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Emissions from Fires Part II: Simulated Room Fires
Detailed quantitative characterization of the combustion gases from a series of room fires is reported in this article. Three simulated room fires were conducted with a test room containing a typical domestic fuel load of furniture including a TV-set. Two types of TV-sets were studied in the experiments, i.e. those containing fire retarded and non-fire retarded enclosure material. The measurement
En svensk presshistoria
Posture and brain function in dementia. A study with special reference to orthostatic hypotension.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Människans utveckling och fysiologiska anpassning till upprätt kroppställning är beroende av en rad blodtrycksreglerande mekanismer. Vid ortostatisk hypotension sjunker blodtrycket i samband med uppresning från liggande till stående. Detta beror på en sviktande cirkulationsanpassning så att organismen inte förmår att upprätthålla ett tillräckligt högt blodtryck. SymtomeOrthostatic hypotension (OH) is believed to be an important cause of cerebral hypoperfusion, leading to chronic fatigue, blurred vision, unsteadiness, dizziness and sometimes syncope. It may also result in episodes of confusion, falls and fractures. The coupling between OH and organic dementia is not clear. Our findings in a large group of patients with Alzheimer's disease, vascular- and frontotem
Matrix Theory
Himlens tredje dimension: Om stjärnornas avstånd, från Hipparchos till Gaia
Assessing Quality in European Education Research: Indicators and Approaches
'Töres döttrar i Vänge' relaterad till andra konstarter
Icke-visuella effekter av belysning i kontorsmljö
Operator Methods in Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
Om den rättsliga normaliseringen och moraliseringen av religion
Synthesis and Rearrangement of Epoxy Sugars
Ring-Contraction of sugar-derived epoxy alcohols, functionalised in position 1 and 6, by treatment with lithium bromide and N, N, N', N'-tetramethylurea in refluxing toluene gave enantiomerically pure a,b-unsaturated aldehydes of furanosides. O-Glycosidic epoxy alcohols gave only one, easily purified, aldehyde in approximately 30-60% yield depending on the substitution pattern. C-Glycosidic epoxy
Euroscreen: The attraction of screen destinations. Baseline report assessing best practice
EuroScreen is a project specifically designed to capitalise on the major economic and cultural opportunities presented through screen tourism. The three year project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the INTERREG IVC programme, aims to exploit the screen sector as a proven catalyst for tourism development through the alignment of policies between the scree
Plant colonization of oak plantations - the interactive effects of local environment and land-use history
Popular Abstract in Swedish Floran i ekplanteringar ? en effekt av miljö, spridning eller markhistoria? Bakgrund Europas befolkning ökande kraftigt efter industrialismens genombrott och som en följd av detta ökade behovet av åkermark för att försörja den växande skaran människor med mat. Mer och mer av den lövskog som tidigare täckte stora delar av norra Europa avverkades för att bli åkermark, In Europe, only small fragments of deciduous woodlands remain intact and species dependent on this ecosystem have declined. In southern Sweden, a shifting trend during the 20th century, with more afforestations on former arable land, resulted in new oak stands. These new stand are either on former arable fields or on continuously forested land. This thesis has its emphasis on colonization patterns