

Din sökning på "*" gav 534412 sökträffar

Näringsidkares ansvar för kvarglömd egendom

Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka skadeståndsansvaret för sakskada på lös egendom som glömts kvar eller tappats i en näringsidkares affärslokaler av en person som har eller har haft ett avtal med näringsidkaren för att utnyttja hans tjänster. För att kunna uppfylla det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen utgick jag från följande frågeställningar: - Under vilka förutsättningar kan en näringsidkThe aim of this thesis is to investigate the liability for property damage which has been inflicted on personal property belonging to a private person which is left behind or has gotten lost in premises belonging to a businessman, when the owner has or has had a contract with the businessman concerning his services. In order to meet the overall objective of this paper, I formulated the following q

Pairs Trading: Evaluation of profitability and risks on the Swedish stock market

The turbulent market environment experienced over the last decades has attracted the broad interest of institutional and retail investors towards non-directional and absolute return investment strategies. The scope of this paper mainly concerns the investigation of whether a pairs trading strategy based on the cointegration approach generates excess returns on the Swedish equity market or fails to

Hur tar kommuner hänsyn till miljökvalitetsmålet begränsad klimatpåverkan vid gatu- och trafikplanering? - En studie om Lunds och Malmös kommun

Swedish environmental politics is held together by an environmental objectives system consisting of one generational goal, 16 environmental quality objectives and 24 milestone targets. In order to achieve these objectives municipalities are considered to play an important role. The purpose of this study is to examine how municipalities can take reduced climate impact into account when they deal wi

Pop-up Stores: The Attraction of Ephemeral Experiences - A phenomenological study on consumers' experiences in pop-up stores

The purpose of this paper is to contribute with a new understanding of pop-up stores through a phenomenological perspective by examining how consumers experience pop-up stores. The study also aims to look at a micro and macro perspective to better understand how this phenomenon links to and is shaped by macro level trends of the contemporary consumer culture. Given the purpose and aim of the repor

Candidate biomarkers for drinking water quality: General bacteria, Sphingomonadaceae and Microcystin (algal toxin) - degrading gene in biofilms of infiltration ponds

One of infiltration ponds used in the preliminary step for drinking water production at Vombverket in the southern part of Sweden was set for the experiment in this study. The pond was split into two sides as one side received the source water from Vomb Lake and (untreated side). For another side, the water from the same source was pre-treated by DynaSand filter and PAC before transferred into the

Source Based Non-Minimal Adaptive Routing in Low Diameter Network Topologies

The latency of networks depends closely on the network diameter, which means that packets need to traverse a low number of switches in the network. Unfortunately, obtaining good performance in low-diameter networks is often difficult and requires a thorough understanding of both the characteristics of the network topology and the applications. This thesis investigates the characteristics of the l

Effekten på artrikedom av kärlväxter vid gödsling av betesmarker

Emma Eckberg Effekten på artrikedom av kärlväxter vid gödsling av betesmarker I Sverige är den största orsaken till utarmningen av biologisk mångfald det moderna skogs- och jordbruket som förstör livsmiljöer för många arter. Arealen betesmark i Sverige har minskat med över 70 % sedan slutet av 1800-talet. Bevarade betesmarker hyser en hög biologisk mångfald och flera ekosystemtjänster. Många käThe major cause of the impoverishment of biological diversity in Sweden is the modernization of farming and forestry. Natural grasslands have high biodiversity and many important ecosystem services are based on biodiversity. The area of grasslands in Sweden has decreased by 70% since the late 1800s. Numerous species of vascular plants are dependent on grasslands that are unfertilized and grazed co

Är någon bransch bättre på företagsförvärv?

Abstrakt Titel: Är någon bransch bättre på företagsförvärv? – Branschindelat värdeskapande via företagsförvärv. Seminariedatum: 2015-06-04/05 Ämne/kurs: FEKH89 Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 poäng. Författare: Rickard Johansson, Albin Lagerqvist, Eric Marketoft, Henrik Nilsson Handledare: Rikard Larsson Nyckelord: Förvärv, Bransch, Börsvärde, Multipel regression, Sverige, KAbstract Title: Är någon bransch bättre på företagsförvärv? Branschindelat värdeskapande via företagsförvärv. Seminar date: 2015-06-04/05 Course: FEKH89, Degree Project Undergraduate Level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS-credits. Authors: Rickard Johansson, Albin Lagerqvist, Eric Marketoft, Henrik Nilsson Advisor: Rikard Larsson Key words: Acquisition, Industry, Market

