527972 sökträffar
Fattigdomens besvärjelser : visionära ideal och vardagliga realiteter i socialt arbete
Popular Abstract in Swedish Socialakrobat, världsförbättrare, soc-kärring. Benämningarna på socialarbetare har skiftat genom åren, liksom synen på yrket. I Fattigdomens besvärjelser skildras den svenska fattigvårdens förvandling till modern socialvård. Det är arbetets vardag som står i fokus, många gånger i kontrast till socialarbetarnas visionära förhoppningar. Vi får möta sekelskiftets filantroThe theme of this dissertation is how changing claims as to what is proper and true social work have been formulated and staged in the twentieth century. From the perspective of cultural analysis I seek to discuss how social work has been formed and changed over a century. I wish to demonstrate how descriptions and narratives, actions and gazes, practice and rhetoric have constituted a changing pr
Emma Bovary – missförstådd och misshandlad. Gustave Flauberts Madame Bovary
Translation into Swedish of Hans Kelsen, Reine Rechtslehre, 2 uppl.
Asketer och munkar. Svenskt Patristiskt Bibliotek V
Extracting Knowledge from Neural Networks in Image Processing
Despite their success-story, artificial neural networks have one major disadvantagecompared to other techniques: the inability to explain comprehensively how a trainedneural network reaches its output; neural networks are not only (incorrectly) seen as a “magic tool” but possibly even more as a mysterious “black box.” Although much research has already been done to “open the box,” there is a notab
μ-Foil Polymer Electrode Array for Intracortical Neural Recordings
We have developed a multichannel electrode array—termed μ-foil—that comprises ultrathin and flexible electrodes protruding from a thin foil at fixed distances. In addition to allowing some of the active sites to reach less compromised tissue, the barb-like protrusions that also serves the purpose of anchoring the electrode array into the tissue. This paper is an early evaluation of technical aspec
Bilden som källa
Artikel om bilden i konst- och historievetenskaplig forskning.
Defining and validating the clinical role of molecular markers in osteoarthritis
Students’ experiences and perceptions of good teaching practice
Through in-depth interviews, students’ experiences and perceptions of good teaching practice in literature and physics during one school year were investigated in eight upper secondary classes of the first, second and third years in Greece. Students’ feelings of joy, pleasure and personal meaning in the teaching and learning situation were in focus of the research. Three main and interconnected as
Comprehensive Public Values and the Implementation Process
Abstract is not available
The word “desertification” was introduced in 1949 by the French scientist Aubreville in his report “Climats, forêts et désertification de l´Afrique tropicale”. The concept, however, was discussed earlier by European and American scientists in terms of increased sand movements, desiccation, desert and Sahara encroachment and man made deserts. Desertification, at the beginning of last century, mea
Local adaptation to winter conditions in a passerine spreading north: A common-garden approach
Sedentary passerine birds living in temperate and boreal regions need a high metabolic capacity for thermogenesis to survive winter conditions. As a consequence of the increased thermogenic capacity, basal energetic demands rise at a time when resources and time to acquire them decrease. In a previous study, great tits (Parus major) from two localities in Fennoscandia with contrasting winter condi
JNK/c-Jun Signaling and Peripheral Nerve Regeneration
Popular Abstract in Swedish De generella företeelser som sker i samband med en axonal skada i det perifera nervsystemet (PNS) har tidigare beskrivits i detalj. Däremot är de molekylära mekanismer som ligger bakom celldöd, eller bakom nervcellens förmåga att regenerera efter en axonal skada, ringa studerade. Den här avhandlingen behandlar en sådan molekylär mekanism, JNK-medierad aktivering av c-JuThe events associated with axonal injury in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) have been described in detail. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the regenerative response, or neuronal cell death, following axonal injury are poorly understood. This thesis concerns one such molecular mechanism, JNK-mediated c-Jun activation, in peripheral sensory and sympathetic neurons. By immunohistoche
Generell eller selektiv välfärd? Om fattigvårdsstriden 1912-13
Big data, small data och etik i internetforskningen: utmaningar för samhällsvetenskapen
I denna text vill jag göra tre poänger: 1) internet är idag och kommer över överskådlig tid att vara ett oerhört viktigt fält för forskning och datainsamling inom samhällsvetenskapen; 2) det finns en rad olika problem – metodmässiga, ekonomiska och etiska – med datainhämtning i stor skala; 3) det etiska regelverket för denna typ av forskning är i Sverige outvecklat och måste ses över.
Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability Overview Update
Hållbart byggande - en internationell utblick
Introduction: Towards a Poetics of Interart Discourse
Introduction to anthology on the interrelations of the arts.
Jordens dotter : Selma Lagerlöf och den tyska hembygdslitteraturen
Popular Abstract in Swedish Jordens dotter. Selma Lagerlöf och den tyska hembygdslitteraturen. Avhandlingen undersöker mottagandet av Selma Lagerlöfs verk i Tyskland åren runt sekelskiftet 1900. Selma Lagerlöf introducerades på den tyska bokmarknaden 1896 med en översättning av debutverket Gösta Berlings saga. Redan tidigt under sin litterära karriär uppmärksammades hon i tysk press och nådde på This dissertation studies the reception of the works of the Swedish author Selma Lagerlöf in Germany at the turn of the century 1900. Selma Lagerlöf was introduced into the German book market in 1896, with a translation of her first novel, “The Saga of Gosta Berling”. She was well received by the German press and had after only a couple of years managed to get herself an impressive readership, whi