

Din sökning på "*" gav 533348 sökträffar

Divisive Politics for Erratic Policy: The effects of party polarization on government response to Covid-19 in EU countries

Party polarization research at the academic level has been limited so far compared to media coverage. Nonetheless, there is increasing academic attention on the effects of polarization on policy intensity. This study aims to analyse the impact party polarization has on the government response carried out in the EU countries during Covid-19. The specialized literature study how political polarizati

Missnöje, hög arbetsbelastning och organisatoriska begränsningar - En kvalitativ studie om hög personalomsättning inom socialtjänsten i Malmö stad

In recent years there have been frequent reports of a high workload and poor working conditions for social workers employed in social services where reports have shown that social services have had a high employee turnover. It is also common that the work the social workers do is characterised by difficult assessments and decisions which can result in a large amount of pressure to perform in accor

Närståendes upplevelser av att vara närvarande då allvarligt sjuka patienter vårdas av ambulans- och akutsjuksköterskor – En kvalitativ litteraturstudie

Abstrakt Bakgrund: Inom den Prehospital vården och akutvården sker omhändertagandet av patienter alltid snabbt samt på väldigt kort tid varför det är svårt för ambulans- och akutsjuksköterskor att både ta hand om patienten och patientens närståendes behov. Då patienten bör prioriteras i första hand kan närstående få en negativ upplevelse i mötet med vårdpersonalen. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva

Arbetet med kriminella avhoppare - En kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksammas arbete inom avhopparverksamheter

Criminal groups are a debated social problem in Sweden the past years. The main purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze the work of professionals with criminals in defector support programs. Furthermore, the study examines professionals’ experiences of central factors in defectors leaving criminal groups. The study used a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews wi

Mellan barn och domstol - Om familjerättssekreterares upplevda utmaningar i arbetet med umgängesfrågan när barn befinner sig på skyddat boende

The aim of this study was to understand the family law secretaries' perceived challenges in working with the issue of father-child contact when the child was in sheltered housing due to, many times unsolved, violent acts related to the father. The method used was qualitative interviews with four family law secretaries. The results showed that family law secretaries experienced several challeng

Vägen ut ur hemlöshet? En studie av Trappstegsmodellen, Bostad först samt socialarbetares handlingsutrymme i de båda modellerna

The aim of this study was to examine how social workers working with the Staircase Model and Housing First can help long-term homeless people with a long history of alcohol and/or drug abuse, their view of the models and how they describe and use their discretion. I used a qualitative method and data was gathered by semi-structured interviews. I interviewed five social workers in four different mu

Personals definition av delaktighet och dess komplexitet i praktiken – En kvalitativ studie om personals upplevelser avseende HVB-hemsplacerade ungdomars delaktighet

The aim of this study was to inquire how staff that works with youth that are placed in out of home care reason around the definition of participation. We also examined how they felt about their possibility to influence youth participation during their placement regarding the daily routines. We also looked into how the staff felt regarding their possibility to influence their work with the youth’s

Cato and libertas in Lucan's Bellum Civile

In the 60s CE, a young Roman named Lucan composed an epic poem about a civil war fought between Caesar and Pompey, an event that signaled the end of the Roman Republic. Aside from Caesar and Pompey, the poem draws attention to another major figure in Roman politics at the time, Cato the Younger; of particular note is the frequent occurrence of the word libertas (freedom) in the poem. This thesis f

Accused of sexual assault or a victim?

Abstract Accusations of sexual assault are very disputed in today’s society. It is a sensitive subject which deserves to be treated with respect, since the alleged crimes are of a dire nature. Since the rise of the social movement #MeToo, women all over the world have shared their experiences of sexual assault. It has resulted in many famous men being publicly accused. These women have been publ

Arbetsgivarens omplaceringsskyldighet vid arbetsbrist - En analys av gällande rätt i ljuset av föreslagna lagförändringar

Omplaceringsskyldigheten är ett omdebatterat ämne inom arbetsrätten, då förhållandet mellan arbetsgivarens rätt att organisera sin verksamhet och arbetstagarens anställningsskydd ställs på sin spets. Omplaceringsskyldigheten enligt 7 § 2 stycket i lagen (1982:80) om anställningsskydd innebär att arbetsgivaren måste bereda arbetstagaren annat arbete hos sig om det är möjligt, innan uppsägning till The employer's obligation to relocate is a highly discussed subject within the Swedish labour law. According to section 7 paragraph 2 of the Employment Protection Act (1982:80), it is required that the employer prepares the employee for other work with him if possible before dismissal occurs as a result of a redundancy, also referred to as the obligation to relocate. The subject contributes to

Sjuksköterskors attityd till och upplevelser av att vårda patienter med psykisk ohälsa inom slutenvården - En litteraturstudie

Sjuksköterskan inom den psykiatriska slutenvården har en viktig roll i att genom att följa lagar och riktlinjer främja en god vård för patienter med psykisk ohälsa. Attityder till psykisk ohälsa kan påverka kvaliteten på vården negativt. Syftet med studien var därför att beskriva vad sjuksköterskor inom psykiatriska slutenvården har för attityder och upplevelser av att vårda patienter med psykisk

”Socialtjänsten, det blir aldrig primärt, det är sekundärt” En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänsten i skolundervisningen

The purpose of this study was to investigate how teachers in the seventh to ninth grades of the Swedish elementary school (swe: högstadium) teach about the social service office. In order to understand what knowledge pupils receive about the social service organization and how teachers reflect about their need for this knowledge. The study used a qualitative method with semi structured interviews.

