

Din sökning på "*" gav 532864 sökträffar

Quantitative analysis of auxin sensing in leaf primordia argues against proposed role in regulating leaf dorsoventrality

Dorsoventrality in leaves has been shown to depend on the pre-patterned expression of KANADI and HD-ZIPIII genes within the plant shoot apical meristem (SAM). However, it has also been proposed that asymmetric auxin levels within initiating leaves help establish leaf polarity, based in part on observations of the DII auxin sensor. By analyzing and quantifying the expression of the R2D2 auxin senso

Defining the Sharing Economy for Sustainability

(1) Background: The sharing economy has emerged as a phenomenon widely described by academic literature to promote more sustainable consumption practices such as access over ownership. However, there exists great semantic confusion within academic literature surrounding the term “sharing economy,” which threatens the realisation of its purported sustainability potential. (2) Objective: The aim of (1) Background: The sharing economy has emerged as a phenomenon widely described by academic literature to promote more sustainable consumption practices such as access over ownership. However, there exists great semantic confusion within academic literature surrounding the term “sharing economy,” which threatens the realisation of its purported sustainability potential. (2) Objective: The aim of

Proteogenomic characterization of patient-derived xenografts highlights the role of REST in neuroendocrine differentiation of castration-resistant prostate cancer

Purpose: An increasing number of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) tumors exhibit neuroendocrine (NE) features. NE prostate cancer (NEPC) has poor prognosis, and its development is poorly understood. Experimental Design: We applied mass spectrometry–based proteomics to a unique set of 17 prostate cancer patient–derived xenografts (PDX) to characterize the effects of castration in vivo, a

Long-term follow-up of HIV-2-related AIDS and mortality in Guinea-Bissau : a prospective open cohort study

Background: HIV type 2 (HIV-2) is considered more benign and has fewer pathogenic consequences than HIV type 1 (HIV-1) for most infected individuals. However, reliable estimates of time to AIDS and mortality among those with HIV-2 infection are absent. We therefore aimed to compare the time to AIDS and mortality, and the CD4 T-cell dynamics between those infected with HIV-1 and HIV-2. Methods: We

The role of social embeddedness for remaining in non-desired workplaces and mental health consequences : Results from Scania Public Health Cohort

Aims: The aim of the study was to investigate the role of social embeddedness on and off the job in relation to remaining in non-desired workplaces (NDWs) and the development of mental health. Method: The study used questionnaire data from the Scania Public Health cohort (N=2410) that were collected in 2000 (T1), 2005 (T2) and 2010 (T3). Logistic regression models were calculated to probe how NDWs

Assessing the Intricate Balance of Intermolecular Interactions upon Self-Association of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

Attractive interactions between intrinsically disordered proteins can be crucial for the functionality or, on the contrary, lead to the formation of harmful aggregates. For obtaining a molecular understanding of intrinsically disordered proteins and their interactions, computer simulations have proven to be a valuable complement to experiments. In this study, we present a coarse-grained model and

The Neighbourhood in Pieces : The Fragmentation of Local Public Space in a Swedish Housing Area

In this article, we investigate the transformation of local public spaces in the ethnically and socially diverse housing area Norra Fäladen during 1970–2015. After being built, the area soon faced stigmatization and became known as a problem area. This was followed by a series of investments in local public spaces aiming for a stronger appropriation of the neighbourhood by its inhabitants. The pro

“That’s Interesting!” in Entrepreneurship Research

In order for a work on entrepreneurship to be published and attract attention, it must be interesting. The aims of this study are to understand why entrepreneurship scholars perceive entrepreneurship studies as interesting, what they consider interesting, and how they distinguish themselves from management scholars in their perception of interestingness. The study is based on responses from 915 en

Levels of Narrativity in Scandinavian Bronze Age Petroglyphs

In Europe, Scandinavia holds the largest concentration of rock art (i.e. petroglyphs), created c. 5000–first century BC, many of them showing figurative and seemingly narrative representations. In this paper, we will discuss possible narratological approaches applied to these images. We might reasonably distinguish between three levels of pictorial narrativity: representations of (i) single eventsIn Europe, Scandinavia holds the largest concentration of rock art (i.e. petroglyphs), created c. 5000–first century bc, many of them showing figurative and seemingly narrative representations. In this paper, we will discuss possible narratological approaches applied to these images. We might reasonably distinguish between three levels of pictorial narrativity: representations of (i) single events

Influence of the protein and DFT method on the broken-symmetry and spin states in nitroge

The enzyme nitrogenase contains a complicated MoFe7CS9 cofactor with 35 possible broken- symmetry (BS) states. We have studied how the energies of these states depend on the geometry, the surrounding protein, the DFT functional and the basis set, studying the resting state, a one- electron reduced state and a protonated state. We find that the effect of the basis set is small, up to 11 kJ/mol. Lik

Charophytes collapse beyond a critical warming and brownification threshold in shallow lake systems

Charophytes play a critical role for the functioning of shallow lake ecosystems. Although growth of charophytes can be limited by many factors, such as temperature, nutrients and light availability, our understanding about concomitant effects of climate warming and other large-scale environmental perturbations, e.g. increases in humic matter content (‘brownification’) is still limited. Here we con

Bevara de värdefulla skogar som ännu finns kvar i Sverige

DN Debatt: Sverige har åtagit sig att skydda 20 procent av landets land- och sötvattensområden till 2020. Men hittills har bara 4–5 procent av den omfattande produktiva skogen bevarats. För att nå de demokratiskt beslutade målen måste Skogsstyrelsens beslut om stopp för inventering av nyckelbiotoper hävas, skriver sju forskare.

Progress in development of a new luminescence setup at the FinEstBeAMS beamline of the MAX IV laboratory

FinEstBeAMS is a new materials science beamline at the 1.5 GeV storage ring of the MAX IV Laboratory in Lund, Sweden. It has been built based on grazing incidence monochromatization of synchrotron light, which allows to cover a remarkably wide excitation energy range from ultraviolet to soft x-rays (4.5–1450 eV). A new mobile luminescence spectroscopy end station has been commissioned with design

Association between added sugar intake and mortality is nonlinear and dependent on sugar source in 2 Swedish population-based prospective cohorts

Background: Although sugar consumption has been associated with several risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases, evidence for harmful long-term effects is lacking. In addition, most studies have focused on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), not sugar per se. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the associations between added and free sugar intake, intake of different sugar sources, a

Apolipoprotein M induces inhibition of inflammatory responses via the S1PR1 and DHCR24 pathways

© 2019 Spandidos Publications. All rights reserved. Apolipoprotein M (ApoM) is a type of apolipoprotein. It is well known that high-density lipoprotein (HDL) decreases inflammatory responses via the apoM-sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) pathway. The present study further investigated the importance of ApoM in the inhibitory effects of HDL on inflammation. Mice with an apoM gene deficiency (apoM-/-) w