

Din sökning på "*" gav 532332 sökträffar

Där äldre och läkare möts i depressionen, en fenomenologisk studie om två perspektiv på äldredepression

Studiens syfte var att undersöka konstituering av mening kring äldredepression bland självidentifierade äldre och primärvårdsläkare i Sverige. Ett ytterligare syfte var att urskilja möjliga skärningspunkter mellan deras livsvärldar. Frågeställningen var följande: Hur konstituerar primärvårdsläkare och självidentifierade äldre mening kring begreppet äldredepression? Hur förhåller sig dessa perspektThe aim for this study was to examine the meaning constitution of elderly depression among self-identified elders and general practitioners (GP’s) in Sweden. An additional aim was to investigate possible juxtapositions of their life-worlds. The research question was stated as follows: How is meaning constituted around the concept of elderly depression among self-identified elders and GP’s in prima

Portfolio Management - The key to successful business - A longitudinal case study of a construction company

Title Portfolio Management - The key to successful business A case study of a construction company Authors Britta Ek Thomas - Master of Science in Technology Management Filip Eliasson - Master of Science in Biotechnology Engineering with Technology Management Elin Skoghagen - Master of Science in Technology Management Advisors Charlotta Johnsson, Associate Professor Department of Automatic C

Arkivregler mottagna i olika format : en studie i två riksarkivs implementering av nationell arkivjuridisk rättsordning vid arbetet med e-arkivlösningar

The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine how national archival legislation affects the archival profession in the practical work regarding digital archive solutions. In addition to this aim, we also explore to which extent the archival professionals have the ability to influence the digital archive solutions at their workplace. The subjects for our research have been the Swedish and Danish na

I krig och PR är allt tillåtet

För att nå fram med budskap i dagens allt mer stegrande informationsbrus, krävs metoder som får mottagarna att reagera och lägga märke till det som sänds ut. En av dessa metoder är så kallad “dold PR”, där det verkliga budskapet är dolt bakom en annan nyhet, eller helt enkelt utger sig för att vara något annat än vad det är. Denna studie undersöker fenomenet ”dold PR” ur ett mottagarperspektiv, däTo get across messages in todays ever more increasing information noise requires methods that get recipients to react and take notice of the message. One of these methods is the so-called "hidden PR", where the real message is hidden behind another piece of news, or simply pretending to be something other than what it is. This study examines the phenomenon of hidden PR from a receiver pe

”Där är man ju inte på mammas gata, det är ju där man behöver hjälp” En kvalitativ studie om familjehems erfarenheter av stöd

The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe foster families support from their main county. This was made through a qualitative study where five foster families were interviewed about their experiences of support. The study was addressed to families in a small town in Sweden who are said to receive both emotional and economical support. Four themes were reoccurring when analyzing the resul

Naturlig nedbrytning av klorerade lösningsmdel : en modellering i Biochlor baserat på en fallstudie

Klorerade kolväten har använts inom diverse svenska industrier under framförallt 1900-talet. De främsta användningsområdena har varit som lösningsmedel inom verkstadsindustrin och som tvättvätska i kemtvättar. Några av de vanligaste lösningsmedlen är tetrakloreten (PCE) och trikloreten (TCE). De flesta klorerade kolväten är intermediärt vattenlösliga och har högre densitet än vatten vilket benämnsChlorinated hydrocarbons have been used in various Swedish industries, mainly during the 1900s. The main uses have been as solvents in the manufacturing industry and as washing liquid in dry cleaners. Some of the common chlorinated solvents are tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE). Most of the chlorinated hydrocarbons are somewhat insoluble in water and the density is higher than wate

Skolbibliotekets relation till skolorganisationen – sett utifrån ett nyinstitutionellt perspektiv

The aim of the thesis is to investigate, from a new institutional theoretical perspective, within which organizational field school libraries are situated through teachers, principals and school librarians’ view of the school library. In year 2010 there was a new Education Act in which, for the first time in Sweden, students’ right to have access to a school library is mandatory. Earlier this was

Contagious consumption : how workplaces promote their employees’ organic food consumption : the case of preschools in Lund

Given unsustainable food consumption patterns and current policies’ ineffectiveness to change them, new approaches are needed to promote sustainable food practices. In this thesis, I focus on the workplace as a leverage point for change. By studying the case of preschools in Lund with a mixed-methods approach that combines statistical and contextual analysis, I abductively develop a model of how t

Jämställda poliser? En studie av polisers syn på föräldraledighet utifrån Hirdmans begrepp genuskontrakt och genuskonflikt

Jämställda poliser? ∿ En studie av polisers syn på föräldraledighet utifrån Hirdmans begrepp genuskontrakt och genuskonflikt. Författare: Madeleine Jeppsson Kandidatuppsats: SOCK01, 15hp Internet Abstract Författare: Madeleine Jeppsson Titel: Jämställda poliser? En studie av polisers syn på föräldraledighet utifrån Hirdmans begrepp genuskontrakt och genuskonflikt. Kandidatupps

