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Bo i Ro : Texter från ett tvärvetenskapligt symposium om boende, buller och hälsa. Läkaresällskapets hus i Stockholm, den 20 oktober 2016

Sveriges Regering fattade den 9 april 2015 beslut om en ny förordning medbestämmelser om riktvärden för buller utomhus för spårtrafik, vägar ochflygplatser vid bostadsbyggnader. Förordningen (2015:216) om trafikbullervid bostadsbyggnader träder i kraft den 1 juni 2015. I denna förordning finnsförändrade riktvärden för bullerexponering vid bostader som tillåter betydligtmer buller än tidigare, någo

Concentrations of cortisol, testosterone and glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) among construction workers with 12-h workdays and extended workweeks

OBJECTIVES: Working on large scale construction sites have been shown to have severe health consequences in terms of increased risk of hospitalization and disability retirement compared to construction work in general. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether large scale construction work involving 12-h workdays and extended workweeks leads to insufficient recovery measured as incre

Concreteness, Specificity and Emotional Content in Swedish Nouns : Neurocognitive Studies of Word Meaning

The present thesis investigated Swedish nouns differing in concreteness, specificity and emotional content using linguistic, psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic methods. The focus of Paper I was a semantic analysis of discourse produced by a person with a lesion in visual (left occipital) cortex. The results showed that the lesion site was related to with problems processing concrete nouns relateThe present thesis investigated Swedish nouns differing in concreteness, specificity and emotional content using linguistic, psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic methods. The focus of Paper I was a semantic analysis of discourse produced by a person with a lesion in visual (left occipital) cortex. The results showed that the lesion site was related to with problems processing concrete nouns relate

From Periphery to Center: Synchrotron Radiation at DESY, Part I: 1962—1977

In its fifty-year history, the German national research laboratory DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, German Electron Synchrotron) has undergone a gradual transformation from a single-mission particle physics laboratory to a multi-mission research center for accelerator physics, particle physics, and photon science. The last is an umbrella term for research using synchrotron radiation and, in

Preclinical Dose-Escalation Study of Intravitreal AAV-RS1 Gene Therapy in a Mouse Model of X-linked Retinoschisis : Dose-Dependent Expression and Improved Retinal Structure and Function

Gene therapy for inherited retinal diseases has been shown to ameliorate functional and structural defects in both animal models and in human clinical trials. X-linked retinoschisis (XLRS) is an early-age onset macular dystrophy resulting from loss of an extracellular matrix protein (RS1). In preparation for a human clinical gene therapy trial, we conducted a dose-range efficacy study of the clini

Influence of the built environment on design fires

Design fires are often used to the evaluate performance based designs by fire protection engineers all over the world and can be an invaluable tool if used properly. One potential big issue however is the fact that the exact same design fire is recommended by authorities in similar building types despite the fact that some building characteristics, such as building material, can differ greatly. Th

Urban transport justice

Many cities in the world seek to establish more sustainable urban transport systems with a view to reduce accidents, congestion, air and noise pollution, and to improve social interactions, liveability and amenity values. Against this background, this paper frames urban transportation as an issue of justice: contemporary transport systems are characterized by injustice, as they tend to favour and

Seed terminal velocity, wind turbulence, and demography drive the spread of an invasive tree in an analytical model

Little is known about the relative importance of mechanistic drivers of plant spread, particularly when long-distance dispersal (LDD) events occur. Most methods to date approach LDD phenomenologically, and all mechanistic models, with one exception, have been implemented through simulation. Furthermore, the few recent mechanistically derived spread models have examined the relative role of differe

Effects of disturbance frequency, species traits and resprouting on directional succession in an individual-based model of forest dynamics

Succession theory focuses on the position of species along the shade tolerance gradient and their ability to colonize recently disturbed patches and has for decades overlooked resprouting as a key trait in community patterns. We study how different species traits interact with disturbance frequency to change species dominance in the canopy, focusing on the effects of resprouting ability. We develo

"Människa, varför har Ni valt det här yrket?" : Ledarskap och praktik i nya riter

The paper offers some reflections on the use of ritual and tradition in contemporary Sweden. The social condition of modernity has radically changed the context of ritual and transformed traditional patterns and new rituals have emerged that respond to these contemporary societal structures. It presents some new practices, discusses different categories of new ritual mastery and investigates the i

Developmental programming : State-of-the-science and future directions: Summary from a Pennington Biomedical symposium

OBJECTIVE: On December 8-9, 2014, the Pennington Biomedical Research Center convened a scientific symposium to review the state-of-the-science and future directions for the study of developmental programming of obesity and chronic disease. The objectives of the symposium were to discuss: (i) past and current scientific advances in animal models, population-based cohort studies, and human clinical

Effects of Surfactant on Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of Ethylene Glycol/Water Mixtures in a Minitube

This study investigated effects of surfactant sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS) on flow boiling heat transfer of ethylene glycol/water mixtures in a vertical minitube. Experiments were performed using solutions containing 300 ppm by weight of surfactant and the results were compared with those of pure mixture. Local heat transfer coefficient was measured and found to be dependent on the mass

Feeding spinach thylakoids to rats modulates the gut microbiota, decreases food intake and affects the insulin response

Thylakoid membranes derived from green leaf chloroplasts affect appetite-regulating hormones, suppress food intake, reduce blood lipids and lead to a decreased body weight in animals and human subjects. Thylakoids also decrease the intestinal in vitro uptake of methyl-glucose in the rat. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary thylakoids on the gut microbiota composition, ma