

Din sökning på "*" gav 533860 sökträffar

Synen på unga mäns utsatthet i hedersproblematik

The perception of young men's vulnerability in the honor context Despite its existence, physical and sexual abuse of men is rarely addressed in media or research. When men are put into a context of honor, they are often seen as perpetrators, which problematize the view of young men as victims another dimension. Thus young men and boys in honor structures are faced with a dilemma when they in

Vilka strategier använder kuratorn vid samtal med främst ofrivilliga elever? - En kvalitativ studie

This qualitative study is about how individual supportive conversation between school welfare officers and pupils in upper secondary school is carried out. The major interest of the study was to explore the problems that school welfare officers have during forced or involuntary supportive conversations with pupils, and how those problems can be understood and solved with the concept of strategies.

"När mamma och pappa inte dricker förvandlas skräckens hus till tystnadens hus." - En studie om barn till alkoholister

There are today about 200 000 children living in families where either one or both parents are addicted to alcohol. These children often become young carers, as they are prematurely being placed in adult caring roles. The aim of this thesis has been to illustrate the situation for children of alcoholics and to examine how these children are coping when parents do not fulfil their parenting respons

From Silence to Affirmation:Domestic Workers in Uganda from Fieldwork to Empirical Agenda:An Intersection of Class, Gender, and Ethnicity

The system on migrant domestic workers in post-industrialist countries has been widely researched, and extensive material exists on migrant domestic service from the Philippines and Eastern Europe. However, the system on domestic work performed by local women other than housewives or nonmembers of the family in the household(nonkinship) has rarely caught the attention of mainstream research commun

Smärtan som inte syns

The purpose of this study was to analyze and interpret how parents react after learning that their child was deceased, and the process that parents employed in dealing with this bereavement. This study also focused on the parents’ perceived ‘treatment’ received from relatives, friends and professionals. A qualitative study was conducted using interviews with seven parents who had suffered bereavem

Det ”vita fältet” i Peter Fries Listening : ouppmärksammat eller vill man bara inte kännas vid det?

Min analys av verket Listening har fått mig uppmärksam på det jag kallar ”vita fältet” i Peter Fries konstverksamhet. Detta är för mig ett abstrakt fält som förekommer allt mer uteslutande i alla Fries verk från 1990-talet fram till idag. Betydelsen av det ”vita fältets” allt mer dominerande plats i verket har i min mening förändrat betydelsen av Fries verk som en helhet,dock på olika sätt för oli

Specificity of Innovative Gazelles

This study aims to present different factors influencing growth comparing Innovative Gazelles and other average SMEs. In addition, this study will investigate relevance of factors fostering innovation in high-growing SMEs in a cross-country perspective in order to show how Innovative Gazelles differ from SMEs in general. The study applies qualitative approach of multi case study, which will be con

Frågan är inte om man ska gestalta naturen, utan hur? Ekokritikens möjligheter och begräsningar som litteraturteori, utifrån en analys av Harry Martinsons Nässlorna blomma och Svärmare och harkrank

Uppsatsen behandlar ekokritikens position som litteraturteori och ämnar redogöra för dess brister och fördelar i ett litteraturvetenskapligt sammanhang. Uppsatsen presenterar ekokritikens uppkomst,historia, influenser och ambitioner, för att sedan övergå till en faktisk ekokritisk analys av Harry Martinsons Nässlorna blomma och Svärmare och harkrank. Därefter utvärderas de resultat som uppnåddes i

International unlawful parental child abduction. Comparative study: Lithuania, Sweden, and Russia.

Globaliseringen har haft en stor inverkan på människors privata relationer. Den ökade migrationen har avsevärt ökat chanserna för att människor slår sig ner och startar familj utanför sina hemländer. Detta arbete visar att föräldrar från internationella familjer begår mer än hälften av alla olovliga internationella barnbortföranden eller kvarhållanden till/i sina hemstater. Övriga fall svarar de fGlobalisation has made its impact not the least on peoples’ private relations. The increased migration has made chances of people settling down and starting family outside their home countries rather high. The thesis has shown that parents from international families commit more than half of international parental abductions or retentions to/in their home states. The remaining group of parents sim

KBT via internet för patienter med egentlig depression inom öppenvårdspsykiatrin

Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka guidad internetbaserad självhjälpsbehandling, enligt kognitiv beteendeteori, inom öppenvårdspsykiatrin för patienter med egentlig depression. Studien använde case series design och författarna följde symtomförändring hos sex patienter med egentlig depression under behandlingens åtta veckor med hjälp av Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale – Self

Factors affecting the decision of moving ERP to the clouds - from customer perspective

Nowadays cloud computing is becoming very popular and it has started to evolve in the ERP arena as well. Known as cloud based ERP it is a paradigm which is in an infancy stage and growing steadily. There is a lot research about the cloud computing as a technology but, it is still foggy in organizations perceptions of what this technology really means for their ERP. In the scientific studies there

Barns och föräldrars mänskliga rättigheter i förbindelse med palliativ vård av barn i hemmet

The purpose of the present essay is to describe what happens to the rights of parents and children when a child falls fatally ill. The method involves the comparison of scholarly literature, chiefly from Sweden, but also from Norway and the UK. Likewise dialogue has been carried out with the relevant parties in this matter, including personal contact with both physicians and Patientnämnden (the Sw

Miljöförändringar i Bangladesh : mänskliga rättigheter, staten och miljö - en undersökning av Johns Rawls och Peter Singers syn på global rättvisa kopplat till en förändrad miljösituation i Bangladesh

The essay aims to discuss the issue of climate change. I will focus on Bangladesh, a county vulnerable to environmental hazards due to its geographical location. I have clarified how climate change may affect a country like Bangladesh and how the environmental issues are connected to human rights violations. To problematize the issue of climate change further have I looked into the matter of justi

A guide for online companies expanding through new sales channels

Today most companies have online sales channels. Most commonly have companies started offline and then later expanded online while others have started their business online through, for example, web shops. Even though we today are living in a high technology society, the existence of an offline sales channel is still needed. But what is the exact definition of a sales channel really? In today’s

Näringsläckage från åkermark inom Brååns dräneringsområde : lokalisering och åtgärdsförslag

The river of Bråån is heavely polluted by nutrient leakage from arable land. The aim of this study is to propose measures designed to reduce nutrient transport within the dranaige basin (165 km2). Leaking areas of the arable land were located and measures were suggested where they would be most effective. The west part of the basin tends to leak more through the soil profile as a result of very in

Slowly Rising: An Overview of Floridian Hispanic Immigration Patterns from 1970 to 2000

Hispanic immigration strongly impacts Florida's economic and demographic identity, whose population is projected to become the third largest in the US by 2020. The results from dozens of standard OLS multiple regressions suggest that foreign-born males typically "americanize" within 15 years of arrival in Florida: in accord with Barry Chiswick's broader, years-since-migration var

Är man lyckad då blir man lycklig - en kvalitativ studie om ätstörningar och identitet

ABSTRACT Author: Anna Axelsson Title: If you are successful you will be happy – a qualitative study of eating disorders and identity. [translated title] Supervisor: Associate Professor Håkan Johansson Assessor: Associate Professor Håkan Jönsson The purpose of this study was to examine how people who have suffered from an eating disorder construct their identity. More specifically its aim was to