Tekniska Facility Management-tjänster för konsultföretag inom samhällsbyggnad

Idag finns det få konsultföretag inom samhällsbyggnad som arbetar med FM-frågor. Detta beror bland annat på att det är en svårtolkad definition och begreppet FM är inte etablerat i branschen. Därmed bör konsultföretag utveckla en strategi för sitt FM-arbete. De bör satsa på helhetsuppdrag för att kunna hitta skal-och synergieffekter mellan olika discipliner. Dessa uppdrag kräver samarbeten mellan

Construction and Characterization of an Interferometer for the Stabilization of Attosecond Experiments

Alla har vi väl någon gång cyklat till jobbet, eller till skolan för den delen. I glatt humör trampar man upp för stadens brantaste backe tills det plötsligt kommer en rejäl vindstöt - då står man på tramporna, flåsande. Man gör sitt bästa. Men man har vädrets makter emot sig. Så när man väl står där innanför personalkökets trygga väggar (eller föreläsningssalens) är kaffet sedan länge uppdrucket,A new optical interferometer for delay stabilization in attosecond pump/probe experiments is constructed, featuring a custom-made hole-drilled recombination mirror and using a co-propagating HeNe laser for the interference. The interferometer is shown to generate an interference pattern of high enough contrast for delay stabilization. The stability of the measured delay is tested with the interfer

Mantelplymer : realitet eller ad hoc?

Mantelplymer är ett mycket omdebatterat fenomen inom geologiämnet. Existerar de och var har de i så fall sitt ursprung? Detta kandidatarbete behandlar mantelplymens karaktäristika och de för- och motargu-ment för dess existens som finns i litteraturen. Hypotesen om mantelplymer uttrycktes första gången 1971 av Jason Morgan där det föreslogs att hett mantelmaterial förs från Jordens kärna till ytanMantle plumes are subject of a great discussion within the field of Geology. Do they really exist, and in that case, from where do they originate? The scope of this Bachelor thesis is to discuss the characteristics of mantle plumes and the arguments in favor of and against their proposed existence. The mantle plume hypothesis was first presented in 1971 by Jason Morgan, suggesting diapirs of hot r

Utbredningen av PFOS i Sverige och världen med fokus på grundvattnet : en litteraturstudie

Perfluoroktansulfonsyra, PFOS en av människan tillverkad organisk syra, vars väteatomer har blivit utbytta mot fluoratomer och är en nyligen upptäckt förorening som tros finnas i 3,6 miljoner svenskars dricksvatten. Den här kandidatuppsatsen är en litteraturstudie i vilken förekomsten av PFOS i grundvattnet studeras. Det är förmågan att bilda ytbeläggningar som är avvisande mot smuts, fett och vatThe manufacture of products containing PFOS started in the 1950s, and has mainly been used as fire-fighting foam, (Aqueous Film Forming Foam), flooring, textiles, leather impregnation, cleaning and in impregnated paper. This has resulted in a global contamination that is widely spread in the hydrosphere, biosphere and the atmosphere; due to long and intensive use without any regulations. PFOS is a

Reaching across - managing variants of one application on multiple platforms

The number of platforms to support in today's software projects are many and there are a wide range of differences to consider. There are tons of programming languages on the market and each platform, both mobile and desktop, have different preferences on how to develop applications. This do often result in multiple applications, similar to the end user but different to the developers. The sam

TRIPS and ICT Developments in Developing Countries: Do ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ Standards Work?

Since the introduction of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), its impacts on developing countries have been widely discussed by scholars. In this article, we focus on the impacts of stronger Intellectual Property protection, pushed by TRIPS, on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) potentials and performances of the developing countries at diff

Has the Maputo Declaration Made a Difference? - Looking at the past ten years of Sub-Saharan agriculture within the CAADP

The Maputo Declaration was launched in 2003 as a response to the stagnation of African agriculture. The signatories agreed that 10% of public expenditure should be spent on agriculture in an effort to increase agricultural productivity. This paper examines to what degree the goal of the Maputo declaration has been reached. Little to no evidence was found for a direct positive impact on agricultura

Shifting the Food System Paradigm - A Case Study of Food Purchasing in Los Angeles

Malnourishment, food insecurity, food swamps and obesity. These are only a few of the detrimental effects of the current food system, a product of industrialization and path dependence within unsustainable practices. As sustainability issues in general, the inherent complexity that the Los Angeles food system is characterized by requires collective action by stakeholders from across the public, pr

Development of a DuraPulp packaging demonstrator

Plastic and paper are well known materials, each and everyone can find it in their homes. Paper made from cellulose has been produced for over hundred years and also plastic is a very well-known material, but still there is not too much to find about a combination of these two materials. The objective of this thesis is to develop a packaging, which highlights the unique properties of the new mater