

Din sökning på "*" gav 534558 sökträffar

Lipase-based in vitro release assays for pharmaceutical lipid formulations

När man tar en medicin är det viktigt att man tar rätt dos. Tar man för liten dos uteblir den önskade terapeutiska effekten och tar man för stor dos kan bieffekterna bli allvarliga. Skillnaden mellan terapeutisk och giftig dos kallas terapeutiskt fönster. Om det terapeutiska fönstret är snävt kan man behöva ta små doser ofta för att en säker och effektiv koncentration av läkemedlet i kroppen underThe purpose of this project was to develop and test lipase-based in vitro release (IVR) assays for model and active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) entrapped in lipid formulations based on mixtures of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and glycerol dioleate (GDO). Two dyes, Fluorescein disodium salt and Patent Blue V sodium salt, functioning as model drug compounds, were investigated separately in the PC/G

En studie av koncernavdragsrätten i Sverige, i förhållande till överordnad EU-rätt

I och med Sveriges medlemskap i EU 1995 skedde en förändring i rättsordningen då EU-rätten överställdes nationell rätt med målet att främja den inre marknaden. Vad gäller direkta skatteområdet finns det dock ett undantag där skattesuveränitet gavs till medlemsstaterna. Av EUD-praxis har framkommit senare att medlemsstaterna trots allt måste beakta kravet på fri rörlighet då de nationella lagarna uDue to Sweden's membership in the EU in 1995, national law became subordinated under the EU law with the aim of promoting the internal market. As regards direct taxation, there is an exception where the tax sovereignty was given to the member states. The Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) practices have emerged later that the member states must nevertheless observe the requirement of

Higher depression scores are associated with lower pattern separation performance in humans

Memory impairment has been connected to depression, however this association appears complex. Pattern separation is a specific hippocampal function, which separates similar events and stimuli into distinct memory representations. Hippocampal volume reduction has been seen in individuals suffering from depression. Multiple rodent studies have shown that adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of th

Submerged landscapes : locating Mesolithic settlements in Blekinge, Sweden

Historiska bosättningar är av stort intresse eftersom de kan hjälpa oss att nå en förståelse om vårt förflutna och våra kulturella rötter. Tack vare den teknologiska utvecklingen är det nu enklare att lokalisera vissa av de historiska bosättningar som blivit översvämmade genom att kartlägga havsbotten. Forskning om översvämmade mesolitiska boplatser har lett till att det finns utvecklade hypoteserHistoric settlements are of great interest since they play a role in understanding our past and our cultural roots. The development of technology now makes it easier to map the seafloor and locate submerged settlements. Finding submerged Mesolithic settlements has led to hypotheses being made on what characteristics to look out for which could suggest Mesolithic settlement locations. This study fo

The Nominative/Genitive Alternation and Subordination in the Japanese Language

The focus of this paper is the nominative/genitive case alternation phenomenon, often called ga/no conversion, which occurs in the Japanese language. In some kinds of subordinate clauses, the nominative case marker ga can be replaced with the genitive no to mark the subject of a sentence, without causing any particular difference in meaning. A survey concerning said phenomenon has been carried out

No title

This study examines magic idealism as well as the representation and function of music in the novel El penúltimo sueño by the Colombian author Ángela Becerra. The assumption is made that there is a connection between music and magic idealism in the novel. In the analysis several recurring trends of magical idealism and music are identified. Music is represented as a companion in times of joy and s

Classification of non-stationary Heart Rate Variability using AR-model parameters

This thesis explores the connection between the heart rate variability and both stress and age. Two methods are used to classify the heart rate variability data, the autoregressive model and the Markov chain model. The autoregressive model is further expanded to become an autoregressive model with extraneous input using the respiratory signal as input signal. The Markov chain models are compared w

The institutionalization of cycling – A case study of Sydney and Melbourne

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to establish a framework for the mechanisms that sup-port the institutionalization of cycling as a mode of transport. Our aim is to provide valuable insights on how to normalize cycling. Methodology: This research is conducted through a qualitative case study combining induc-tive and deductive reasoning. A preliminary theoretical framework was developed based

Do the Customers Matter in Mergers and Acquisitions?

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between post merger financial performance and customer reactions on M&As, as well as how the issues of strategic relationships, integration, marketing, and human resources influence these customer reactions. Method: One of the main reasons why M&A research lacks so much of customer reactions is that the methodological main

The Shift to Mobility in the BI Industry

There is an ongoing shift to mobility in business IT, as well as in the consumer space. Users do not demand mobile availability anymore, they simply expect the ability to access business IT with consumer devices. Stemming from this demand, mobile business intelligence (BI) has emerged as a response from the BI industry. Thus, mobile BI is an extension of traditional BI into mobile devices. In line

Styr normer om kön rättstillämpningen? En inblick i vad som menas med socialt nedbrytande beteende enligt LVU

