

Din sökning på "*" gav 533447 sökträffar

Patientens upplevelse av förberedelser inför och under DT-undersökning av kolon

Bakgrund: DT undersökningar av kolon har blivit allt mer vanligare vid diagnostisering av sjukdomar i colon. Vikten av en god förberedelse är grunden till en god undersökning samt för diagnostiseringen. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa patienters upplevelser av förberedelser i samband med DT undersökningar av kolon. Metod: En litteraturstudie har valts som metod där studien inkluderar både kvantitativa

Socialsekreterarnas erfarenhet av mötet med socialt utsatta barn och ungdomar - en (kvalitativ) intervjustudie

Children and youth's right to make their voices heard, as well as the right to partake in different matters, has strengthened with laws and guidelines (Socialstyrelsen, 2003). The aim of the study is to examine the experience of employees in their work with socially vulnerable children and adolescence - with a focus point on the right to participation in different matters. The study includes q

Idrottsarenors påverkan på fastighetsvärden

Detta examensarbete behandlar frågan kring vilken påverkan som idrottsarenor har på fastighetsvärden. Studien grundas i de stora arenaprojekt som har genomförts i Sverige under de senaste åren. Bara i Stockholmsområdet har två stora idrottsarenor byggts och en stor idrottsarena rivits. Projekt som dessa är väldigt kapitalkrävande varpå det är viktigt för de inblandade i projekten att ta reda på vaThis master thesis addresses the issue of the impact of sports arenas on real estate values. The study is based on the major stadium projects that have been implemented in Sweden in recent years. Only in the Stockholm area have two major sports stadiums been built and one major sports stadium have been demolished. Projects like these are very kapital-intensive, so it is important for those involve

Low friction sliding door seal

This is a project in product development made for ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems which is a manufacturer of sliding doors among other products. The objective of this project is to come up with a solution which offers an improved air sealing capability for a set of sliding doors all while the friction remains either the same or lower compared to before. The development process began with collecting in

Finns den svenska utflyttningsbeskattningen av näringsverksamhet mellan golv och tak? - En uppsats om svensk utflyttningsbeskattnings förenlighet med ATAD och EU-rättens etableringsfrihet

Uppsatsen utreder och analyserar om svensk utflyttningsbeskattning är förenlig med Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD) respektive etablerings-friheten inom Europeiska unionen (EU). Inom EU är etableringsfriheten en av de grundläggande friheterna. EU-rätten har utvecklats främst genom EU-domstolens rättspraxis. I avvägningen mellan ett lands beskattningsrätt och den fria rörligheten har territoriThe purpose of this thesis is to study and analyse if the Swedish exit taxation is compatible with both the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD) and the freedom of establishment within the European Union (EU). Within the EU, one of the fundamental freedoms is establishment. EU law has developed mainly through EU-court case law. In this case, the territorial principle in the balance between a count

The Defense of Superior Orders - Article 33 of the ICC statute: a departure from customary international law?

Inom internationell straffrätt har det länge debatterats huruvida försvaret att en soldat begått ett internationellt brott efter befallning av förman ska innebära ansvarsfrihet för den åtalade. Om en soldat blir beordrad av sin befälhavare att begå ett brott så står han inför ett dilemma. Han kan antingen vägra, och riskera repressalier från nationellt håll, eller begå brottet, och riskera att bliThe defence of superior orders is the answer to what is called the soldier’s dilemma. This is so called since on the one hand, a soldier is bound by national legislation, military practice, and often psychological pressure to unquestioningly follow the orders of his superior. On the other hand, when this order is illegal, he is bound by international law to refuse to follow the order. There are th

Maximal CO2-reduktion per investerad krona för personbilar: En bred systemanalys

Sverige ställer idag allt hårdare krav på utsläpp av växthusgaser, vilket kräver en stor omställning av vår fordonsflotta. För att nå framtida mål såsom en fossiloberoende fordonsflotta till 2030 krävs att fossila drivmedel med höga koldioxidutsläpp fasas ut mot bränslen med lägre utsläpp av växthusgaser. Idag står de fossila drivmedlen för den största delen av energiförsörjningen till transportseThis study examines the cost efficiency of reducing carbon emissions for personal vehicles by changing from petrol to either liquid bio fuels or electric operation. Based on own simulations of fuel consumption, life cycle-emissions and -production costs are derived based on existing knowledge through previous studies. The results are finally presented as ’SEK per reduced ton of CO2’; a unit that e

The call for more Transparency within the Comitology system - Normative Assessment of EU’s Comitology System in implementation acts, its accountability and transparency between 2009-2017

In studies surrounding the EU, assessments usually focus on the decision-making in the first tier-rule making system between the Commission, Parliament and the Council. What this study has analyzed is the second-tier rule making system, The Comitology. This institution is built up by hundreds of different committees tackling different subjects. Each committee is represented by one representative f

