Din sökning på "*" gav 533350 sökträffar
Molecular and pathological characterization of inherited breast cancer.
The two major breast cancer susceptibility genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, account for the majority of familial breast–ovarian cancer, but only a modest proportion of breast cancer families without ovarian or male breast cancer. Search for additional breast cancer genes with traditional linkage analysis has so far been unsuccessful, probably due to genetic heterogeneity. Pooling of families of different e
Catching Eureka on the Fly
An interesting class of intelligent tutoring systems are systems that are able to detect and recognize affective responses and states in students, and use such data to adapt its feedback, guidance and instruction. The article presents affective responses and states considered relevant for learning, and methods that have been proposed or used to detect such responses and states. We focus on the aff
Ulrike and the War: World War II, Mass Dictatorship and Nazism in the Eyes of a German Girl
The Didactic Identity and Authority of Jesus - Reconsidered
Anhörigas roll som ställföreträdare i äldreomsorgen
Äldres livssituation i glesbygd. Betydelsen av boende och transporter. Delrapport Etapp 1.
Platelet uptake in small diameter bypass grafts in vivo.
Detection Biases in Bluffing - Theory and Experiments
Human rights in the Asia-Pacific
Improving Nordic policymaking by dispelling myths on sustainable consumption
Värmerekord 2010
Fictionalising War. The Second World War and the Moving Image
Om andra världskriget på film.
Harmonic Mitigation in Traction Drives
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hos järnvägsfordon ger den låga friktionen mellan hjul och räls upphov till långa bromssträckor, i allmänhet längre än lokförarens siktsträcka. Om föraren påbörjar en inbromsning först när han ser ett hinder på spåret kan det vara för sent. Säker järnvägstrafik kan därför inte enbart lita till föraren, utan det måste också finns ett överordnat signalsystem, ofta i kombiIn railway traffic the low friction between wheel and rail causes long braking distances, normally much longer than the sight distance of the driver, i.e. if the driver starts the braking when a problem on the track is discovered, it might be too late to brake the train. Therefore, safe railway traffic can not only rely on the driver. It is necessary to have a signalling or even an automatic surve
Medicinska fakulteten vid Lunds universitet 1668-2003
Medicinska fakultetens historia skildras under dess 335 år långa liv. Utvecklingen under de senaste 50 åren har varit dramatisk, med tillkomst av de två stora universitetssjukhusen i Lund och Malmö samt ett Biomedicinskt centrum
Experience-based model-driven improvement management with combined data sources from industry and academia
Experience-based improvement using various modelling techniques is an important issue in software engineering. Many approaches have been proposed and applied in both industry and academia, e.g., case studies, pilot projects, controlled experiments, assessments, expert opinion polls, experience bases, goal-oriented measurement, process modelling, statistical modelling, data mining, and simulation.
Dealing with the combinatorial explosion of the morphological matrix in a "manual engineering design" context
The morphological matrix is an important element of the engineering design methodology and is present in many textbooks. This method originally aimed at generating an exhaustive set of solutions for a given problem, by decomposing it into subproblems, finding solutions to each subproblem, and combining them. One issue associated with the morphological matrix has been the necessity to deal with the