Uppsatsen behandlar om normer kring kön påverkar tillämpningen av rekvisitet socialt nedbrytande beteende i Lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU). Tanken är att med hjälp av teori och kvalitativa studier i form av intervjuer belysa om normer om kön påverkar flickors och pojkars bedömningar och då också indirekt deras rättssäkerhet i de här fallen. Och om det kan vara så atThis thesis examines if there are any differences depending on gender in interpretation of the procedural requirement ”socially destructive behaviour” in the LVU. Furthermore, if ethics and expectations about gender influence transpiracy and legal certainty in these cases. The purpose is to find out if there are moral codes and expectations about how a girl or a boy should behave, which are not a

Drone Detection using Audio Analysis

Drones used for illegal purposes is a growing problem and a way to detect these is needed. This thesis has evaluated the possibility of using sound analysis as the detection mechanism. A solution using linear predictive coding, the slope of the frequency spectrum and the zero crossing rate was evaluated. The results showed that a solution using linear predictive coding and the slope of the frequen

”hej jag e typ deprimerad” : En etnografisk studie om ungdomars interaktion kring psykisk ohälsa på internet

Author: Amanda Petersson Title: “Hi I’m kind of depressed” - An Ethnographic Study of Adolescents’ Interaction Concerning Mental Illness on the Internet [Translated title] Supervisor: Gabriella Scaramuzzino Assessor: Torbjörn Hjort The aim of this study has been to examine how adolescents interact concerning mental illness on the Internet. I have spent time on one of the largest Internet forums t

Public-Private Partnerships on Two-sided Markets

Abstract Title: Public-Private Partnerships on Two-sided Markets Seminar date: 26 May 2015 Course: FEKN90 Authors: Herman Jacobson and Rikard Frangeur Supervisor: Dr. Magnus Johansson Key words: Stakeholder Management, Private Public Partnership, Two-sided Market, Network Effects, Dominant Design Purpose: The purpose of this study is to deepen the understanding of how a private, stakeholder-orie

Hydrolys av överskottsslam för maximerat fosforsläpp - En studie i Bio-P som resurs för näringsåtervinning

Anna Brandin Struvit från allt vårt skit – näringsåtervinning under utveckling Fosfor är en ändlig resurs och för att inte hota jordens matproduktion är det viktigt att återföra fosforn genom ett hållbart kretsloppsperspektiv. Det kan exempelvis ske genom att återanvända fosfor från avloppsslam. Det finns flera olika metoder för att utvinna fosfor ur avloppsslam utan att få med oönskade ämnenDuring the biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) process, the phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs) accumulates excess phosphorus in the form of polyphosphorus (poly-P) in the aerobic phase. In the following anaerobic zone, PAOs take up volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and simultaneously releases poly-P. Through hydrolysis of the biosludge, the slowly biodegradable organic carbon is degraded into VFA

What Can I Do About My Face? A Critical Feminist Exploration of How Women Relate to Personal Branding

Purpose: With our study we aim to uncover the gendered nature of personal branding by exploring the phenomenon from women’s perspectives. Theoretical Framework: Our study draws on theory from scholarly literature on gender in organizations and personal branding as well as on popular personal branding literature. Methodology: Locating our qualitative research in the interpretive and critical femini

Stalkning: "Något som varje människa borde skyddas mot”. En kvalitativ undersökning avseende svenska myndigheters hantering av fenomenet stalkning.

This paper aims to analyze and illustrate how the Swedish authorities and organizations in the province of Skåne manage and experience the phenomenon of stalking from a government and victim perspective. In October 2011 the phenomenon became penal provision olaga förföljelse (unlawful persecution) in Swedish law, in the Penal Code. The paper further illustrates the possible advantages and disadvan

Skimming the surface

The main reason for this thesis was to broaden my knowledge and learn more about lead users in the context of alternative sports, where an experimental and creative mindset is greatly rewarded. The work is centred around two avid winchboarders with the ambition to improve their activity and broaden the constraint that they are experiencing. Field research was the main tool for analysing the posi

"Du är inte dålig för att du ber om hjälp!" : En kvalitativ studie om strategier och stöd som används av föräldrar till barn med autism

Parents of children with mental disabilities experience more stress than other parents. This paper presents the results of a qualitative study consisting of semi-structured interviews conducted with six parents of children with autistic spectrum disorder. The aim of the study was to examine what strategies parents of children with autistic spectrum disorder use in order to manage and cope with eve

När bör ett fast driftställe anses vara avslutat skatterättsligt?

Fast driftställe är den mest centrala frågan i internationell företagsbeskattning och grunden till att Sverige får beskatta utländska företag. Tyvärr finns det knapphändig lagstiftning avseende flera aspekter av utländska företags skatterättsliga närvaro i landet. Det saknas t.ex. lagstiftning om den huvudsakliga effekten av att inneha ett fast driftställe såsom skatteberäkningen samt avslut av faPermanent establishment is the most central matter in international corporation tax, and is the reason why Sweden has the right to tax foreign companies. Unfortunately, the Swedish legislation is very brief in many aspects of foreign companies’ matters of taxation. There is e.g. no legislation regarding the main effects of having a permanent establishment i.e. the tax calculation of a permanent es