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Markups and Export Pricing
We analyze empirically product-price variation across export destinations using detailed firm-product data. Most recent studies using highly disaggregated data emphasize variations in product quality as an explanation as to why firms charge different prices for the same product on different export markets. In this paper, we take an alternative approach and assume that variations in firms' export p
Kommentar till Lag (1969:200) om uttagande av utländsk tull, annan skatt, avgift eller pålaga
Meinen und Entscheiden
Kärnfysik, fortsättningskurs laborationer, Del I
Läsning, litteratur och böcker i en digital värld
Comparison of LES Models Applied to a Bluff Body Stabilized Flame
Present-day demands on combustion equipment are increasing the need for improved understanding and prediction of turbulent combustion. Large Eddy Simulation (LES), in which the large-scale flow is resolved on the grid, leaving only the small-scale flow to be modeled, provides a natural framework for combustion calculations as the transient nature of the flow is resolved. In most situations, howeve
Operativ utvärdering: nyttan av att veta vad studenterna tänker
Kulturhistoriska perspektiv på samtidens individualisering
On adaptive deterministic gossiping in ad hoc radio networks
We study deterministic algorithms for gossiping problem in ad hoc radio networks. The gossiping problem is a communication task in which each node of the network possesses a unique single message that is to be communicated to all other nodes in the network. The efficiency of a communication algorithm in radio networks is very often expressed in terms of: max-eccentricity D, max-indegree Δ, and siz
Power System Oscillations - Detection, Estimation and Control
The topic of this thesis is the electro-mechanical oscillations which to some extent always are present in a power system. The demand of electric power is ever increasing. At the same time, the tolerance of disruptions in the power supply is decreasing. The deregulated market together with distributed generation have then pushed the system to operate during circumstances for which it was not desig
Conclusions: What Direction for the Future of African Agriculture
Världen i miniatyr. Ur Universitetsbibliotekets kartsamling.
För att förändra världen gick vi ut - men vad tror du att det hände sen?
Altering the Point of You : Perspectives on Intersubjectivity and Metacognition
Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna avhandling var att undersöka olika aspekter på intersubjektivitet, metakognitiv utveckling och mellanmänsklig förståelse. Mer precist var syftet att undersöka hur några specifika teorier – mentaliseringsteorin, teorin om primär intersubjektivitet, samt interaktionsteorin – beskriver vilken roll intersubjektivitet har att spela i denna utveckling. De förThe aim of the thesis was to examine different aspects of the role of intersubjectivity in metacognitive development and in social understanding. More specifically, it investigates how different theoretical frameworks, such as mentalization theory, the theory of primary intersubjectivity, and interaction theory describe the developmental role of intersubjectivity. The suggestions these theories ma
Pro- and anticoagulant mechanisms in coronary artery disease. Clinical studies on factor VII and resistance to activated protein C
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärtinfarkt och kärlkramp orsakas av förändringar i hjärtats kranskärl pga åderförkalkninng (ateroskleros). Fettinlagring i kärlväggen leder dels till förträngning och dels till bildning av ömtåliga plack som plötsligt kan spricka. Denna kärlväggsskada försöker kroppen reparera genom aktivering av blodets levringssystem (koagulation). Det är i denna situation inte heltThe triggering mechanism in myocardial infarction (MI) and unstable angina involves coronary thrombus formation following plaque rupture. Coagulation is initiated by tissue factor that activates factor VII (FVII), and is inhibited by protein C and its co-factor protein S. Resistance to activated protein C (APC resistance) is a common risk factor for venous thrombosis caused by a mutation in the ge
Users’ knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding electronic resources and information literacy: a pilot study at Makerere University.
This paper presents a pilot study of an on-going doctoral study, addressing the knowledge, attitudes and practices of e-resources users. The study was a cross-sectional survey of graduate students, researchers, academic staff, heads of departments and college librarians at the Makerere University School of Public Health. The purpose was to test data collection methods and gain pre-understanding of
Does the Measurement of Intra-Industry Trade Matter?
Does the Measurement of Intra-Industry Trade Matter? - This paper discusses different methods of capturing the main aspects of the Chamberlin-Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model. Of particular interest are the distinction between horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade, the adjustment of aggregation biases, and the definition of inter- and intra-industry specialization at product level. The main
Wavelet Galerkin Methods for Elastic Multibody Systems
In the present paper we discuss simulation with a wavelet element method. The model problem is a simplified 2D-roller bearing model consisting of an elastic outer and inner ring and a roller. This model reflects typical properties of elastic multibody systems, eg. combination of gross motion with elastic deformation and contact problems. The wavelet element method is implemented in a similar way a