

Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar

Automatic Segmentation of the Fetus in 3D Magnetic Resonance Images Using Deep Learning : Accurate and Fast Fetal Volume Quantification for Clinical Use

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides images for estimating fetal volume and weight, but manual delineations are time consuming. The aims were to (1) validate an algorithm to automatically quantify fetal volume by MRI; (2) compare fetal weight by Hadlock's formulas to that of MRI; and (3) quantify fetal blood flow and index flow to fetal weight by MRI. Forty-two fetuses at 36 (29-39) weeks ges

Simulatorträning ger nya läkare självförtroende vid akuta tillstånd

Målbeskrivningen för den nya sexåriga läkarutbildningen lyfter fram att en läkare ska kunna visa förmåga att självständigt inleda diagnostik och behandling vid livshotande akuta tillstånd. Sedan 2017 har fler än tusen läkarstudenter i Lund genomgått 5 veckors utbildning i akut omhändertagande.Under utbildningen handlägger studenterna ett stort antal olika livshotande akuta tillstånd i fullskalesimCurrent national objectives of Swedish medical schools state that new doctors should be able to independently start rapid and appropriate early treatment and diagnostic assessment in life-threatening situations. Since 2017 more than one thousand senior undergraduate students at Lund University have undergone compulsory five-week training in initial management of potentially reversible medical emer

Lyssnande som teologisk praktik

Som forskare i skärningspunkten mellan teologi och barndomsstudier delar vi upplevelsen av att när vi presenterar vår forskning i olika sammanhang mötas av vad vi tolkar som en okritisk teologisk barnsyn, som inte tar hänsyn till enskilda barns erfarenheter. I den här artikeln undersöker vi hur teologi och teologiska praktiker utmanas av att lyssna till barn som själva deltar i dessa praktiker. ViIn this article we discuss and problematise what we perceive as an uncritical theological view of children. Such a view does not take the experiences of particular children into account but constructs a universal understanding of children and childhood. Here we wish to explore how theology is challenged by listening to children who themselves take part in theological practices. The material we emp

Do Postnatal Depression and Anxiety Symptoms "Invade" Attachment Script Narrative Assessment?

Background: Secure base scripts (SBS) comprise implicit procedural expectations about the availability of significant others, and are formed early in life based on experiences with caregivers. SBS are conventionally captured via word-prompted, impersonal narratives, but as this assessment paradigm is relatively new, little is known about how it may be affected by situational mental health problems

Chronic opioid use before and after exercise therapy and patient education among patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis

Objective: To investigate changes in opioid use after supervised exercise therapy and patient education among knee or hip osteoarthritis patients with chronic opioid use. Method: In this cohort study, we linked data from the Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark register (GLA:D®; standardised treatment program for osteoarthritis; January 2013 to November 2018) with national health registries. A

Digitalization of Health Care : Findings from Key Informant Interviews in Sweden on Technical, Regulatory, and Patient Safety Aspects

Over the past few decades, digital technologies for health care have been introduced to improve effectiveness, reduce costs, and enhance access [1]. The case for digital health care increased dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic [2,3]. However, less is known about some of the broader conditions under which these technologies would be able to contribute to improving health care [4]. To inform

Control-Theoretical Perspective in Feedback-Based Systems Testing

Self-Adaptive Systems (SAS) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) have received significant attention in recent computer engineering research. This is due to their ability to improve the level of autonomy of engineering artefacts. In both cases, this autonomy increase is achieved through feedback. Feedback is the iteration of sens- ing and actuation to respectively acquire knowledge about the current s

Distriktssköterskans erfarenhet av att möta kvinnor i klimakteriet

Bakgrund: Klimakteriet är en fas som drabbar kvinnor mitt i livet med varierande symtom. Kvinnorna upplever klimakteriet olika beroende på kvinnans bakgrund, erfarenhet, kultur och sociala kontext. Klimakteriet är inte ett område som har så stort fokus i utbildningen till distriktssköterska, men som är ett viktigt område för den verksamma distriktssköterskan, utifrån hur vanliga symtomen på klimak

Transfusion-related Acute Lung Injury in the Perioperative Patient

Transfusion-related acute lung injury is a leading cause of death associated with the use of blood products. Transfusion-related acute lung injury is a diagnosis of exclusion which can be difficult to identify during surgery amid the various physiologic and pathophysiologic changes associated with the perioperative period. As anesthesiologists supervise delivery of a large portion of inpatient pre

Satisfaction and seizure outcomes of epilepsy surgery in tuberous sclerosis : A Swedish population-based long-term follow-up study

PURPOSE: We conducted a cross-sectional study to evaluate long-term outcomes of epilepsy surgery in tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) in a Swedish population.METHODS: Demographic and seizure data was retrieved from the Swedish National Epilepsy Surgery Registry and medical records. Patient reported outcome measurements (PROM) were determined by telephonic interviews at long term follow-up.RESULTS:

New benchmarks and optimization model for the Storage Location Assignment Problem

The Storage Location Assignment Problem (SLAP) is of primary significance to warehouse operations sincethe cost of order-picking is strongly related to where and how far vehicles have to travel. Unfortunately, ageneralized model of the SLAP, including various warehouse layouts, order-picking methodologies andconstraints, poses a highly intractable problem. Proposed optimization methods for the SLA

MRI-only based treatment with a commercial deep-learning generation method for synthetic CT of brain

ObjectivesTo show feasibility of synthetic computed tomography (sCT) images generated using a commerciallyavailable software, enabling MRI-only treatment planning for the brain in a clinical setting.Patients and Methods20 and 16 patients with brain malignancies, including post-surgical cases, were included for validationand treatment, respectively. Dixon MR images of the skull were exported to the

Understanding Social Media Shopping : Instagram and the reconfiguration of the practice of shopping

In the recent past, social media has gradually evolved from a platfrom for communication and personal exchange to a space where contemporary consumer desires are awakened, directed, and also fulfilled. Instagram, in particular, is one of the social media platforms that has made specific design decisions to combine the social and entertaining aspects of the native, virtual social media experience w