Wind power and its impact on power prices in Denmark

Including wind power in the European power system may cause instability in the power market due to the uncontrollable generation capacity. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between Danish power prices and wind power produced in Denmark, both in terms of general dependence structure and the extreme dependence. Filtered observations of daily power prices and filtered obse

“Everybody can do it” - Enhancing preschool employees’ wellbeing by promoting exercise engagement during working hours

The workplace is an ideal place to enhance employees’ wellbeing, and health promotion is being integrated into organisations by employers as a way to enhance performance quality. Employees are motivated in different ways to live healthy and active lifestyles. However, organisations vary in the ability to enable certain types of health programs, such as allowing employee to exercise during working

LED-belysning i plattform, teknisk lösning för passagerarinformation

To accomplish safe, accessible and effective travel by train, a well-functioning passenger information system is required. This thesis aims at providing a technical solution for a system able to indicate the position of arriving trains at the platform. This will be achieved with the help of receded LED lighting within the inner marking of the safety zone. The lighting system will also give warning

Uncovering Customer Orientation in Product Development - A Qualitative Study based on the Software Industry

PURPOSE: The purpose of this research project is to further advance theory on management of product development by providing insights on customer orientations. The study contributes to the literature by bringing in Actor-Network Theory (ANT) as a new perspective to theorize the process of translations between customer orientation and engineering orientation within product development. RELEVANCE:

Acquisition of distributed CAN traffic for centralized analysis at functional and electrical levels

This thesis covers specification and development of a distributed measurement system intended for CAN bus. It was completed at Scania CV, Södertälje in collaboration with Lund University. The goal of the thesis is to specifiy and develop a distributed measurement system that helps Scania with acquisition of functional and electrical data. Several topics are adressed such as filtering, at what spee

Den frivilliga rapporteringen som strategiskt verktyg - En studie av forsknings- och utvecklingsintensiva organisationer

Den information som organisationer främst väljer att utlämna i sina frivilliga upplysningar innefattar information om nya produkter, avtal, humankapital samt vissa relationer. Motiven till detta är främst praktiska, strategiska samt konkurrensrelaterade. Den information som organisationer istället väljer att ta med är information om strategi, samarbetspartners, befintliga produkter samt informatio

Determining the effective temperature of cool stars from near-infrared spectra

När vi tittar upp mot himlen kan vi urskilja skenet från tusentals strålande stjärnor. En mörk natt kan man också förnimma ett ljussvagt stråk som spänner över himlen; Vintergatan. Stråket består av (för ögat) oupplösta stjärnor, som tillsammans med gas och stoft sammanfogats under gravitationens inverkan för att, över tid, bilda vår hemgalax. Tittar man med ett teleskop kan man se en enorm variatContext. Effective temperature is one of the fundamental stellar parameters. A traditional spectroscopic way to determine it is from optical spectra using excitation balance of Fe-lines. With technological advances and the advent of the next generation telescopes there will be an emphasis on the relatively unexplored near-IR (NIR) wavelength region (1-5 μm). A method to determine the effective tem

Saltfrostskadors tidsberoende vid låg temperatur på betong med tillsatsmaterial

Betong skadas ibland av frysning. I miljöer där dessutom salt förekommer blir det särskilt svårt för betongen att inte skadas. Skadorna yttrar sig som avskalningar på betongens yta, men den inre strukturen kan vara opåverkad. Utöver den estetiska oangelägenheten kan dessa ytliga avskalningar även bidra till påskyndade korrosionskador och inre frostskador. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undeConcrete is sometimes damaged by freezing. The damage increases if salt also is present. The damage consists of the removal of small flakes on the surface of the concrete, the inner structure may however be completely unaffected. This surface damage may increase the degree of saturation and ingress of e.g. chloride ions, which may lead to inner frost damage and corrosion on the reinforcing steel.

Rumble in the (corporate) jungle – a case study: The importance of personal identities, shared meaning and sense-making during change implementation processes

In this paper the implementation process and personal responses towards a workspace change within a small subsidiary of a big energy conglomerate have been researched. Although much research regarding organizational change has been conducted, how softer aspects affect change is still underdeveloped. This case study will therefore provide an in-depth look at how employees react to, and perceive the