackernas lidande : En diskursanalys med fokus på kollektivt minne och identitet

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur dagens kosacker i Ryssland minns den 24 januari, dagen tillägnad minnet av de kosacker som dödades av bolsjevikerna under och i efterdyningarna av det ryska inbördeskriget. Studien är en diskursanalys av 5 olika artiklar som behandlar dagen. Genom diskursanalys och teorier om kollektivt minne påträffades två olika identiteter i materialet, varav den en

Meningsskapande i samtiden - en fokusgruppundersökning om vad det innebär att tro på oförklarliga fenomen i ett sekulariserat senmodernt samhälle som Sverige

The aim of this thesis is to survey and map out what it means to believe in unexplainable phenomena, that is phenomena not scientifically explained, in a secular late modern society. The study is explorative and used methods are five focus group interviews supplemented with a questionnaire, performed in southwest of Sweden. Used theories in the inductive analysis to explain belief in unexplainable

Comparative Evaluation of Membrane Based Condensate Treatment Systems for Biomass-fired CHP Plants

Biomass-fired combined heat and power (CHP) plants in Sweden are usually equipped with a flue gas condenser, where the flue gas is sprayed with water which absorbs contaminants and makes the flue gas meet emission restrictions. This results in a contaminated condensate that has to be treated to be discharged or re-used in the plant. This can be done in various ways, but at the moment the interest

Looking for CLUes and Motifes in mRNA Transcripts

Mitochondrial damage and dysfunction are associated with the aging process, and can be attributed to mutations in both nuclear and mitochondrial genes involved in cellular respiration. Mitochondrial DNA is particularly prone to damage due to its proximity to reactive oxygen species in the mitochondrial matrix. With the current advances in gene therapy studies for both inherited and acquired diseas

Quantification of the effect that Green Roofs have on ambient CO2 concentrations : Västra Hamnen, Malmö

Att klimatet på jorden förändras och går mot varmare temperaturer är det nog igen som undkommit att höra. Därför riktar sig denna rapport till att undersöka och redovisa för hur mycket kol de gröna taken i Västra Hamnen i Malmö kan sekvestrera, inlagra, från luftens koldioxid. Detta, för att förhoppningsvis kunna använda gröna tak som en metod för att begränsa klimatförändringarna. Resultatet fråLiving in the Anthropocene epoch, climate change is a fact and the rising temperatures due to increasing greenhouse gases are only one of the many consequences. The carbon dioxide levels and greenhouse gases are of international concern, but something must be done on a local scale for it to be improved globally. Green areas and ecological corridors are now a modern and fashionable way of doing thi

Online Privacy Concerns: Introducing the effects of an individuals’ perception of privacy regulation to the APCO Macro model

With rising privacy concerns of individuals, the EU parliament actively starts protecting the privacy of its citizens with enforcement of the GDPR. This study examines if enforcement of GDPR will lead to an individuals’ lower privacy concerns and higher trust beliefs with regard to E-commerce companies. The APCO framework is followed. Besides using already existing constructs within this framework

Värmeutveckling och självuttorkning hos pasta- och bruksprov med flygaskainblandning – Litteraturstudie samt test av ny metod för kombinerad mätning av värmeutveckling och RF-nivå

Betong har använts flitigt som byggmaterial under modern tid och är idag ett av de mest använda byggmaterialen. Då krav på hållbarhet blir allt större läggs mer fokus på de stora koldioxidutsläpp som cementtillverkningen medför. Ett sätt att minska klimatpåverkan är att ersätta delar av Portlandcementet med restprodukter från andra industrier, såsom flygaska från kol- och kraftvärmeverk. Det är enConcrete has been frequently used as a buildning material in modern time and is today one of the most applied buildningmaterials. Since the demand of sustainability is getting bigger, more focus is put on the large carbon dioxide emissions that happens due to the cementmanufacturing. One way to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions is to replace a part of the Portlandcement with residues from other

From slums to sustainability? Internal migration in a highly urbanised developing country: the case of Brazil

Brazil is a country founded on migration, and since the Second World War most of that migration has been internal. However, urban overcrowding has changed the nature of migration in this, one of the most urbanized developing countries. Does internal migration in such a context still bring sizeable income gains, and are Brazilian workers right to be moving away from megaolopolises like greater São

Improvement areas for packaging and logistics: a study of long shelf-life products in Danone Nutricia

This thesis aims at defining the improvement areas for packaging and logistics of a long shelf-life Danone Nutricia aseptic product. By literature research and interview, the author is able to build a product mapping protocol to define the sensitive components requiring particular concerns on packaging and logistics. This protocol could be implemented in both academic researches and industry proje

Development of III-V RF Nanowire MOSFETs

Om du skulle gissa på hur många komponenter det finns i din mobiltelefon, vad hade du gissat på då? 10? 100? 1 000 000? Skulle du tro mig om jag säger att svaret är runt 200 miljarder? För det är faktiskt så. I din telefon och i all elektronisk utrustning runt omkring dig finns miljontals små elektroniska byggdelar som gör vårt tekniska samhälle möjligt. Snabba, smarta och kraftfulla datorer och mThe silicon MOSFET is one of the most important components used in modern electronics. The pursuit to continue fulfilling Moore’s law by scaling transistors to even smaller sizes have driven the development forward for CMOS technologies and new approaches have been necessary. These include changing the geometry of the devices for even higher performance, like creating 3D structures (finFETs or tri

A Grindr in real life? En kvalitativ studie om konstruktionen av icke-heterosexuella rum för män

How are non-heterosexual spaces for men constructed and how can we understand them? What purpose do they fill? Where does non-heterosexual men go looking to find other nonheterosexual men? This Bachelor thesis in Gender Studies explore the answers to these questions. Inspired by ’’Såna på Amerikabåtarna’’ a sociological study by Arne Nilsson the research of this thesis is drawing on four qualitati