Din sökning på "*" gav 534776 sökträffar
EG, konkurrensrätten och den sociala dimensionen : en historik
Long-term suicide risk of depression in the Lundby cohort 1947-1997 - severity and gender.
Objective: The long-term suicide risk of depression was evaluated in a community sample by severity and gender. Method: The Lundby study is a prospective, longitudinal cohort study on a population consisting of 3563 subjects. In 1947-1997 medium or severe depression according to the Lundby diagnostic system were registered in 503 subjects. The same subjects were also diagnosed according to DSM-IV
Fritt spel eller inte mellan tittare och film
Pedofilens perspektiv präglar nya Lolita
The effects of first exposure to an unknown language at different ages
Brandingenjören och det byggnadstekniska brandskyddet
A remarkable constancy in the relative amount of stroma lamellae of chloroplasts from plants, and its functional significance
A model is presented which gives a quantitative picture of the distribution of the photosynthetic components in the thylakoid membrane of higher plants. The model is based on fragmentation and separation analysis together with microscopy. A salient feature of the model is that over 80 per cent of the pigments are located in the grana where the two photosystems 1 and 2 produce oxygen, NADPH and ATP
Ställföreträdarskap. En översikt
Generalized derivations on algebras
In this paper we study (sigma,tau)-derivations on algebras from an abstract point of view. After some definitions and examples, we derive Leibniz type formulas and introduce a module structure on spaces of (sigma,tau)-derivations. Then we find all (sigma,tau)-derivations on unique factorization domains when sigma and tau are different endomorphisms. We also prove necessary equations for sigma-deri
Theology for a Culture of Peace : A Theological Analysis of the Textual Process towards an Ecumenical Declaration on Just Peace in the World Council of Churches 2008-2011 (Research survey)
Regulation of cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2 expression-a potential anti-tumor mechanism.
The cysteinyl leukotrienes receptors (CysLTRs) are implicated in many different pathological conditions, such as inflammation and cancer. We have previously shown that colon cancer patients with high CysLT(1)R and low CysLT(2)R expression demonstrate poor prognosis. Therefore, we wanted to investigate ways for the transcriptional regulation of CysLT(2)R, which still remains to be poorly understood
Stenålderns katedraler
Influence of atomic density in high-order harmonic generation
We have investigated how high-order harmonics generated in rare gases depend on the atomic density. The peak and the profile of the atomic density in the interaction region were measured as a function of the backing pressure and the distance from the nozzle by a differential interferometry technique, The conversion efficiency for the harmonics in the plateau was found to increase approximately qua
Litteraturen, Harry Martinson och havet
Anm. av Lundmark, Torsten: Friskrivningsklausuler : giltighet och räckvidd
Selective silicate-directed motility in diatoms.
Diatoms are highly abundant unicellular algae that often dominate pelagic as well as benthic primary production in the oceans and inland waters. Being strictly dependent on silica to build their biomineralized cell walls, marine diatoms precipitate 240 × 10(12) mol Si per year, which makes them the major sink in the global Si cycle. Dissolved silicic acid (dSi) availability frequently limits diato
Myeloid and lymphoid contribution to non-haematopoietic lineages through irradiation-induced heterotypic cell fusion.
Recent studies have suggested that regeneration of non-haematopoietic cell lineages can occur through heterotypic cell fusion with haematopoietic cells of the myeloid lineage. Here we show that lymphocytes also form heterotypic-fusion hybrids with cardiomyocytes, skeletal muscle, hepatocytes and Purkinje neurons. However, through lineage fate-mapping we demonstrate that such in vivo fusion of lymp
Larval papulonodular dermatitis treated with topical tiabendazole.
Developments in macromolecular drug delivery.
Macromolecular drugs hold great promise as novel therapeutics of several major disorders, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. However, their use is limited by lack of efficient, safe, and specific delivery strategies. Successful development of such strategies requires interdisciplinary collaborations involving researchers with expertise on, e.g., polymer chemistry, cell biology, nanotechnol