Din sökning på "*" gav 530146 sökträffar
Quantitative landscape reconstruction and erosion history during the past 1,100 years in the Skogaryd Research Catchment, southern Sweden
A sediment sequence from a small forest lake in southwestern Sweden was investigated to explore the effects of forestry and land-use on catchment erosion and delivery of organic and minerogenic matter to the lake. Catchment-scale vegetation changes during the last 1,100 years were reconstructed quantitatively at 50-year resolution using pollen analysis and the Landscape reconstruction algorithm (L
Elevated plasma tyrosine kinases VEGF-D and HER4 in heart failure patients decrease after heart transplantation in association with improved haemodynamics
Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are implicated in cardiovascular growth and remodelling. We aimed to identify the plasma levels of RTKs and related proteins and their association with haemodynamic alterations in heart failure (HF) and related pulmonary hypertension (PH) following heart transplantation (HT). Using proximity extension assay, 28 RTKs and related proteins were analysed in plasma from
Master protocols in clinical trials : a universal Swiss Army knife?
Master protocols combine several sub-trials, each with their own research objectives, which is usually presented as one single clinical trial application. Master protocols have become increasingly popular in oncology and haematology, as either basket, umbrella, or platform trials. Although master protocols are intended to accelerate drug development and to reduce futility, their use poses challeng
Ett femte evangelium - utan evangelist!
Ärkebiskop Erling Eidems homiletiska kvarlåtenskap i Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek
Remissyttrande: Utkast till Lagrådsremiss Skärpta straff för de allvarligaste formerna av immaterialrättsintrång
Characterization and diversity of the complete set of GH family 3 enzymes from Rhodothermus marinus DSM 4253
The genome of Rhodothermus marinus DSM 4253 encodes six glycoside hydrolases (GH) classified under GH family 3 (GH3): RmBgl3A, RmBgl3B, RmBgl3C, RmXyl3A, RmXyl3B and RmNag3. The biochemical function, modelled 3D-structure, gene cluster and evolutionary relationships of each of these enzymes were studied. The six enzymes were clustered into three major evolutionary lineages of GH3: β-N-acetyl-gluco
Matnyttigt för 10 000 år sedan på västkusten : diet- och näringsstrategier för jägar-samlar-fiskarna vid Huseby Klev
Physiotherapy in primary care for working-age patients with early back and neck pain. Screening tools, interventions and outcomes.
Besvär från rörelseorganen, framför allt från rygg och nacke är en av de vanligaste anledningarna till sjukfrånvaro i västvärlden. Patienter med dessa besvär utgör en stor andel av de som söker primärvården där fysioterapi ofta är första linjens vård. Rygg och nacksmärta kan orsaka nedsatt funktion och aktivitetsförmåga vilket ofta innebär en betydande förlust av livskvaliteten samt ekonomiska konPatients with back and neck pain are frequently seen in primary care, where they are directed to physiotherapy as first-line treatment. The condition affects both the individual, by causing pain and disability, and society, because of high costs caused by work disability and health care consumption. Clinicians need tools to identify, at an early stage, patients at risk of poor outcome, in order to
Cluster policy : Renewal through the integration of institutional variety
Online Learning and Placement Algorithms for Efficient Delivery of User Generated Contents in Telco-CDNs
User generated content (UGC) makes up a significant portion of Internet traffic. As opposed to other content, UGC has so far been left outside over-the-top providing network operators content distribution networks (telco-CDN) due to the difficulty in determining optimised placement of such content. The side effect of this is that UGC content is not placed close to end users and therefore occupy un
No association between perfluorinated compounds and preeclampsia in the highly exposed population of Ronneby, Sweden
Hillevi Pettersson, Porträttmålaren Per Krafft d.ä:s verksamhet utomlands 1749-1768 (recension).
Recension av licentiatavhandling om Per Krafft d.ä.:s porträttmåleri.
Handledare på dubbla stolar
En studierektor för doktorander bör inte samtidigt vara handledare eller biträdande handledare. Intressekonflikter kan uppstå. En doktorand kan hamna i en onödig och svår valsituation.
Von Willebrand factor alloantibodies in type 3 von Willebrand disease
The development of neutralizing antibodies is a rare complication of von Willebrand disease treatment. In major surgical procedures for severe forms of the disease, the recognition of ineffective therapy and alternative treatment protocols are lifesaving. We report the case of a 6-year-old girl with type 3 von Willebrand disease in whom inhibitors were sought due to ineffective haemostasis togethe
Fine-mapping of 150 breast cancer risk regions identifies 191 likely target genes
Genome-wide association studies have identified breast cancer risk variants in over 150 genomic regions, but the mechanisms underlying risk remain largely unknown. These regions were explored by combining association analysis with in silico genomic feature annotations. We defined 205 independent risk-associated signals with the set of credible causal variants in each one. In parallel, we used a Ba
Stiftelsen Finn - en skånsk Nobelstiftelse : Från sparbanken Finn till Stiftelsen Finn
Analys av sparbanken Finn och förslag att omvandla banken till en stiftelse och sälja banken för att skapa en mycket stor lokal investeringsfond.
EuRoSDR GeoBIM project a study in Europe on how to use the potentials of BIM and GEO data in practice
In both the Geo and BIM domains, it is widely acknowledged that the integration of geo-data and BIM-data is beneficial and a crucial step in facing the multi-disciplinary challenges of our built environment. The result of this integration - broadly termed as GeoBIM - has a range of potential uses from district study to road safety. However, from the data perspective, this integration raises the qu
Pathogenic implications of distinct patterns of iron and zinc in chronic MS lesions
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) in which oligodendrocytes, the CNS cells that stain most robustly for iron and myelin are the targets of injury. Metals are essential for normal CNS functioning, and metal imbalances have been linked to demyelination and neurodegeneration. Using a multidisciplinary approach involving synchro