From the Norm to the Form. An Integrative Ecological Approach for Analyzing Ni Una Menos activists’ Gender-based Violence Perceptions in Argentina

The phenomenon of gender-based violence (GBV) and the magnitude it takes in Argentina is raising great concerns within the country, intergovernmental organisations and women’s movements. Since 2015 a women’s movement named Ni Una Menos was established to create visibility and fight for the eradication of gender-based violence in the country. Building upon the Integrative Ecological Framework, usin

All about scarce resources? Untangling the Dynamics of Farmer-Herder Violence in Nigeria

The violent clashes between farmers and herders in Nigeria have sharply intensified over the last couple of years. Not only has the number of clashes and casualties increased but the violence has also dramatically evolved, from spontaneous reactions and minor disputes to carefully planned attacks where militias eradicate whole villages. The predominant explanation is that the violence is caused by

Individers Anslutning till Miljöinriktade Rörelser

Social movements are a way for individuals to engage in environmental policy issues. In today's political climate, a great variety of movements have risen in as a result of great technological advantages. Social movements have adapted to societies technical advantages and started recruiting new members via viral movements instead. Viral movements have great power given its ability to reach out

Barriers to the sustainable energy transition to renewable energy sources in Georgia

Energy transition towards renewable energy resources is seen as a major way of tackling the challenges of climate change and limited fossil fuel resources. And while developed countries are advancing on this path, the importance of such transition is growing in developing countries, as these countries are largely expanding their greenhouse gas contributions due to the increasing demand on energy s

Seeking Climate Justice in the Financial Sector: Interpreting the fiduciary duty of Estonian pension funds based on their contribution to reinforcing/tackling climate change

Climate change – considered as the most acute risk to our planet – is mostly fuelled by the oper-ations of influential corporates who are financially supported by financial institutions, which have traditionally specialised on profit-maximisation and neglected climate risks in investment processes. However, considering economy’s increasing financialisation and the growing science behind the financ

Civilisationskrig i Bosnien & Hercegovina

Emphasis of this thesis is to understand how historical and political myths can be used as a weapon in ethnopolitical conflicts. In order to examine this, the conflict between ethnic Serbs and Bosnian Muslims in the Bosnian war is used as an example, where the rhetoric’s of the Serbian aggressors are analysed through the methodology of an idea analysis. Through this analysis, the historical myth o

Environmental Justice in Mexico: A Narrative Analysis of López Obrador's political agenda, action and rhetoric

On July 2018, for the first time in modern Mexican history, a leftist candidate won the presidential elections in Mexico. With large promises on the eradication of corruption and ending social injustice, Andrés Manuel López Obrador and his party secured both the presidency and both chambers of the Mexican Congress. This paper inquires into to what extent a president belonging to the political left

Rural Tourism and Poverty Reduction. A Case Study of the Rural Population's Livelihoods in San Pedro de Colalao, Argentina

The aim of this study was to analyse rural tourism as a tool for poverty reduction, by examining the role of the regulatory framework, including the public and the private sector; and how the participation in rural tourism activities shapes people’s livelihood outcomes in San Pedro de Colalao, Argentina. A case study was carried out, which sought to gain an in-depth understanding about people’s li

Tappar unga vuxna tilltron? En kvantitativ studie om utvecklingen av unga svenskars sociala tillit mellan 1996-2016

This essay examines the development of social trust among Swedish youth between the period of 1996-2016. Identifying a lack of research done in the area, targeting trust building of the particular age group, the study aims to cover parts of that gap. Anchored in the vast literature of social trust established in the recent decades, the study uses Robert Putnam’s theory of social capital and civic

The implementation of the Circular Economy in Swedish Municipalities

Research on the implementation of EU policies at national level are well studied, while the implementation of EU policies at the local level are underrepresented in the research. In Swedish municipalities there are municipalities that have implemented the circular to a greater extent than other municipalities. This thesis therefore, seeks the answer to how implementation of the Circular Economy in

The influence of state’s administrative tradition and administrative culture on the implementation of environmental policies in the European Union.

The implementation step of environmental policies has often been disregarded by researchers, who mainly focused on the policy-making process. Yet, implementation is crucial for the success of a policy. We looked at the influence of domestic factors in the implementation process to explain how countries members of the European Union that have similar administrative capacities yet obtain different i

Numerical Investigations of a Partitioned FSI Algorithm for Tetra Pak's Filling Tube

Numerical simulations of fluid-structure interaction of a water-filled tube with a free surface are conducted using an implicit partitioned coupling scheme. Abaqus and STAR-CCM+ are used for the solid- and fluid domains respectively. This application has stability issues, with the most severe turning out to be the added mass effect. Rayleigh β damping and grid flux under-relaxation has been used t