

Din sökning på "*" gav 532319 sökträffar

Psychometric evaluation of multidimensional pain inventory (Swedish version) in a sample of elderly people.

Objectives The aim was to psychometrically evaluate the Swedish version of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory (MPI-S) and the “brief screening version of MPI-S” for use in an elderly sample. Methods This study comprised 175 people aged 76–99 years reporting pain and in need of help to manage daily living. The instrument’s factor structures were investigated through factor analyses, convergent

Weight gain in relation to plasma levels of complement factor 3: results from a population-based cohort study.

Aims/hypothesis: Mice that are deficient for complement factor 3 (C3) have shown resistance to weight gain, despite increased food intake. Cross-sectional studies of humans have reported correlations between C3 and obesity. This longitudinal study explored whether C3 predicts a large weight gain in middle-aged men. Methods: Plasma concentrations of C3 and complement factor 4 (C4) were measured in

Carbonyl 13C Transverse Relaxation Measurements to Sample Protein Backbone Dynamics.

Carbonyl 13C relaxation experiments to study protein backbone dynamics have recently been developed. However, the effect of three-bond 13C-13C couplings on transverse relaxation measurements appears not to have been considered, and the potential to detect and quantify motions on the millisecond to microsecond time scale has not been fully explored. The present paper addresses these two issues. Sim

Polarization Portraits of Single Multichromophoric Systems: Visualizing Conformation and Energy Transfer.

A novel technique, two-dimensional (2D) polarization single-molecule imaging, is presented. It is based on measurements and analysis of fluorescence intensity as a function of excitation and emission polarization angles. The technique allows recording of full information on the steady-state polarization properties of fluorescent objects. It is particularly suitable for application to single multic

Surfactant diffusion through bicontinuous micellar networks: A case study of the C(9)G(1)/C(10)G(1)/H2O mixed surfactant system

Self-diffusion coefficients were obtained by means of NMR diffusometry for differing ratios of n-decyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside (C(10)G(1)) and n-nonyl-beta-D-glueopyranoside (C(9)G(1)) surfactant mixtures, along dilution lines through the micellar region of the ternary C(9)G(1)/C(10)G(1)/H2O phase diagram. Networks of bicontinuous micelles have been suggested to exist throughout the micellar region

Quasi-Free-Standing Epitaxial Graphene on SiC Obtained by Hydrogen Intercalation

Quasi-free-standing epitaxial graphene is obtained on SiC(0001) by hydrogen intercalation. The hydrogen moves between the (6 root 3 x 6 root 3) R 30 degrees reconstructed initial carbon layer and the SiC substrate. The topmost Si atoms which for epitaxial graphene are covalently bound to this buffer layer, are now saturated by hydrogen bonds. The buffer layer is turned into a quasi-free-standing g

Experimental crosses within European Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae): intraspecific differentiation, distance effects, and sex ratio

The dioecious weed Silene latifolia Poiret is thought to have spread northwards through Europe from separate southern source populations and shows a pronounced east–west pattern of differentiation in seed morphology. We used crossing experiments to investigate whether patterns of interfertility in S. latifolia are consistent with a scenario of ongoing speciation (reflected by outbreeding depressio

Student-centred GP ambassadors: Perceptions of experienced clinical tutors in general practice undergraduate training

Objective. To explore experienced general practitioner (GP) tutor perceptions of a skilled GP tutor of medical students. Design. Interview study based on focus groups. Setting. Twenty GPs experienced in tutoring medical students at primary health care centres in two Swedish regions were interviewed. Method. Four focus-group interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Subjects. Twe

Interstitial photodynamic therapy for primary prostate cancer incorporating realtime treatment dosimetry

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) for the treatment of prostate cancer has been demonstrated to be a safe treatment option capable of inducing tissue necrosis and decrease in prostate specific antigen (PSA). Research groups report on large variations in treatment response, possibly due to biological variations in tissue composition and shortterm response to the therapeutic irradiation. Within our group,

Association of Napthalene-Labeled Poly(acrylic acid) and Interaction with Cationic Surfactants. Fluorescence Studies

Water-soluble poly(acrylic acid) has been covalently labeled with a fluorescent hydrophobic chromophore, naphthalene (Np), randomly attached onto the polymer backbone with an amount of 3 mol %. The polymer, which is a new type of hydrophobically modified polymer denoted PAAMeNp-34, was investigated using steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy in aqueous solutions of different pH and in methanol. T

High prevalence of small duct primary sclerosing cholangitis among patients with overlapping autoimmune hepatitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis

Background: Overlap syndrome is a term used for overlapping features of autoimmune hepatitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis or primary biliary cirrhosis and for autoimmune cholangitis. We describe a high prevalence of small duct primary sclerosing cholangitis among patients with overlapping autoimmune hepatitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis. Methods: We sought to retrieve all patients wit

Fetal neocortical grafts implanted in adult hypertensive rats with cortical infarcts following a middle cerebral artery occlusion: ingrowth of afferent fibers from the host brain

This study is focused on the survival of fetal neocortical grafts placed in the infarcted adult host cortex of the spontaneously hypertensive rat and describes the ability of host axonal regeneration into the graft after a focal ischaemic lesion. Five to seven days following ligation of the right middle cerebral artery, dissociated neocortical primordium from fetuses of gestational age 12-18 days

Otomicroscopic findings and systemic interleukin-6 levels in relation to etiologic agent during experimental acute otitis media

The aim of the present study was to explore whether it was possible to differentiate the clinical course and the otomicroscopic appearance of acute otitis media (AOM) caused by common otitis pathogens in an animal model. Systemic interleukin (IL)-6 levels as early markers for bacterial AOM were also studied. Four groups of rats were inoculated with either Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus py

Differential Dynamic Microscopy for Anisotropic Colloidal Dynamics

Differential dynamic microscopy (DDM) is a low-cost, high-throughput technique recently developed for characterizing the isotropic diffusion of spherical colloids using white-light optical microscopy.(1) We develop the theory for applying DDM to probe the dynamics of anisotropic colloidal samples such as various ordered phases, or particles interacting with an external field. The q-dependent dynam

Collagen XVI harbors an integrin alpha 1 beta 1 recognition site in its C-terminal domains

Collagen XVI is integrated tissue-dependently into distinct fibrillar aggregates, such as D-banded cartilage fibrils and fibrillin-1-containing microfibrils. In skin, the distribution of collagen XVI overlaps that of the collagen-binding integrins alpha 1 beta 1 and alpha 2 beta 1. Basal layer keratinocytes express integrin alpha 2 beta 1, whereas integrin alpha 1 beta 1 occurs in smooth muscle ce

Soot visualisation by use of laser-induced soot vapourisation in combination with polarisation spectroscopy

A novel approach to the visualisation of soot is presented. It relies on a combination of laser-induced soot vapourisation and consecutive polarisation spectroscopy. Upon soot vapourisation, molecular fragments (for example, C-2) emerge, and may serve as effective tracers for soot. In this study we demonstrate that saturated polarisation spectroscopy on photoinduced C-2 can be exploited for soot d

Femoral hernia: clinical significance of radiologic diagnosis

A retrospective study of 18 patients with femoral hernia assessed by herniography is presented. Although a palpable lump was present in 11 patients (61%), the diagnosis of a femoral hernia was not made before herniography. Surgical exploration was performed in 12 patients and a femoral hernia was found and repaired with beneficial outcome in 9 of them. In conclusion: herniography is of value for t