

Din sökning på "*" gav 349318 sökträffar

Dysregulation of Glucagon Secretion by Hyperglycemia-Induced Sodium-Dependent Reduction of ATP Production

Diabetes is a bihormonal disorder resulting from combined insulin and glucagon secretion defects. Mice lacking fumarase (Fh1) in their β cells (Fh1βKO mice) develop progressive hyperglycemia and dysregulated glucagon secretion similar to that seen in diabetic patients (too much at high glucose and too little at low glucose). The glucagon secretion defects are corrected by low concentrations of tol

Search for pair and single production of vectorlike quarks in final states with at least one Z boson decaying into a pair of electrons or muons in pp collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at s =13 TeV

A search for vectorlike quarks is presented, which targets their decay into a Z boson and a third-generation Standard Model quark. In the case of a vectorlike quark T (B) with charge +2/3e (-1/3e), the decay searched for is T→Zt (B→Zb). Data for this analysis were taken during 2015 and 2016 with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb-1

Automated phosphopeptide enrichment from minute quantities of frozen malignant melanoma tissue

To acquire a deeper understanding of malignant melanoma (MM), it is essential to study the proteome of patient tissues. In particular, phosphoproteomics of MM has become of significant importance because of the central role that phosphorylation plays in the development of MM. Investigating clinical samples, however, is an extremely challenging task as there is usually only very limited quantities

Recension av Petrus Canisius, Katolikernas lilla katekes : Svensk översättning 1579. Latinska utgåvan: Institutiones Christianae Pietatis sive Parvus Catechismus Catholicorum från 1558

Existensen av detta översatta arbete är inte okänd. Endast ett känt exemplar på svenska finns bevarat i Helsingfors universitetsbibliotek. Det har dock inte lyfts fram särskilt i den reformatoriska historieforskningen. Den utgåva som Skara stifshistoriska sällskap gett ut dokumenterar och vidgar kunskapen inte bara om texten som sådan utan redovisar också hur den katolska kyrkan agerade på undervi

Den kommunikativa organisationen – slutrapport

Den kommunikativa organisationen – vår definitionEn kommunikativ organisation har ständigt kommunikation på agendan. Det finns i organisationen en utbredd förståelse för att kommunikation är en förutsättning för en organisations existens, måluppfyllelse och framgång. Ett genomtänkt och välfungerande kommunikationssystem är grundläggande. I den kommunikativa organisationen värdesätts olika röster o

Antennal transcriptome analysis of the chemosensory gene families from Trichoptera and basal Lepidoptera

The chemosensory gene families of insects encode proteins that are crucial for hostlocation, mate finding, oviposition, and avoidance behaviors. The insect peripheralchemosensory system comprises odorant receptors (ORs), gustatory receptors (GRs),ionotropic receptors (IRs), odorant binding proteins (OBPs), chemosensory proteins(CSPs), and sensory neuron membrane proteins (SNMPs). These protein fam

Bisphosphonate ligand mediated ultrasensitive capacitive protein sensor : complementary match of supramolecular and dynamic chemistry

Modern healthcare demands rapid and accurate detection of proteins/enzymes at the ultratrace level. Herein we present a molecularly imprinted capacitive sensor for trypsin, developed by microcontact imprinting. High affinity and selectivity was achieved by doping the prepolymerization mixture with a stoichiometric amount of methacrylamide-based bisphosphonate (BP) monomer. Taking advantage of the

Intrinsically Microporous Polymer Retains Porosity in Vacuum Thermolysis to Electroactive Heterocarbon

Vacuum carbonization of organic precursors usually causes considerable structural damage and collapse of morphological features. However, for a polymer with intrinsic microporosity (PIM-EA-TB with a Brunauer–Emmet–Teller (BET) surface area of 1027 m2g–1), it is shown here that the rigidity of the molecular backbone is retained even during 500 °C vacuum carbonization, yielding a novel type of micro

