

Din sökning på "*" gav 533511 sökträffar

Signs as a Help in Public Spaces : A Comparative Study of Signage Systems for Disadvantaged Groups in East and West

Disadvantaged groups, defined in this study as senior citizens, illiterate persons, physically, mentally and culturally challenged individuals, are a concern for the whole society. Signage for disadvantaged groups is presented differently worldwide. They are indicating different kinds of information, presented in different ways, emphasizing different disadvantaged groups in different countries. Th

Measuring Sustainability: A systems perspective on sustainability reporting

The paper is a critical revision of the sufficiency of sustainability reporting frameworks to represent sustainability performance. The paper sustains that while frameworks facilitate recording, classifying, and summarizing sustainability data (i.e. economic, social and environmental), they are insufficient to represent organizational sustainability performance. Using Systems Theory and systems pr

Hälsa och kreativt organisationsklimat

The aim of our study was to examine the relationship between creativity and wellbeing. The material for our study has been gathered through a questionnaire with self-assessment at one of Scandinavia's largest companies in the hotel industry. The questionnaire consisted of The organisational questionnaire (GEFA) and The measurement of wellbeing. In the study 90 questionnaires was distributed in

Payer not a Player – The Marginal Role of the European Union in the Middle East Peace Process

The European Union (EU) has been engaged in Israeli-Palestinian conflict since the early 1970’s. The Union has since then tried to gain a role in the diplomatic process by different means, but without any particularly success to be able to influence the bilateral talks. One has in recent years tried to develop the union towards a more coherent collective foreign policy in order to adopt a stronge

Kenyan conflict, post-colonial media? A discourse analysis of how western media portrayed the violent aftermath of the Kenyan election in 2007 through a post-colonial perspective

Kenya had a disputed presidential election in late 2007 which erupted into ethnic clashes between supporters of the two candidates. Western media was quick to report back that the sudden violence was due to tribal differences. The goal of my essay was such to explore whether or not a post-colonial discourse could be found in western media. By choosing three international magazines with more analyt

Migrationsverkets etos - En studie av etik i policydokument

Denna uppsats är en normativ och idékritisk undersökning där Migrationsverkets policydokument har analyserats utifrån en egen utformad demokratisk norm; ”Migrationsverkets etos”. Normen är utformad med inspiration från Robert A. Dahls och Lennart Lundquists demokratiteorier, samt utifrån hur Migrationsverket fungerar och svensk lag. Syftet är att se vad som bör förmedlas som etiska riktlinjer till

Egyptens moderna Farao. En fallstudie över det nasseristiska ledarskapet i Egypten 1952-1970.

Gamal Abdul Nasser was one of the 20th century’s most influential leaders in the Middle East. This Bachelor thesis is analysing the political leadership in Egypt during Nasser’s rule between the years 1952-1970. It is analysing the Arab socialist view on the political leadership and also discussing what kind of leader Gamal Abdul Nasser was. The leadership theories of Max Weber are being used as a

Har du vad som krävs? Ett försök till en diskursanalytisk undersökning av Försvarsmaktens rekryteringskampanj

Försvarsmakten som en statlig organisation har en stor normerande makt i samhället och därför är arbetet för jämställdhet inom organisationen en viktig uppgift för att verka som en trovärdig statlig institution och för att försöka motverka den maskulina hegemoni som historiskt dominerar organisationen. Genom övergången till ett frivilligt försvar har Försvarsmakten utvecklat en aggressiv marknadsf

Environmental sustainability and Institutional quality - An ambiguous relation

Sustainable development is a frequently used concept these days. It is often captured trough three dimensions of economic, social and ecological sustainability. As the importance of institutions has been accentuated within the first two dimensions, it has lately been the object of study within the dimension of environmental sustainability. As environment is often described as a collective good, th

A Concept of Convenience? How the concept of leadership has been used in relation to the EU and climate regime formation.

