Din sökning på "*" gav 533373 sökträffar
Growth of complex branched nanostructures resembling trees via multiple seeding by gold aerosol nanoparticles
Tyska historiker i Tredje riket: Historiografi som självprövning
Documentary, Authorship and the Pop Industry: The History of Lindsay Anderson's Wham in China
Reconciliation with and Forgiveness of the USA: Rural Vietnamese Understandings of the American War
Internal labour dynamics of a downsizing firm: The Swedish Tobacco Monopoly in the 1920s
Labour management in the past has been the studied by researchers from various disciplines and perspectives. Among labour economists and economic historians, there is an emerging current that aims to test hypotheses derived from theories about internal labour markets. So far, most studies have focused on companies whose workforces have been stable or expanding over time. This paper analyzes the in
Electromagnetic scattering from a buried three-dimensional inhomogeneity in a lossy ground
Maktkamp och intriger i akademiska korridorer
Turning face : Emoticons as reinforcers/attenuators
Kvitter om Twitter. Mikrobloggen: ett samtal på en social arena eller ett publiceringsverktyg på 140 tecken?
Growth and characterization of III-V nanowires and nanotrees
Gräva upp och klippa ned - liv och rörelse i villaträdgården
Villaträdgården rymmer många former av rörelse. Vissa hänger samman med årets, dygnets och livets cykler. När växtligheten spirar, myllrar det av liv och mänsklig aktivitet i trädgårdarna. Kroppar i rörelse hanterar det växande; planterar och gödslar, ansar och gallrar, gräver upp och klipper ner. Andra rörelser är långsammare; som när buskar breder ut sig och träd skjuter i höjden. En sådan långs
Researching Minor Immigrant Cinema : Latin American Filmmaking in Swedish Exile
The aim of the paper is to give an account of a research project concerning immigrant filmmakers in Sweden from the early 1970s to the early 1990s. We have been researching the archives of the Stockholm film workshop (“Filmverkstan”) and found out at an early stage that the workshop – administered as a cooperation between the Swedish Film Institute and the Swedish broadcast organisation – turned i
New flux-based critical levels for ozone-effects on vegetation
WIND FARM perception – A study on acoustic and visual impact of wind turbines on residents in the Netherlands
Plant Calreticulins -Calcium-binding proteins with many functions
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) plays an important role in protein synthesis, folding, maturation and transport of newly synthesized proteins, as well as the regulation of cellular Ca2+ homeostasis. A protein that is involved in several of these functions in the ER is calreticulin (CRT), which is a Ca2+-binding chaperone that resides in the lumen of the ER. Animal CRT is a multifunctional protein invol
Energy-Based Analysis of Interfering IEEE 802.11b and Bluetooth Networks
The increasing use of wireless technology utilizing unlicensed frequency bands calls for more in-depth analysis of interference and coexistence between systems. In this paper a framework is presented for detailed analysis of the performance of coexisting networks in shared frequency bands. The framework allows for multiple packet lengths to be used by the communicating devices and the analysis is