

Din sökning på "*" gav 535093 sökträffar

The N-terminal heptapeptide of mitochondrial creatine kinase is important for octamerization

Mitochondrial creatine kinase (Mi-CK) isoenzymes, in contrast to cytosolic CKs, form octameric molecules composed of four stable dimers. Octamers and dimers are interconvertible. Removal of the N-terminal pentapeptide of chicken cardiac Mi-CK (Mib-CK) by limited proteolysis drastically destabilized the octamer. The role of the charged amino acids within the N-terminal heptapeptide was studied in d

Substrate switches, phenotypic innovations and allopatric speciation formed taxonomic diversity within the lichen genus Blastenia

Blastenia is a widely distributed lichen genus in Teloschistaceae. We reconstructed its phylogeny in order to test species delimitation and to find evolutionary drivers forming recent Blastenia diversity. The origin of Blastenia is dated to the early Tertiary period, but later diversification events are distinctly younger. We recognized 24 species (plus 2 subspecies) within 6 infrageneric groups.

Asynchronous Photoexcited Electronic and Structural Relaxation in Lead-Free Perovskites

Vacancy-ordered lead-free perovskites with more-stable crystalline structures have been intensively explored as the alternatives for resolving the toxic and long-term stability issues of lead halide perovskites (LHPs). The dispersive energy bands produced by the closely packed halide octahedral sublattice in these perovskites are meanwhile anticipated to facility the mobility of charge carriers. H

Biofilm structure - An important and neglected parameter in waste water treatment

Experimental investigations on the kinetics of wastewater treatment processes in biofilms were performed in a laboratory reactor. Parallel with the kinetic experiments, the influence of the biofilm kinetics on the biofilm structure was studied at macroscopic and microscopic levels. The close interrelationship between biofilm kinetics and structural changes caused by the kinetics is illustrated by

Doping of GaAsP nanowires grown by aerotaxy

Nanowire (NW) Photovoltaics are a promising route for low-cost multi-bandgap tandem cells, which is taxing in terms of processing and lattice matching in traditional planar geometries.[1] III-V nanowires are more suitable for monolithic integration as they can assimilate the lattice mismatch to a larger extent.[2] GaAsP is a material that offers a wide tunability of the band gap from near infrared

A case study addressing the benefits of daylighting and electric lighting integration in the retail sector

This article describes field monitoring and supplementary simulations of an existing daylighting and electric lighting integrated design for a furniture store. First in its type, the store includes several areas of the showroom provided with abundant daylighting. For the monitoring, the areas of the living rooms and the home decoration exhibitions were selected. They include wide glazed areas, day

IEA SHC Task 61 / EBC Annex 77 Integrated Solutions for Daylighting and Electric Lighting / Subtask D: Lab and Field Study Performance Tracking

The recently launched IEA SHC Task 61 aims at fostering the integration of daylighting and electric lighting solutions for the benefit of higher user satisfaction and energy savings at the same time. In order to drastically reduce the energy use of buildings daylighting, electric lighting and associated controls must be integrated, and the role of the user should be considered in the integration p

The prognostic value of dGEMRIC regarding future knee OA Long-term assessment after traumatic chondral injury and ACL injury

Abstract Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disorder globally and a major cause of disabiltiy with the knee joint responsible for 80% of the disease burden. Progressive degenerative changes in cartilage tissue result in deterioration and loss of articular cartilage. Cartilage has poor capacity of healing and the detection of degeneration usually occurs at a stage of progressiAbstract Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disorder globally and a major cause of disabiltiy with the knee joint responsible for 80% of the disease burden. Progressive degenerative changes in cartilage tissue result in deterioration and loss of articular cartilage. Cartilage has poor capacity of healing and the detection of degeneration usually occurs at a stage of progressi

The human milk protein-lipid complex HAMLET disrupts glycolysis and induces death in Streptococcus pneumoniae

HAMLET is a complex of human a-lactalbumin (ALA) and oleic acid and kills several Gram-positive bacteria by a mechanism that bears resemblance to apoptosis in eukaryotic cells. To identify HAMLET's bacterial targets, here we used Streptococcus pneumoniae as a model organism and employed a proteomic approach that identified several potential candidates. Two of these targets were the glycolytic enzy

Pair Matcher (PaM) : fast model-based optimization of treatment/case-control matches

MOTIVATION: In clinical trials, individuals are matched using demographic criteria, paired and then randomly assigned to treatment and control groups to determine a drug's efficacy. A chief cause for the irreproducibility of results across pilot to Phase-III trials is population stratification bias caused by the uneven distribution of ancestries in the treatment and control groups.RESULTS: Pair Ma

Parametric study and optimization on heat transfer and flow characteristics in a rectangular channel with longitudinal vortex generators

In this study, effects of various geometrical parameters of a new winglet longitudinal vortex generator (LVG) on heat transfer and flow characteristics in a rectangular channel were investigated by a numerical method, and the influence of various parameters was analyzed. A comparative study of effects of elliptical pole parameters, the thickness, the length, the height, the attack angle, the trans

Integrative analysis of prognostic biomarkers derived from multiomics panels helps discrimination of chronic kidney disease trajectories in people with type 2 diabetes

Clinical risk factors explain only a fraction of the variability of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) decline in people with type 2 diabetes. Cross-omics technologies by virtue of a wide spectrum screening of plasma samples have the potential to identify biomarkers for the refinement of prognosis in addition to clinical variables. Here we utilized proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics

Neurologic disorders in long-term survivors of neuroblastoma–a population-based cohort study within the Adult Life after Childhood Cancer in Scandinavia (ALiCCS) research program

Background: Neuroblastoma is the commonest extracranial solid tumor of childhood, yet rare, and with poor survival before 1990, especially for high-risk disease; thus, information on late effects is sparse. With great advances in cancer treatment, survival has reached 80% in the Nordic countries. The aim of the study was to investigate the risk of developing neurologic disorders after neuroblastom

Serum ghrelin and esophageal and gastric cancer in two cohorts in China

Ghrelin is a hormone produced in the oxyntic glands of the stomach. Previous work by our group has suggested that serum ghrelin concentrations are inversely associated with gastric and esophageal cancer risk. We measured ghrelin concentrations in the Linxian General Population Nutrition Intervention Trial (NIT), and the Shanghai Women's Health Study (SWHS). In NIT, we analyzed serum samples from 2

Utgör livsmedelspriser en barriär mot en hälsosam kost?

Förekomsten av kostrelaterade sjukdomar ökar, framför allt i grupper som lever under ekonomisk knapphet. Detta förklaras ofta med det höga priset på eller den höga prisökningstakten för hälsosamma livsmedel. De samhällsekonomiska implikationerna av en sådan förklaring är omfattande eftersom de motiverar mer omfattande omfördelning eller prismanipulation som lösning på hälsoproblemen. Detta bidrag

Quantitative T-wave morphology assessment from surface ECG is linked with cardiac events risk in genotype-positive KCNH2 mutation carriers with normal QTc values

Introduction: Long QT syndrome (LQTS) mutation carriers have elevated the risk of cardiac events even in the absence of QTc prolongation; however, mutation penetrance in patients with normal QTc may be reflected in abnormal T-wave shape, particularly in KCNH2 mutation carriers. We aimed to assess whether the magnitude of a three-dimensional T-wave vector (TwVM) will identify KCNH2-mutation carrier