This paper investigates the concept of leadership, in relation to climate regime formation. It investigates how the concept of leadership has been approached in the literature, and looks at statements by the EU and scholars on EU leadership in relation to climate change. The study concludes that leadership can be seen as a concept of convenience. It has often been taken for granted when describing

Turkey and the West: Change in Continuity? - A Two-way Approach to Turkey’s Relations with the West

Westernization is a centuries long project started in the Ottoman Empire, in order to fix the dysfunctionalities of the empire inside and to boost the empire’s image outside. It has transformed into a quest of transformation of Turkey into a modern state and it found its reflection in the foreign policy as a pro-Western approach in the Turkish Republic. Historical institutionalism suggests that th

Group of 77 i internationell klimatpolitik: Varför samarbetar koalitionen?

International climate change negotiations are a complex phenomenon, which is characterised by coalitions. The developing countries are represented by the Group of 77, G-77, whose member countries differ largely with regard to political as well as economic matters, but also concerning their exposure to climate change. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine the question why the G-77 coope

Opposition or Cooperation? - A Minor Field Study of the Ecuadorian Indigenous Movement´s Relation to the State

Ecuador is one of the countries in Latin America where an indigenous movement has a significant influence on politics. This qualitative study examines the indigenous movement in Ecuador and how it relates to the state, in an analysis departing from theories on social movements. This thesis, emphasizing the indigenous perspective, is based on empirical material collected in a minor field study in E

Explaining One-Party Dominance - The Case of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan

With the puzzle of one-party dominance still looming large, I seek to shed some light on which factors might be considered as explanatory to the long period of hegemony of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. Using existing theories on one-party dominance I examine and argue for Japan’s historical and cultural heritage, the pragmatic flexibility of the LDP, the failure of opposition parties, the

Staden som försoningsmotor - Sarajevo och Banja Luka

Bosnia, a country torn by war in the 1990s, has yet not experienced reconciliation. Fifteen years after the war, fears are mounting, that Bosnia is again teetering toward crisis. This paper explores an under-studied factor in reconciliation – the meaning of the city. The analysis is carried out and inspired by Scott. A. Bollens theoretical framework, arguing that cities are physically, socially, p

Det preventiva kriget - Ett rättfärdigt ont? En analys av Kriget mot terrorismen som preventivt krig

The purpose of this thesis is to inspect the very foundations of the preventive war, in form of its moral justification. In terms of exploring that fairness, the War on terror will be used for challenging the matter of justification as well as demonstrating a new and transformed way of referring to preventive aggression, as have been done by the Bush-administration since September 11. The methods

Planetens öde i USA:s händer - en idéanalys av den federala klimatpolitiken i dagens USA

The future of our planet is in our hands. It is now determined that human activity has caused climate change on planet earth. The rapidly approaching consequences of climate change can have devastating effects to human and environmental life. Until the change of power in the White House in 2008 not much was done to prevent the climate change on a federal level in the U.S. In the summer of 2009 the

"How Can I Trust These White Monkeys?!" Union-Buyer Communication and Working Conditions in the Indonesian Sportswear Industry

Widespread abuse of labour rights, leading to poor working conditions, is a major problem in many developing countries. Pressure from civil society has led international buyers to set up corporate codes of conduct (CoCs) and monitoring mechanisms, in order to ensure that labour rights are respected by their suppliers in these countries. However, research has shown that these efforts have been mode

The Bunong Culture of Silence: Exploring Bunong perspectives on participation at the interface between Bunong culture and development organisations.

The Bunong indigenous minority who live in the North-East of Cambodia have experienced rapid change in the last decade. With the arrival of commercialised society has come the development agenda, which has sought the participation of minorities, but with only limited success. Using Long’s concept of ‘interface analysis’, the purpose of this study is to examine how cultural change has effected Buno

Tjugo procent

Bristen på kvinnor i näringslivets bolagsstyrelser har länge varit en omdebatterad fråga, men hur ser det ut när politikerna själva utser styrelserna? Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka könsfördelningen i Malmös kommunala bolagsstyrelser, hur könsfördelningen ser ut, hur den kan förklaras genom teori samt genom politikernas egna upplevelser. För att ge svar på frågeställningarna har vi intervjua