

Din sökning på "*" gav 534695 sökträffar

A review of paleo El Niño-Southern Oscillation

The Earth has seen El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)-the leading mode of interannual climate variability-for at least millennia and likely over millions of years. This paper reviews previous studies from perspectives of both paleoclimate proxy data (from traditional sediment records to the latest high-resolution oxygen isotope records) and model simulations (including earlier intermediate models

Spatial Encoding of Translational Optic Flow in Planar Scenes by Elementary Motion Detector Arrays

Elementary Motion Detectors (EMD) are well-established models of visual motion estimation in insects. The response of EMDs are tuned to specific temporal and spatial frequencies of the input stimuli, which matches the behavioural response of insects to wide-field image rotation, called the optomotor response. However, other behaviours, such as speed and position control, cannot be fully accounted

Antenatal corticosteroids : a retrospective cohort study on timing, indications and neonatal outcome

Introduction: An antenatal corticosteroid (ACS) delivery interval of 24 h to seven days is commonly referred to as optimal timing. We aimed to investigate whether the ACS delivery interval was associated with the obstetric indication for treatment and with neonatal complications. Material and methods: The study was a retrospective chart review of clinical data from preterm neonates delivered at th

Extreme prematurity, treated retinopathy, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and cerebral palsy are significant risk factors for ophthalmological abnormalities at 6.5 years of age

Aim: This study evaluated the contributions of various prenatal and postnatal predictive factors to a documented high prevalence of ophthalmological abnormalities in children aged 6.5 years who were born extremely preterm. Methods: We carried out a prospective population-based study of all children born in Sweden at a gestational age of 22 + 0 to 26 + 6 weeks based on the Extremely Preterm Infants

Sufficiency, change, and flexibility : Critically examining the energy consumption profiles of solar PV prosumers in Sweden

The number of consumers producing electricity at home, i.e., “prosumers”, is rapidly increasing in many European countries. This article analyses the electricity consumption and energy-saving behaviours of households that own photovoltaic (PV) systems in Sweden. Earlier studies of how home production of electricity affects consumption patterns are few and their results are mixed. We interviewed pr

Large uncertainty in carbon uptake potential of land-based climate-change mitigation efforts

Most climate mitigation scenarios involve negative emissions, especially those that aim to limit global temperature increase to 2°C or less. However, the carbon uptake potential in land-based climate change mitigation efforts is highly uncertain. Here, we address this uncertainty by using two land-based mitigation scenarios from two land-use models (IMAGE and MAgPIE) as input to four dynamic globa

Light-dependent magnetoreception in zebra finches : - from behaviour to receptor

Fåglarnas förmåga att flyga över extremt långa sträckor utan att hamna vilse harförvånat människor i århundraden. Det är känt att djur kan använda solens ellerstjärnornas läge, landmärken och jordens magnetfält som informationskälla förorientering, det vill säga de kan använda källan för att få kompassinformation.Eftersom magnetfältet är närvarande överallt på planeten kan magnetiskkompassinformatIt is well known that animals can use a wide variety of information sources to help them orient and navigate asthey move over short or long distances. Birds can rely on information from the sun, the skylight polarizationpattern, the stars, landmarks and the Earth’s magnetic field for orientation and navigation. However, despite thebehavioural evidence supporting the use of the magnetic field as an

Visual Analysis of Sentiment and Stance in Social Media Texts

Despite the growing interest for visualization of sentiments and emotions in textual data, the task of detecting and visualizing various stances is not addressed well by the existing approaches. The challenges associated with this task include development of the underlying computational methods and visualization of the corresponding multi-label stance classification results. In this poster abstrac

Gapmending strategies: Impact on social workers occupational practice

Gapmending strategies: Impact on social workers occupational practiceGap-mending is a concept, which is used to create reflection and analysis of gaps that exist between different actors in social work. The gaps can be explicit or implicit distinctions between individuals, groups or organisations in Social Work. The gap-mending concept is not a specific model or method, but should be seen as an an

Evaluation of changes in Bone Scan Index at different acquisition time-points in bone scintigraphy

Bone Scan Index (BSI) is a validated imaging biomarker to objectively assess tumour burden in bone in patients with prostate cancer, and can be used to monitor treatment response. It is not known if BSI is significantly altered when images are acquired at a time difference of 1 h. The aim of this study was to investigate if automatic calculation of BSI is affected when images are acquired 1 hour a

Tension fields between discourses: Sweden's Art and Music Schools as constituted within and through their leaders' discursive practices

Art and Music Schools (kulturskolor) are present in about 97% of Sweden’s municipalities, reaching over 400.000 children and adolescents both in activities outside of and in collaboration with compulsory schools. A national policy has never been established for Art and Music Schools, possibly owing to the fact that they are not considered part of the Swedish education system, but instead stem from

Nu gäller sepsis-3 för definitioner och diagnostiska kriterier : De nya internationella begreppen ska användas i svensk sjukvård – bland annat ska »SIRS« och »svår sepsis« skrotas

New definition of and diagnostic criteria for sepsis – Swedish use of Sepsis-3. A working group representing the Swedish Society for Infectious Diseases, the Swedish Society for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, the Swedish Society for Emergency Medicine, and the Swedish Intensive Care Registry have reached consensus on how to adopt the new sepsis definition, Sepsis-3, in Sweden. The recommendat

Lift-Off Lengths in an Optical Heavy-Duty Engine Operated at High Load with Low and High Octane Number Fuels

The influence of the ignition quality of diesel-and gasoline-like fuels on the lift-off length of the jet were investigated in an optical heavy duty engine. The engine was operated at a load of 22 bar IMEPg and 1200 rpm. A production type injector with standard holes were used. The lift-off length was recorded with high speed video Different injection pressures and inlet temperatures were used to

From Small Firms to Beautiful Destinations : Engineering Collaborative Networks for Destination Development

Collaborative networks provide a viable means for destination management organisations (DMOs) to engage small enterprises in collaborative destination development, and may offer a means to steer destinations toward small enterprises in collaborative destination development, and may offer a means to steer destinations toward sustainability. However, the use of collaborative networks in destination