Net Effects of Birds in Agroecosystems

Incorporating both ecosystem services and disservices into land-use decisions is essential for meeting conservation and livelihood goals. We discuss the merits and challenges of this concept, termed net effects, for birds in agroecosystems. Although birds have widely documented impacts on agriculture (e.g., pest control, crop damage), the net effects of such activities are rarely quantified. This

The noncoding RNA nc886 regulates PKR signaling and cytokine production in human cells

Protein kinase RNA-activated (PKR) is a cytoplasmic receptor for dsRNA, and as such is involved in detection of viral infection. On binding dsRNA, PKR dimerizes, autophosphorylates, and then phosphorylates its substrate, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit a (eIF2α), causing inhibition of mRNA translation and shutdown of viral protein production. However, active PKR has also been fo

Homology and linkage in crossover for linear genomes of variable length

The use of variable-length genomes in evolutionary computation has applications in optimisation when the size of the search space is unknown, and provides a unique environment to study the evolutionary dynamics of genome structure. Here, we revisit crossover for linear genomes of variable length, identifying two crucial attributes of successful recombination algorithms: the ability to retain homol

Impact of pH modification on protein polymerization and structure–function relationships in potato protein and wheat gluten composites

Wheat gluten (WG) and potato protein (PP) were modified to a basic pH by NaOH to impact macromolecular and structural properties. Films were processed by compression molding (at 130 and 150°C) of WG, PP, their chemically modified versions (MWG, MPP) and of their blends in different ratios to study the impact of chemical modification on structure, processing and tensile properties. The modification

An updated checklist of the European Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea)

This paper presents an updated checklist of the butterflies of Europe, together with their original name combinations, and their occurrence status in each European country. According to this checklist, 496 species of the superfamily Papilionoidea occur in Europe. Changes in comparison with the last version (2.6.2) of Fauna Europaea are discussed. Compared to that version, 16 species are new additi

Familial risk for gastric carcinoma : An updated study from Sweden

Reliable data on familial risks are important for clinical counselling and cancer genetics. However, the estimates of familial risk of gastric cancer vary widely. We examined the risk of familial gastric cancer using the updated Swedish Family-Cancer Database with 5358 patients among offspring and 36 486 patients among parents. There were 133 families with one parent and one offspring diagnosed wi

Socioeconomic/Occupational Risk Factors for Lymphoproliferative Diseases in Sweden

Purpose: The aim of the study is to investigate associations between socioeconomic and occupational factors and lymphoproliferative (LP) diseases. Methods: We performed a follow-up study on the economically active Swedish population, based on the Swedish Family-Cancer Database. Standardized incidence ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated in different social classes and occupations. R

Impact of Spatial Consistency on Dynamic Beamforming for Millimeter-Wave Cellular Systems

Millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies are set to play an important role in fifth-generation (5G) wireless systems. A pre-requisite for the design and performance assessment of 5G wireless is the understanding of the involved propagation processes and derivation of insightful channel models. Unlike bands below 6 GHz, several additional modelling features need to be catered for at mmWaves. For dynami

Neurologic disorders in 4858 survivors of central nervous system tumors in childhood-an Adult Life after Childhood Cancer in Scandinavia (ALiCCS) study

Background: A comprehensive overview of neurologic complications among survivors of central nervous system (CNS) tumors in childhood is lacking. We aimed to investigate the risk for these disorders in a large, population-based study with outcome measures from nationwide hospital registries. Methods: We identified 4858 five-year survivors with diagnoses of CNS tumor in childhood in Denmark, Iceland

Titulära svenska hertigars vapen från 1700-talet till nutiden

Since 1772, members of the Royal Swedish family have been granted titular duchies among the historical provinces of Sweden. The right to choose a duchy for a prince, and since 1980, for a princess that is heir to the throne, lies with the King. Central and important provinces with majestic heraldic symbols have been chosen to a greater extent than smaller and more peripheral provinces with less ma