

Din sökning på "*" gav 529672 sökträffar

Michael Morreau and Erik J. Olsson's Response to Commentaries

This chapter reports preliminary findings from a study of epistemic consequences of misinformation in social networks. It uses the methodology of computer simulation, constructing computer models of Bayesian learning in networks that include untrustworthy sources. Censorship and de-platforming take time and money, and they violate social and democratic norms of inclusiveness and free speech. Enqui

A Modified Phase-Field Fracture Model for Simulation of Mixed Mode Brittle Fractures and Compressive Cracks in Porous Rock

In this work, we propose a modified phase-field model for simulating the evolution of mixed mode fractures and compressive driven fractures in porous artificial rocks. For the purpose of validation, the behaviour of artificial rock samples, with either a single or double saw cuts, under uniaxial plane strain compression has been numerically simulated. The simulated results are compared to experime

Regulation of glutamic acid decarboxylase diabetes autoantigen expression in highly purified isolated islets from Macaca nemestrina

Macaca nemestrina, which may have larger and more numerous pancreatic islets than other species, was used for large scale islet isolation by ductal collagenase perfusion and Ficoll gradient centrifugation. The average yield was 51,000 islet equivalents per pancreas, or 8,750 islets equivalents per g. The average purity was 91%, often exceeding 95%. These are the highest reported size, purity, and

Afrostyrax lepidophyllus Mildbr. and Monodora myristica (Gaertn.) Dunal Extracts Decrease Doxorubicin Cytotoxicity on H9c2 Cardiomyoblasts

Materials and Methods: Bark extracts of these plants (1 and 25 µg/mL) were added 3 hours before coincubating H9c2 cardiomyoblasts with Dox (0.5 and 1 µM) for 24 hours more. We measured cell mass and metabolic viability, mitochondrial transmembrane potential, superoxide anion content, and activity-like of caspase-3 and caspase-9 following treatment with the extracts and/or Dox. Also, selenium and v

A methodology for the assessment of compound sea level and rainfall impact on urban drainage networks in a coastal city under climate change

This study seeks to investigate how stormwater drainage systems in coastal cities respond to climate change in terms of simultaneous sea level rise and rainfall. 7.5 years of recorded rainfall and sea level data in the city of Trelleborg in Sweden were used to generate projections of future climate events based on the emission scenario RCP8.5. Twelve scenarios were formulated to represent rain and

Emotions as indeterminate justifiers

Sentimentalists believe that values are crucially dependent on emotions. Epistemic sentimentalists subscribe to what I call the final-court-of-appeal view: emotional experience is ultimately necessary and can be sufficient for the justification of evaluative beliefs. This paper rejects this view defending a moderate version of rationalism that steers clear of the excesses of both “Stoic” rationali

Molecular biomarker responses in the freshwater mussel Anodonta anatina exposed to an industrial wastewater effluent

Using a selection of molecular biomarkers, we evaluated responses in freshwater mussels (Anodonta anatina) exposed to effluent from an industrial wastewater treatment facility. The aims of this work were to (1) assess biomarkers of general toxicity under sublethal exposure to an anthropogenic mixture of chemicals, represented by an arbitrary effluent, and (2) evaluate the potential of A. anatina a

Energy Poverty in Sweden

A contribution to EP-Pedia (Energy Poverty-Pedia), a website created by the ENGAGER COST network, making energy poverty research and policy debates from different countries available in English. This article describes policy and research perspectives on energy poverty in Sweden and can be found here: https://www.eppedia.eu/article/energy-poverty-sweden

System controls of coastal and open ocean oxygen depletion

The epoch of the Anthropocene, a period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment, has witnessed a decline in oxygen concentrations and an expansion of oxygen-depleted environments in both coastal and open ocean systems since the middle of the 20th century. This paper provides a review of system-specific drivers of low oxygen in a range of case stud

Surveillance of indeterminate pulmonary nodules detected with CT in a Swedish population-based study (SCAPIS) : psychosocial consequences and impact on health-related quality of life-a multicentre prospective cross-sectional study

OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether surveillance of pulmonary nodules detected with low-dose CT (LDCT) impacted health-related quality of life and psychosocial consequences in the Swedish population-based study, Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study (SCAPIS).DESIGN: A prospective cross-sectional study.SETTINGS AND PARTICIPANTS: This multicentre (five sites) observational study, which included a co

Evolution of gradient structured layer on AZ91D magnesium alloy and its corrosion behaviour

This article investigates the microstructure evolution and corrosion response of surface mechanical attrition treated (SMAT) AZ91D magnesium alloy. In-depth transmission electron microscopy and combined isothermal calorimetry and pressure measurement technique, a novel and powerful tool for in situ monitoring of the magnesium corrosion process, are explored in the present study. A gradient structu

Background paper : 20th Informal ASEM Seminar on Human Rights (ASEMHRS20) Human Rights of Older Persons 22-24 February 2021 Virtual/Seoul, Republic of Korea

This background paper provides an overview of the fundamental concepts and some of the important current issues relating to the human rights of older persons at the international, regional and national levels. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into high relief social attitudes and institutional practices that existed before the pandemic that embody ageist assumptions and result in the denial of eq

Challenging Law’s Hegemonic Regimes of Care: Perspective on Farmed Animal Sanctuaries

Over the past decades, Farmed Animal Sanctuaries (FAS) have emerged globally to become a significant part of the broader animal movement. However, FASes are confronted with the difficult task of providing life-long care for animals bred for profit within a normative regime intended on industrial production. Based on multi-sited fieldwork performed in Denmark, this paper examines critical barriers

Derivation of non-lymphopenic BB rats with an intercross breeding

Previous studies have suggested that the development of diabetes in the BB rats does not require the expression of T lymphopenia. In order to derive non-lymphopenic diabetic rats and define the relationship between the T cell abnormalities, MHC genotype, and diabetes, we performed a cross between BB/H and diabetes resistant BB/control followed by an intercross of the F1. In the F2, the overall inc

A report on influences from superfluid turbulence in Der Rufer for percussion quartet

This report will discuss the influence of research into superfluid turbulence on my composition Der Rufer for percussion quartet. Written for Professor Olaf Tzschoppe, director of the Bremen Percussion Quartet, this work is the first result of a planned long-term collaboration with J.G. Weisend II, a Deputy Head of Accelerator Projects at the European Spallation Source (E.S.S.).