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Det föreställda ghettot. Ultraortodox gränsdragning och identitetskonstruktion i The Jewish Observer 1983-2002
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur lever man ett avskilt liv i dagens moderna värld? Kan man bevara en distinkt religiös och kulturell identitet i en omgivning som propagerar för pluralism och öppenhet? Integritet och avskildhet från det omgivande samhället är viktiga inslag i charedims (ultraortodoxa judars) kulturella identitet. Att argumentera för dessa värden är lätt, att praktiskt konkretisera The dissertation focuses on the Haredi (ultra-orthodox Jewish) journal The Jewish Observer, published since 1963 by Agudath Israel of America, suggesting that the publisher uses the journal as an instrument to help the readers to maintain a distinct Haredi identity in urban, non-Haredi environments and not only in their own, isolated milieu. The articles of the journal are understood as resources,
Modeling and Identification of Position and Temperature Dependent Friction Phenomena without Temperature Sensing
This paper investigates both positional dependence in systems with friction and the influence an increase in temperature has on the friction behavior. The positional dependence is modeled with a Radial Basis Function network and the temperature dependence is modeled as a first order system with the power loss due to friction as input, eliminating the need for temperature sensing. The proposed meth
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Structure and Dynamics in Amphiphilic Bilayers: NMR and MD simulation Studies
Popular Abstract in English Drizzle a thin stream of olive oil into water. The oil splashes into tiny little drops first, and in a fraction of a second, they emerge from bulk to the surface, and then coalesce to form a thin layer. This phenomenon relates to the molecular properties of the liquids. Olive oil is composed, in a large extent, of molecules with a fierce name, triglycerides, which are bSolid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were employed to study molecular structure and dynamics in amphiphilic bilayers. This thesis reports on method development and practical applications to two types of bilayer systems: simple cell membrane models composed of phosphatidylcholine lipids and cholesterol; and liquid crystals composed of eth
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Examines the Swedish and German national anthems in the context of cultural constructions of community. The transnational interdependencies of the concepts singing, people, and nation are traced from the end of the 18th c. to the 1950s. The production, reception, and discourse of national and traditional music are discussed. The study also contains music-specific analyses of the speeches of King O
Pamflettdebatten. Tankar och brev i tryckfrihetstidens offentlighet
Prioriteringar och processer inom socialtjänsten. En undersökning i åtta kommuner.
Kapitlet är en introduktion till en antologi, tillkommen inom ramen för Forskarskolan i historia och historiedidaktik
The making and marketing of a poetess: Sophia Elisabet Brenner (1659-1730)
Malmö högskola bildas kring en vision
Om hur en ny högskola tar form och utredningsarbete och visoner bakom tillkomsten.
Policy Implications for the Future on the Sectoral System
Nordic Narratives of the Second World War: An Introduction
Accelerating signal processing algorithms in digital holography using an FPGA platform
This paper describes the implementation of a custom DSP system to accelerate image processing algorithms used in the field of digital holography. The system, implemented on an FPGA platform, is intended for real-time reconstruction of images captured on a large image sensor. Due to the large amount of processing information, it is not possible to perform a HDL simulation of a complete image recons
Absorbed Dose Measurement in Mammography
Simple Ceiling Jet Correlation Derived from Numerical Experiments
Numerical experiments, constituting of 90 simulations in FDS, were used in this paper for two purposes. Firstly an evaluation of previously derived correlations for ceiling jet excess temperatures and velocities was performed. Secondly the numerical experiments were used to demonstrate how computer simulations could be used as a complement to actual fire experiments in fire science research. The
On the Logistics Effects of Integrated Product and Package Design
If engineering designers consciously design product and package in an integrated manner, there is a great potential for industrial global enterprises to develop and produce mechanical products, such as exhaust extraction systems, ear washer machines and fuel handling systems while simultaneously obtaining error-free deliveries, saving costs and avoiding quality problems. Thus, the authors of this