

Din sökning på "*" gav 530412 sökträffar

Natural anticoagulant discovery, the gift that keeps on giving : finding FV-Short

The complex reactions of blood coagulation are balanced by several natural anticoagulants resulting in tuned hemostasis. During several decades, the knowledge base of the natural anticoagulants has greatly increased and we have also learned about antiinflammatory and cytoprotective activities expressed by antithrombin and activated protein C (APC). Some coagulation proteins have also been found to

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Objective/context: In this article, I propose the concept of continuum of militancy to analyze the transformation of the political struggles of former FARC-EP women guerrilleras in the post-peace agreement, with a particular emphasis on the country’s northeastern region. Based on their narratives, I inquire about the transformation from armed struggle to feminist combat, as well as the tensions an

"Huset brinner och vi måste rädda människorna": En kvalitativ studie om klimataktivisters användning av civil olydnad som verktyg för politisk förändring

This thesis presents a qualitative study, which investigates how active members of various climate movements in Sweden utilize civil disobedience as a tool for political change, and their relationship with the political and legal systems. Data was collected through six semi-structured interviews with activists from Sweden, Hungary and Denmark, as well as observations of two court hearings. The stu

Modellering av vindkraftverksfundament - En jämförelse av fackverksanalogi och finita elementmetoden

Sverige har som mål att öka produktionen av förnybar och fossilfri el. Den billigaste fossilfria energikällan är vindkraft och därav investeras det mer i vindkraft än tidigare. Storleken på vindkraftverken har ökat de senaste åren vilket höjt kraven på fundamenten. I denna studie analyserades ett cylinderformat bergförankrat vindkraftverksfundament. Fundamentet består av tre väsentliga komponenter

ABO Genotyping finds more A2 to B kidney transplant opportunities than lectin-based subtyping

ABO compatibility is important for kidney transplantation, with longer waitlist times for blood group B kidney transplant candidates. However, kidneys from non-A1 (eg, A2) subtype donors, which express less A antigen, can be safely transplanted into group B recipients. ABO subtyping is routinely performed using anti-A1 lectin, but DNA-based genotyping is also possible. Here, we compare lectin and

The Joy of Not Fitting In – An Essay on How Non-binary People Accomplish Gender Euphoria

This thesis aims to understand how gender euphoria is constructed by non-binary people, and how these experiences are embedded in ideas of masculinities and femininities. The theoretical point of departure involves the theorization of “doing gender” by West and Zimmerman, concepts from ethnomethodology inspired by Liberman, and finally “performative acts” by Butler. These theoretical points are re

En paj eller två halvor?

Examensarbetets titel: En paj eller två halvor? En kvantitativ studie om hur annonseringen av en aktiesplit kan generera abnormal avkastning för amerikanska företag på Nasdaq. Seminariedatum: 01/06/2023 Ämne/kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i Finansiering på Kandidatnivå, 15 HP Författare: Douglas Freidestam, Erik Petersen, Matilda Åberg Handledare: Maria Gårdängen Nyckelord: Abnormal avkastning, Title: One pie or two halves? A quantitative study on how the announcement of a stock split can generate abnormal returns for american Nasdaq firms. Seminar date: 01/06/2023 Course: FEKH89, Corporate Finance Degree Project, Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS Authors: Douglas Freidestam, Erik Petersen, Matilda Åberg Advisor: Maria Gårdängen Key words: Abnormal returns, Signaling Hypothesis, Stock Sp

The Trojan Horse of Local Government

The aim of this chapter is to illustrate the latent functions of projectification using local government practices as an example and explore organisational consequences of an increasing reliance on a project logic. Inspired by the institutional logic perspective, local government and their organisations are studied as sites where several, coexisting institutional logics are ‘available’ for civil sThe aim of this chapter is to illustrate the latent functions of projectification using local government practices as an example and explore organisational consequences of an increasing reliance on a project logic. Inspired by the institutional logic perspective, local government and their organisations are studied as sites where several, coexisting institutional logics are ‘available’ for civil s

Affect and climate change in the communicative making of vulnerable urban futures. The case of Venice, Italy.

This paper explores the relation between strategic climate communication and the organization of common affects in the constitution of the affective atmospheres of vulnerable urban places. As such, it investigates how political and industrial actors’ strategic framings of the climate crisis imply not merely a preferential understanding of such crisis, but also its preferential affective experience

Turning Up the Efficiency: The Office Building Retrofit Challenge

Denna studie är en fallstudie av en byggnad belägen i Malmö, Sverige, som undersöker olika energieffektiva åtgärder och deras potentiella påverkan på byggnadens energikonsumtion. En förstudie genomfördes för att inhämta kunskap om tillämpliga energieffektiva åtgärder från befintlig forskning. Därefter genomfördes fallstudien i tre huvudsakliga faser. I den första fasen samlades byggnadsinformationThis study is a single case study of a building situated in Malmö, Sweden, examining various retrofit measures and their potential impact on the building’s energy performance. A pre-study was carried out to gain knowledge on applicable retrofitting measures from existing literature. Subsequently, the case study consisted of three major phases. In the first phase, building information was collected

The implementation of NILS : A web-based artificial neural network decision support tool for noninvasive lymph node staging in breast cancer

Objective: To implement artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms for noninvasive lymph node staging (NILS) to a decision support tool and facilitate the option to omit surgical axillary staging in breast cancer patients with low-risk of nodal metastasis. Methods: The NILS tool is a further development of an ANN prototype for the prediction of nodal status. Training and internal validation of the

Investigation of communities of practice in a harmonized supply chain ERP landscape

This Master thesis is investigating how communities of practice can enhance knowledge sharing in a context of improving a harmonized Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system used in supply chain. A student from the faculty of production and materials engineering at Lund university (LTH) collaborated with the Global Trinity organization from Alfa Laval (Lund, Sweden) to answer the research que

Bärighetsutredning av sekundära ballastmaterial

Sammanfattning Behovet av krossmaterial ökar och i takt med ökande priser på bitumen samt svårigheten att få tag på krossmaterial i städerna så behöver man komma på nya sätt att bygga vägar. Ett sätt att minska mängden krossmaterial och bindemedel som används vid nybyggnation är att nyttja sig av sekundära ballastmaterial, alltså betong- och tegelkross samt asfaltgranulat. Det finns ingen större Summary The need for crushed material is increasing and in line with increasing prices for bitumen and the difficulty of obtaining crushed material in the cities, new ways of building roads need to be found. One way to reduce the amount of crushed material and binders used in new constructions is to use secondary aggregate materials, id est crushed concrete, brick and asphalt granules. This is no