I ständig rörelse : Mellan arbete, kultur och didaktik : En vänbok till Lars Berggren
Vänbok till professor Lars Berggren
Vänbok till professor Lars Berggren
Background. The Clubfoot Assessment Protocol (CAP) was developed for follow-up of children treated for clubfoot. The objective of this study was to analyze reliability and validity of the six items used in the domain CAPMotion Quality using inexperienced assessors. Findings. Four raters (two paediatric orthopaedic surgeons, two senior physiotherapists) used the CAP scores to analyze, on two differ
We analyzed the metaphyseal-diaphyseal angle in 13 patients with infantile Blount's disease, who had been followed without treatment during the entire growth period and without any form of realignment procedure in adulthood. On diagnosis at 23 (17-35) months of age, the metaphyseal-diaphyseal angle varied between 7°and 25°. At follow-up, most of the legs were almost straight. We found that the dia
A novel total enzymatic synthesis of [Leu]- and [Met]-enkephalin derivatives was accomplished in low-water content systems at a preparative scale. α-Chymotrypsin, papain, thermolysin and bromelain adsorbed on Celite were used as catalysts. Organic solvents such as acetonitrile and ethyl acetate with small amounts of buffer added or at specific water activity were used as reaction media. Simple rea
Lipase-catalyzed transesterification of high-oleic-acid rapeseed oil with stearic acid or methyl stearate was investigated. High yields of 1,3-distearoyl-2-monooleyl glycerol (36%) and 1(3)-2-dioleyl-1(3)-monostearoyl glycerol (27%) with small incorporation of stearic acid in the 2-position were obtained by using lipase from Rhizopus arrhizus immobilized on polypropylene powder and ethyl stearate
Noncovalent complexes were formed by lyophilization of aqueous solutions containing horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase, NAD+ and a polymer [ethyl cellulose or poly(vinyl butyral)]. The complexes expressed higher specific catalytic activity in organic solvents as compared to a corresponding amount of enzyme deposited on to Celite or lyophilized enzyme powder. The noncovalent complexes were soluble i
Scaling up of Lipozyme-catalyzed ester synthesis with >99% conversion and a reflux trap to remove product water from the reaction mixture is reported. Ethyl stearate was synthesized in 2000-g batch reactions from technical stearic acid. The ethyl stearate was purified to 97% by crystallization and interesterified with sunflower seed oil by means of a lipase catalyst to investigate reaction paramet
Gluconobacter oxydans (ATCC 621) were permeabilized with toluene and then lyophilized. This crude enzyme preparation was used to reduce eleven ketones to (S)-alcohols with high enantiomeric excess (for most alcohols 93%-99% e.e.). The coenzyme NADH was regenerated either by adding a second enzyme, formate dehydrogenase, and its substrate, formate, or with 2-butanol as a second substrate for the G.
Six strains of acetic acid bacteria were evaluated with respect to their capability to catalyze the stereoselective reduction of ketones. The cells were permeabilized before the bioconversions. The best strains were Gluconobacter oxydans DSM 50049 and Acetobacter aceti DSM 2002. Using either of these two strains it was possible to reduce all 12 ketones to (S)-alcohols with an enantiomeric excess o
Objective: To find out what factors influence the outcome of operations for ischaemic bowel disease. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: University hospital, Sweden. Main outcome measures: Morbidity and mortality. Subjects: 74 patients, mean age 75 years (range 40-98), operated on for acute bowel ischaemia between 1987 and 1996. Results: A total of 75 emergency operations were done, including 42
Sixty-three normal subjects and 94 abnormal patients, most of whom had glaucoma, were tested in the central visual field using a threshold-related, eccentricity-compensated, spatially adaptive suprathreshold screening program and a full-threshold program on the Humphrey field analyzer. The initial stimulus locations on the screening test were identical to those of the threshold test; additional sc
Seventy-seven eyes with primary open angle glaucoma and exfoliation glaucoma were subjected to laser trabeculoplasty and followed in a prospective way. The full 360 degrees circumference was treated, but the patients were randomized in two groups: In group 1 the full treatment was given in one session, and in group 2 it was divided into two sessions one month apart. During the follow-up time of 3
Denna forskningsrapport sammanfattar resultaten från en studie bedriven inom ramen för Pilotverksamheten för bedömning av reell kompetens (REKO) under ledning av Universitets- och Högskolerådet (UHR). I studien utvecklas:• en generisk valideringsmodell för bedömning av reell kompetens för tillgodoräknande som högskoleutbildning. Valideringsmodellen (av både summativ och formativ karaktär) ska kunn
A directional crack growth criterion in a compressed elastic perfectly plastic material is considered. The conditions at the crack-tip are evaluated for a straight stationary crack with a small incipient kink. Remote load is a combined hydrostatic pressure and pure shear applied via a boundary layer. Crack surfaces in contact are assumed to develop homogenous Coulomb friction. The crack opening diA directional crack growth criterion in a compressed elastic perfectly plastic material is considered. The conditions at the crack-tip are evaluated for a straight stationary crack with a small incipient kink. Remote load is a combined hydrostatic pressure and pure shear applied via a boundary layer. Crack surfaces in contact are assumed to develop homogenous Coulomb friction.The crack opening dis