Dime Novels för flickor i USA vid 1800-talets slut
Detektivnoveller för flickor i USA kring sekelskiftet 1900 i syfte att motarbeta socialistiska och sociala rörelser med tonvikt på Chicago.
Detektivnoveller för flickor i USA kring sekelskiftet 1900 i syfte att motarbeta socialistiska och sociala rörelser med tonvikt på Chicago.
New cross sections for the reaction ep→epη are reported for total center of mass energy W=1.5–1.86GeV and invariant momentum transfer Q2=0.25–1.5(GeV/c)2. This large kinematic range allows extraction of important new information about response functions, photocouplings, and ηN coupling strengths of baryon resonances. Newly observed structure at W∼1.65GeV is shown to come from interference between
In recent years, great progress has been made on the problem of 3D scene reconstruction using depth sensors. On a large scale, these reconstructions look impressive, but often many fine details are lacking due to limitations in the sensor resolution. In this paper we combine two well-known principles for recovery of 3D models, namely fusion of depth images with photometric stereo to enhance the de
Gluten-free products generally have low dietary fiber (DF) content. The aim of this study was to prepare a DF-rich gluten-free spaghetti and to evaluate the influence of the DF source on the chemical composition, cooking quality, texture, starch digestibility, and predicted glycemic index of the product. Unripe plantain flour (UPF) and Hi-Maize 260 were used as DF sources. The total DF in the unco
A finite element analysis of a control rod blade consisting of B4C powder and stainless steel cladding has been performed using the ADINA program. An algorithm for finite element calculations of a porous material such as B4C powder has been developed. This algorithm describes both the swelling and consolidation behavior of B4C powder. The Gurson yield condition for isotropic porous media with caviA finite element analysis of a control rod blade consisting of B C powder and stainless steel cladding has been performed using the ADINA program. An algorithm for finite element calculations of a porous material such as BC powder has been developed. This algorithm describes both the swelling and consolidation behavior of BC powder. The Garson vield condition for isotropic porous medium with cavit
The possibility that the anandamide transport inhibitor N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5,8,11,14-eicosatetraenamide (AM404), structurally similar to the vanilloid receptor agonists anandamide and capsaicin, may also activate vanilloid receptors and cause vasodilation was examined. AM404 evoked concentration-dependent relaxations in segments of rat isolated hepatic artery contracted with phenylephrine. Relaxa
In the presence of ouabain (1 mM), acetylcholine and KCl (5 mM) evoked endothelium-independent relaxations in rat hepatic arteries. Treatment with capsaicin (10 μM), scopolamine (1 μM) or CGRP8-37 (3 μM) prevented these relaxations. Acetylcholine-induced relaxations in intact arterial segments in the presence of indomethacin (10 μM) and N(G)-nitro-L-arginine (0.3 mM) were only partially inhibited