En skälig bedömning eller ett brott mot anställningsavtalet? - En kandidatuppsats om begreppet arbetsvägran

En arbetsvägran innebär att en arbetstagare bryter mot sin lydnadsplikt, vilket är mycket allvarligt. Den exakta innebörden av begreppet arbetsvägran är inte tydlig i lagstiftningen. Därför är uppsatsens övergripande syfte att få en djupare förståelse för innebörden av begreppet. Uppsatsen redogör för när det finns rimliga skäl att vägra utföra arbetsuppgifter samt när en vägran innebär ett brott Refusal to work is defined as when an employee violates his obedience to orders, which is a serious matter. The exact definition of the term refusal to work is not clearly defined in the legislation. Therefore, the overall purpose of the essay is to gain a deeper understanding of the term’s definition. The essay describes when there are extenuating circumstances to refuse to perform tasks, and whe

Enhetschefers syn på arbetet med äldre hemtjänstmottagare med alkoholmissbruk

The aim of this study was to investigate how unit managers reason about elderly home care recipients who are considered to have a harmful alcohol consumption. The purpose is to shed light on how unit managers construct alcohol abuse as a problem, how they reason about the purchase of alcohol and their view of the home care service's responsibilities and solutions. Elderly people's alcohol

Familjehemsföräldrar - Speglar de varandra och är de en avspegling av andra familjer?

The aim of this study was to examine the foster parents’ characteristics, how the foster parents reflect on their own family and parental ability, their knowledge of the foster child’s earlier trauma, if the parents report the same and if they differ from other groups. This study was a cross sectional study and based on a quantitative model. Background questions and the instruments BCFPI, FSS, CES

Skolans roll i arbetet mot gängkriminalitet

Organized crime in Sweden has increased despite the Government’s 34-point action program against gang crime. Previous studies show that schools have an important role in preventing young people from entering the criminal life. But there are no Swedish studies that examine teachers’ implementation of crime prevention measures and therefore, there seems to be a need to investigate this. The research

Illegalt men legitimt? En analys av humanitära interventioners laglighet och framtiden för dess rättsliga status

Denna uppsats ämnar att kasta ljus över humanitära interventioner och huruvida de är lagliga enligt folkrätten idag samt om deras rättsliga ställning är på väg att förändras i framtiden. Fokus i uppsatsen ligger på den humanitära krisen i Syrien och hur de rättsliga övervägandena såg ut för en humanitär intervention där, samt vad som blev implikationerna för den gällande rätten efter denna kris. UThis essay seeks to shed some light on the concept of humanitarian intervention and whether it is considered legal or not in international law. Furthermore, the concept of humanitarian intervention is discussed in a developmental perspective, where the current regulation of humanitarian intervention is analysed and suggestions are presented for what might be the future for the concept. The essay f

Stepping Into New Waters: The EU as a maritime security actor in the South China Sea

China’s increasing assertiveness in the South China Sea towards its neighbouring countries has been a clear awakening for the European Union as well as its member states. The situation has attracted military vessels from the United States whose mission has become to ensure the continuation of freedom of navigation and movement in the South China Sea. However, the EU’s involvement in the situation

The tilted horseshoe: Euroscepticism in the Nordic A study of the changing course of politics in far left and far right parties.

The purpose of this thesis is to study the changes that occurred within the far left and far right parties of the Nordic member states of the European Union, regarding their euroscepticism. The study aims towards both mapping out the changes of the parties political course as well as comparing the political standpoints between the countries. By comparing characteristics between existing literature

Interoperabilitet på en digital marknad - En utredning ur ett konkurrens- och upphovsrättsligt perspektiv

Till följd av den tekniska utvecklingen som ger positiva effekter på den ekonomiska tillväxten finns det skäl att diskutera såväl upphovsrättsinnehavares som konkurrenters intressen på den digitala marknaden. I uppsatsen utreds skärningspunkten mellan konkurrens- och upphovsrätt på en digital marknad med fokus på interoperabilitet. I 2007 års dom mot Microsoft Corp. sker en avvägning mellan konkuConsidered the technical evolution positive effects on economic growth there is reason to discuss the interests of copyright owners as well as competitors on the digital market. This essay studies the intersection of competition and copyright law on a digital market with focus on interoperability. In the Microsoft Corp case of 2007 competition and copyright law are considered where the latter giv