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A Sustainable Pioneer in a House on Fire
This paper examines the impact of the Paris agreement on firms on the Swedish stock market. Additionally, the firms were also categorized into sustainable and unsustainable firms by their Environmental Pillar Score (which is part of the ESG score) in order to investigate performance differences between the two groups. On top of that, a comparison between sustainable firms with the market index OMX
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Min diktsamling fick 1a priset ex-æquo vid poesitävlingen "I Murazzi 2023". Priset bestod i en utgivning hos förlaget Genesi editrice.
Modeling fibrotic alveolar transitional cells with pluripotent stem cell-derived alveolar organoids
Repeated injury of the lung epithelium is proposed to be the main driver of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). However, available therapies do not specifically target the epithelium and human models of fibrotic epithelial damage with suitability for drug discovery are lacking. We developed a model of the aberrant epithelial reprogramming observed in IPF using alveolar organoids derived from huma
Looking for Sápmi: Navigating representations of Sámi history and Sámi culture in Southern Sweden
In Skåne, Southern region of Sweden, where the idea that no Sámis live in the area is largely spread across the Swedish population, the few Sámis living there find themselves navigating their ethnic identity, between performativity, agency, and making use of the policies implemented at a national level. In a context of ongoing decolonisation of the Sámis and their lands, official institutions such
Autoimmunity in Long Covid and POTS
Orthostatic intolerance and other autonomic dysfunction syndromes are emerging as distinct symptom clusters in Long Covid. Often accompanying these are common, multi-system constitutional features such as fatigue, malaise and skin rashes which can signify generalized immune dysregulation. At the same time, multiple autoantibodies are identified in both Covid-related autonomic disorders and non-Cov
Design of AI to prevent and counteract work-related mental illness
Stress och annan arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa blir allt vanligare. Hur kan AI nyttjas för att förebygga och förhindra psykisk ohälsa på arbetsplatsen?Artificial intelligence (AI) is an emerging technology with the potential to revolutionize the field of mental health. As the prevalence of mental health issues continues to rise, there is a growing need for effective and accessible interventions. This master’s thesis is done in collaboration with Prevas South in Malmö at the UX department. The scope of the project was to investigate how AI can be
Representations of Three-Body Interactions In Physics
The thesis explores an already developed symmetry adapted representation of a two-body interaction with the main goal of extending the method to also include three-body interactions. The method considers a space of shifted one dimensional Gaussian particle densities which are used, together with their corresponding Hartree potentials, to define the respective collective subspaces in which the inte
Zombie firms and a low-interest environment - an empirical analysis of ultra-low interest rates in relation to the surviving of inefficient firms in the nordic region
This paper examines the relationship between ultra-low interest rates and the amount of zombie firms using panel data for Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland over the period 2007-2020 in a multivariable regression model. Specifically, the questions addressed are: is there a relationship between the interest rate and the amount of zombie firms? Could it be concluded that the amount of zombie firms
Ensamkommande flickors etablering i Skåne En retrospektiv studie om yrkesverksammas erfarenheter och unga kvinnors upplevelser
Under 2015 ökade antalet asylansökande personer i Sverige till följd av kriget i Syrien. Av de människor som sökte asyl 2015 var drygt 35 000 ensamkommande barn, en grupp som tenderar att vara särskilt sårbar eftersom de saknar vårdnadshavare. Av de barn som anlände var flickor en klar minoritet. Efter 2015 har vi sett hur allt mer restriktiva lagar tagit form i den svenska lagstiftningen som gjor
Nordics in Motion : Transimperial Mobilities and Global Experiences of Nordic Colonialism
This special issue investigates Nordic individuals in transimperial spaces. It tracks Nordics on the move from the early modern period to the twentieth century, as they crossed imperial boundaries, and connected, networked, and operated in different spaces around the world within the framework of European global expansion. Though coming from countries with few or no formal colonies of their own, N
"Jag bara går in och är jag": Ungdomars upplevelser av autenticitet
