

Din sökning på "*" gav 533392 sökträffar


Short essay on Salvador (1985)

Working conditions and musculoskeletal disorders in professional ballet dancers in Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Professionella balettdansare börjar vanligtvis dansa balett redan vid 8–10 års ålder; pojkar ett par år senare än flickor. Det finns flera utbildningsvägar både i Sverige och utomlands. De flesta börjar sin yrkeskarriär vid 18–20 års ålder. I Sverige är pensionsåldern för institutionsdansare 41–44 år, då man efter 20 års anställning vid svenska institutioner kan få maxiBallet dancers have been shown to have frequent problems with the musculoskeletal system, but little is generally known about the prevalences of musculoskeletal disorders and about working conditions of professional ballet dancers in Sweden. The aims of the thesis were: to analyse the prevalence, location and recurrence of self-reported musculoskeletal disorders (pain) in professional ballet danc

Toward Creating a Coherent, Next-Generation Light Source with special emphasis on nonlinear harmonic generation in single-pass, high-gain free-electron lasers

Popular Abstract in Swedish De mest briljanta ljuskällor som finns idag är de så kallade synkrotronljuskällorna som kan generera ljus över ett mycket brett våglängdsspectrum, från synligt ljus ända till mycket korta våglängder - röntgenstrålar. Det existerar många sådana faciliteter runt om i världen och de används dagligen i olika experiment för att öka våra kunskaper om material på en mikrospopiThere is a strong desire for short wavelength (~1 Å), short pulsewidth (

Prediction, Design and Determination of Protein Structures

Popular Abstract in English Life on earth has evolved countless forms, beautiful shapes and colors as well as astonishingly complex systems. Remarkably, all living creatures consist of cells, which themselves are build from the same basic set of molecules, most importantly nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), lipids and proteins. The latter are large macromolecules that fulfill a vast number of tasks; theThe three-dimensional structure of protein is encoded in its amino acid sequence. Modern structure prediction algorithms make it possible to predict the structure of small proteins using sequence information alone. We used the Fold-and-Dock algorithm, which is part of the Rosetta macromolecular modeling suite, for de novo structure prediction of coiled-coil proteins. Members of this protein family

National Self-Images and Regional Identities in Russia

The dissolution of the Soviet Union sent shock-waves around the world. In its wake some of the most dramatic effects continue to be felt by a Russia in search of a new sense of civic national identity. This book explores the nexus between national identity and national self-images in contemporary Russia. Using in-depth interviews with Russian politicians, it explores how political division, the in

Motives for Design for Disassembly in Building Construction

Design for disassembly, DfD (Design for Deconstruction), is an essential action to reduce the use of energy and resources and the production of waste in building construction. DfD has many environmental, economical as well as social benefits. It seams obvious to include the aspects of DfD, in both on-site and off-site production. Some countries have observed the importance of DfD and taken action

Intermolecular interactions in hydrogen bonded 1:1 molecular complexes. A matrix isolation study.

A number of matrix isolated binary hydrogen bonded complexes with water as one of the components have been investigated with FTIR in the mid and far infrared regions. Water has been found to be the hydrogen bond donor in complexes with water, ammonia, dimethyl ether and acetone. With formamide two equally strong hydrogen bonds are formed one from water to the carbonyl oxygen and one from an amide