Autenticitet ses av vissa forskare som en central del av välbefinnande. Mot bakgrund av detta ville vi fördjupa förståelsen för upplevelsen av autenticitet hos svenska gymnasieungdomar. Inom ramen för projektet “Välbefinnande och självkänsla på gymnasiet” på Lunds universitet genomförde vi semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med sju ungdomar i årskurs tre på gymnasiet om deras erfarenheter av att må Authenticity is viewed by some researchers as a central aspect of well-being. Considering this, we aimed to deepen the understanding of the experience of authenticity among Swedish high-school youths. As part of the research project ”Well-being and self-esteem in high school” at Lund university, we conducted seven semi-structured in-depth interviews with third year high school students about their
Modern portföljvalsteori som strategi
Fördelarna med diversifiering har bevisats om och om igen inom portföljvalsteori men hur en portfölj ska konstrueras är inte helt tydligt. I en studie av DeMiguel et.al (2009) kom författarna fram till slutsatsen att en simpel naiv diversifieringsstrategi fungerar mycket bättre än Markowitz mer avancerade mean-variance modell från 1952. Den här studien avser att svara på frågan, Kan modern portföl
Abstract Tunnels are one of the most complex and delicate elements of the road system. Assessing fire behaviour and fire severity remains the biggest source of uncertainty in risk assessment and is an essential step in the tunnel design process. This study focuses on investigating the reliability and accuracy of different available tools to describe tunnel fire dynamics, with a focus on assessing
Financialization and the Student Housing Crisis in Bologna, Italy: A Comprehensive Analysis
This thesis explores the impact of financialization on university students in Bologna, Italy, who are now facing a housing shortage. The popular university city is currently undergoing a severe housing crisis, presenting significant challenges for students seeking accessible and affordable accommodation. This study aims to understand how financialization exacerbates the housing crisis for Bologna&
Cultivating Community - Exploring an urban design proposal merging food production with future development for sustainable living.
With the global population projected to reach eight billion by 2022, the world faces significant challenges associated with rapid urbanization. The migration of individuals from rural to urban areas in search of improved opportunities exacerbates the strain on resources, posing obstacles such as housing shortages, infrastructure demands, and food scarcity in growing cities. This thesis aims to add
Krisen utifrån konsumenternas ögon - En kvalitativ fallstudie om tolkningen av en kris på TikTok
Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskap till forskningsfältet kriskommunikation genom att anamma ett konsumentperspektiv och undersöka hur användare på TikTok kommunicerar om- och tolkar en kris samt de förutsättningar som funnits externt och internt för användarnas kriskommunikation. Konsumentperspektivet syftar till att bidra med förståelse kring hur organisationers kriskommunikation kan anpassaThe purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge to the research field of crisis communication by adopting a consumer perspective and investigating how users on TikTok communicate and interpret a crisis as well as the conditions that existed externally and internally for the users' crisis communication. The consumer perspective aims to contribute with an understanding of how organizati
Bevisvärdering i brottmål i ljuset av Balkongfallet
I Sverige är personer oskyldiga till dess att motsatsen är bevisad. För att dömas till ansvar för brott krävs dessutom att det är bevisat bortom rimligt tvivel att gärningspersonen agerat mot ett straffbud. Det är domstolen som har bördan att avgöra ifall motsatsen är bevisad eller inte. Domstolen ska utifrån den presenterade utredning och bevisning som föreligger för och emot de specifika åtalspuIn Sweden, individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty. To be convicted of a crime, it is also required that it is proven beyond reasonable doubt that the perpetrator acted against a penal provision. The court is entrusted with the task of determining whether the contrary has been proven or not. Based on the investigation and evidence presented for and against the specific charges, the c
Liquefied Natural Gaslighting? An analysis of the German government’s discourse surrounding LNG and considerations of energy justice.
In 2022 the Russian war against Ukraine left Germany without imports from their biggest energy supplier, forcing them to find new energy sources. One of the government’s measures was the investment in LNG, which impacts society and the environment. With a critical discourse analysis, this thesis analyzes how the government justifies their choice for LNG and how energy justice is considered within
Trust in Motion: Navigating the Liability of Distrust in Autonomous Vehicle Digital Brand Communication
While previous research has primarily focused on the sources and causes shaping attitudes towards artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles, this research attempts to shed light on the communication efforts employed by autonomous vehicle companies. Using qualitative content analysis of the website material from three distinct SAE level 5 autonomous vehicle organizations, the study aims to ac